Hi all,

even though there was no feedback about my note about LinuxTag I decided to
apply for a stand there. The idea is to share a booth with other embedded
projects... this time some more people I know applied for a shared
Embedded-Linux booth.

This does not necessarily mean that I intend to to there alone! Everyone is
invited to come and help with the booth. Of course any additional support is
appreciated as well.

Who has some interesting project/hardware/software/usecase related to
OpenEmbbedded we can show there?

Anyone with ideas for improving the presentation of the project? A more up to
date and more interesting slideshow would be great to have e.g.

Who has the power to update the OE poster? I really would like to have our
latest sponsors (Eukrea!) on the poster.



The dream of yesterday                  Florian Boor
is the hope of today                    Tel: +49 271-771091-15
and the reality of tomorrow.            Fax: +49 271-771091-19
[Robert Hutchings Goddard, 1904]        florian.b...@kernelconcepts.de

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