On 2013年04月08日 23:01, Mark Hatle wrote:
On 4/8/13 4:12 AM, Kang Kai wrote:
As Mark's suggestion, rename libpng_1.2.50 to libpng12 that
multi-versions libpng could coexist. And drop files that conflict with
higher version.

We want to make sure we have both the old and new versions to meet LSB
compliance (for people who have that enabled) as well as the new version
for newer applications.

CC: Mark Hatle <mark.ha...@windriver.com>

Signed-off-by: Kang Kai <kai.k...@windriver.com>
.../{libpng_1.2.50.bb => libpng12_1.2.50.bb} | 18 +++++++++++++++---
1 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
rename meta/recipes-lsb4/libpng/{libpng_1.2.50.bb => libpng12_1.2.50.bb} (62%)

diff --git a/meta/recipes-lsb4/libpng/libpng_1.2.50.bb b/meta/recipes-lsb4/libpng/libpng12_1.2.50.bb
similarity index 62%
rename from meta/recipes-lsb4/libpng/libpng_1.2.50.bb
rename to meta/recipes-lsb4/libpng/libpng12_1.2.50.bb
index 8fdc41b..43ff75a 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-lsb4/libpng/libpng_1.2.50.bb
+++ b/meta/recipes-lsb4/libpng/libpng12_1.2.50.bb
@@ -8,14 +8,26 @@ LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=c3d807a85c09ebdff087f18b4969ff96 \
DEPENDS = "zlib"
PR = "r0"

+PN = "libpng12"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/libpng-${PV}"
SRC_URI = "${SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR}/project/libpng/libpng12/${PV}/libpng-${PV}.tar.xz"

SRC_URI[md5sum] = "a3e00fccbfe356174ab515b5c00641c7"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "4724f81f8c92ac7f360ad1fbf173396ea7c535923424db9fbaff07bfd9d8e8e7"

+BINCONFIG_GLOB = "${PN}-config"
inherit autotools binconfig pkgconfig

-PACKAGES =+ "${PN}12"
+do_install_append() {
+ unlink ${D}/${includedir}/png.h
+ unlink ${D}/${includedir}/pngconf.h

Hi Mark,

You should move those two into a subdirectory called "${D}/${includedir}/libpng12/"

That way they will still be available for anyone who needs them.

already exist. Those two files unlinked link to them and conflict with libpng16.

+ unlink ${D}/${libdir}/libpng.la
+ unlink ${D}/${libdir}/libpng.so
+ unlink ${D}/${libdir}/libpng.a

The .la, .a seen above should be similarly renamed to be libpng12... The .so should be dropped, as anyone who needs the alternative version would need to directly specify it.

Same reason. They are links to libpng12.*.

+ unlink ${D}/${libdir}/pkgconfig/libpng.pc

Should be renamed to be libpng12.pc.

(Note both the .la and .pc files will likely need to be modified to reference the correct header and library paths.)

libpng12.pc exists too, and the patch I checked that are right.

-FILES_${PN}12 = "${libdir}/libpng12${SOLIBS}"
-RPROVIDES_${PN}-dev += "${PN}12-dev"
+ unlink ${D}/${bindir}/libpng-config

The above should be renamed to be "libpng12-config".
Link file too.

(Again, make sure that the results of it match the renamed .a/.so and include paths.)


Thanks for detailed review, I'll add some comment to make it clear.

Neil | Kai Kang

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