On Wed, May 01, 2013 at 09:12:07AM -0400, Trevor Woerner wrote:
> Would contrib/jansa/test still be the most up-to-date choice for
> building against meta-openembedded?

Depends on what you want to test.

> I just want to make sure I'm not duplicating existing effort.

My jenkins builds are from jansa/test branches, but not from contrib
repo, but from repositories here:
These branches have all the stuff from jansa/in-test branch, but also
some other stuff like now gcc-4.8 and newer binutils picked from oe-core
ML to test them again with world or some patches I want to test in
world, but haven't even sent to oe-devel ML yet.

If you want to test whatever is in my queue from patchwork
then you can use meta-openembedded-contrib/jansa/in-test

You can also test master branches, but there will be big overlap of
issues my and your builds are reporting.

Maybe start with different architecture or libc or something like that
to cover more ground.

My builds also have some extra setting above distro less defaults, it's
dumped with every build, for example this is from last one:
so all my builds are building with systemd enabled, this won't catch
e.g. unpackaged .service files QA issue with only sysvinit enabled..

Martin 'JaMa' Jansa     jabber: martin.ja...@gmail.com

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