On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 7:28 AM, Peter Seebach

> This got routed to me because the visible error message says
>         Execution of "pseudo /bin/bash" failed
> but actually it's nothing to do with pseudo. The real
> problem is that the tmux class in terminal.py is producing
> a string like:
>         'tmux new <args> {command}'
> This then gets .format called on it, substituting in a command. If
> the comand is "pseudo /bin/bash", this is:
>         'tmux new <args> pseudo /bin/bash'
> which is a usage error. It would be okay if it were:
>         'tmux new <args> "pseudo /bin/bash"'
> So add double quotes. Of course, that assumes that <command> never has
> double quotes in it... If it does, that may need a fancier solution.

 I'd suggest calling pipes.quote() on the value being passed into format().
Christopher Larson
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