On 20 June 2013 10:54, Burton, Ross <ross.bur...@intel.com> wrote:
>> Since there's already a PACKAGECONFIG option for this, can't you just
>> enable that in your distro configuration rather than changing the
>> default?  I don't think it's ever been the expectation that the default
>> settings will represent "maximum functionality".
> That comment is from me, but I'm actually coming around to enabling
> Xcms by default and letting people who care about the size increase
> turn it off.  As Jonathan discovered, it's entirely possible to use
> Xcms without knowing it - whilst the colour management bit is likely
> never used, the colour parsing code is.

I did some build testing.  Enabling Xcms comes at a cost of ~88K
(x86-64 target, as I'm currently building for the NUC), which is a 7%
increase.  Considering that it's possible to use Xcms without knowing
it (as Jonathan discovered, by using fancy colour names), the size
increase isn't massive, the existence of both a PACKAGECONFIG to turn
it off again *and* and libx11-diet that's even smaller than libx11, I
think we should enable it by default.

People who know they don't use Xcms and care about the ~80K can set
this in a distro config or switch to libx11-diet if space really is
that important.

So, Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <ross.bur...@intel.com>

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