
this is a really useful addition! thanks!

On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 10:34 PM, Paul Eggleton
<paul.eggle...@linux.intel.com> wrote:
> The index also supports multiple branches, but for the moment there is only a
> master branch configured as I'd like to have people check the layer data 
> before
> adding the additional stable branches (danny and denzil).

i was thinking it might be useful (in fact at least it would be very
useful for me right now) to get version 'history' for each supported
branch. if i understand the design correctly, i first need to set the
branch I want to search, then search. but what about an 'all branch
search' that displays recipes version *and* layer for multiple
branches, so that we can easily see version change and recipe move
in-between layers between all branches.

does that make any sense to anyone?


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