On 06/06/2013 10:17 AM, Carlos Rafael Giani wrote:
On 06.06.2013 18:53, Saul Wold wrote:
On 05/31/2013 12:15 PM, Carlos Rafael Giani wrote:
These patches introduce recipes for GStreamer 1.0 . They
are copied over from my gstreamer 1.0 layer at
https://github.com/dv1/meta-gstreamer1.0 . All files except
gstreamer1.0-plugins-package.inc were copied; gst-plugins-package.inc
was patched to fix a problem with -meta packages and can be used for
both 0.10 and 1.0 now (the only difference is the value of the LIBV
So is there an update path from 0.10 to 1.0? Also normally we replace
the older version with the newer version by "git mv" in order to
preserve history where possible. I am not sure if you can do this
with a move and then copy the new versions in.
Since the packages are renamed, and I don's see any
RPROVIDES/RREPLACES or RCONFLICTS to cover the upgrade path.
Replace? Why do you want to replace? 1.0 is designed to be able to
coexist with 1.0 in the same rootfs (you cannot use both at the same
time in a process; however, this isn't a concern for OE, but for
application developers). In essence, simply adding the new files from
the patch to recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/ should be sufficient. The old
0.10 ones can be left unchanged.
One of the core tenants of OE-Core is to only maintain the latest
version of a given recipe and have an upgrade path from existing version
to the latest version.
What I am not sure about is the programs that rely on gstream if all of
them are ready for the 1.0.
But back to the orignal question, is the gstreamer 1.0 an upgrade path
for 0.10 or a completely new gstreamer? Is there an upgrade path? If
so, then the packaging needs to reflect that.
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