
I've been playing around a little bit with linux-yocto-custom, however,
i'm currently getting a build error (rather patch error)...

Skipping my own layers and machines, I've reproduced the same issue by
just taking oe-core (or poky), and editing
meta-skeleton/recipes-kernel/linux-yocto-custom.bb accoring to the
partial patch below, and adding a defconfig in

@@ -47,18 +47,23 @@ require recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto.inc
 # Override SRC_URI in a bbappend file to point at a different source
 # tree if you do not want to build from Linus' tree.
+SRC_URI += "file://defconfig"
 # Override SRCREV to point to a different commit in a bbappend file to
 # build a different release of the Linux kernel.
 # tag: v3.4 76e10d158efb6d4516018846f60c2ab5501900bc
 PR = "r1"
 # Override COMPATIBLE_MACHINE to include your machine in a bbappend
 # file. Leaving it empty here ensures an early explicit build failure.

I'm using qemuarm as a playground (as I'm normally running a custom arm

This gives the following error:
ERROR: Function failed: do_patch (see
for further information)
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in:
Log data follows:
| DEBUG: Executing shell function do_patch
| WARNING: no meta data branch found ...
| Already on 'master'
| Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 12742 commits, and can be
| ERROR. input file "meta/cfg/scratch/obj/qemuarm-standard.scc" does not
| ERROR. A meta series could not be created for
| ERROR. Could not locate meta series for qemuarm
| ERROR. Could not apply patches for qemuarm.
|        Patch failures can be resolved in the devshell (bitbake -c
devshell linux-yocto-custom)
| ERROR: Function failed: do_patch (see
for further information)
ERROR: Task 3
do_patch) failed with exit code '1'

Using my own machine, I got a similar error, that
${MACHINE}-standard.scc didn't exist. 

The plan is to use a defconfig as the main configuration, and possibly
later on add config fragments for certain featuers.

However, I'm missing one step, as I'm not able to build without the
meta/cfg/scratch/obj/qemuarm-standard.scc file.

Any hints on what step I've currently overlooked would be nice...


Anders Darander
ChargeStorm AB / eStorm AB

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