On Monday, 20 May 2013, Tomas Frydrych wrote:

> GL flavour:   'gl' for big GL or 'gles2' for GLES2
>               (GLES1 is availabe in cogl, but not supporeted here at
> present.)

Does this support enabling both GL and GLES2 in the same build? (at which
point the choice of backend becomes someone else's problem, but that's fine)

> +DEPENDS = "gtk-doc-native pango glib-2.0 gdk-pixbuf"

The inherit gtk-doc in clutter.bbclass already adds a dependency on gtk-doc.

> +EXTRA_OECONF += "--disable-introspection       \
> +                --disable-gtk-doc              \

gtk-doc.bbclass does this for you.

> +                ${@get_fpu_setting(bb, d)}     \

Unused, you can drop this.

+                --enable-examples-install      \
> +                --enable-debug                 \
> +                --disable-gl                   \
> +                --disable-gles1                \
> +                --disable-gles2                \
> +                --disable-glx                  \

Why are these not "disabled flags" in each of the relevant PACKAGECONFIG

+       # Disable DOLT
> +       sed -i -e 's/^DOLT//' ${S}/configure.ac

This was removed from clutter/cogl in 2010, so drop this.

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