Man, Phil was quick today.  I'll throw away my draft and reply to this

On 5 March 2013 14:50, Phil Blundell <> wrote:
>> -# for mesa-dri and mesa-xlib
>> +# for mesa and mesa-xlib
>>  FILESEXTRAPATHS_append := "${THISDIR}/mesa:"
> Presumably you don't need that anymore.

I thought I had this fixed a month ago, but obviously it didn't get
merged - probably lost in the ELC madness.

>> -# this needs to be lower than -1 because all mesa-dri have -1 and git 
>> version has highest PV, but shouldn't be default
>> +# this needs to be lower than -1 because all mesa have -1 and git version 
>> has highest PV, but shouldn't be default
> Is that comment still true?

I was just saying to Laurentiu off-list that only mesa_git should have
a preference of -1, as there isn't mesa-dri/mesa-xlib to complicate
matters anymore.

> Also, the commit message for this patch is exceptionally terse.  Please
> explain why this renaming is a desirable thing.

It's desirable because "dri" is redundant, there isn't any
alternative.  It's a build of mesa, so let's call it mesa.


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