OpenEmbedded Technical Steering Committee 12 February 2013 Attendees: Richard (RP) Koen (koen) Khem (khem) Fray (fray) Paul (bluelightning)
Notes: Jefro ________________________________________________________________ Agenda & Results 1. pick a chair fray ___________________________________ 2. new issues a. mailing list outage no one sure what went wrong, probably disk space main problem is nobody around w/admin (too few admins at linuxtogo) possible transition to LF or YP ** list addresses would not change => jefro volunteers to help if possible => jefro to talk to board + mhalstead & ka6sox b. meta-oe appends/overlayed recipes RFC => Paul to talk to Chris about a release no avr32 support in public layers ___________________________________ 3. lingering issues a. raise awareness of "janitor" list, QA "bugs" b. document whitespace changes to the shell also => need to de-dup these c. SMART has replaced zypper (was documenting RPM and package feeds) Paul wrote: d. patchwork queue => Paul to talk to scottrif about adding to docs e. raise ntp with the Yocto Project [RP] immediate need addressed, reasonable default needed use LICENSE_FLAGS - non-commercial => RP/Jefro to raise at next AB f. oe-classic recipe migration status RP played with perl modules, fixed up cpan_build.bbclass g. some items dropped from oe-core but not yet in meta-oe ___________________________________ 4. status a. oe-core release b. infrastructure mailing list issue described above wiki spam issues wiki requires updating & spam module => jefro/khem to talk to wmat for help c. 1.4 planning systemd into master - still in progress ________________________________________________________________ Raw Transcript (8:59:47 AM) Jefro: good morning all (9:00:40 AM) bluelightning: hi Jefro, fray, RP, koen- (9:01:57 AM) Jefro: I'm not sure who is actually here (9:02:03 AM) Jefro: I'll ping khem also (9:02:06 AM) fray: I'm here (9:02:30 AM) RP: Morning all! (9:03:37 AM) fray: morning.. (9:04:08 AM) koen-: morning all (9:04:32 AM) bluelightning: hi (9:04:35 AM) bluelightning: ok so we are just missing khem then (9:04:52 AM) fray: I think so.. (9:05:03 AM) Jefro: I just pinged him, no response so he is probably in traffic (9:05:03 AM) fray: for the agenda, is there any thing we need to discuss in relationship to the mail list outtage/ (9:05:25 AM) bluelightning: I think we should have it on the agenda yes (9:05:35 AM) Jefro: yup, it's there (9:05:38 AM) RP: I have no idea what happened, not sure if anyone else does (9:05:45 AM) Jefro: any other new issues? I'll put them on before I pastebin it (9:06:07 AM) fray: only other thing perhaps is the meta-oe appends/overlayed recipes RFC.. (9:06:14 AM) fray: but I'm not sure we have anything ot discuss here (9:07:02 AM) bluelightning: the solutions for most parts seem pretty clear (9:07:09 AM) fray: ok (9:07:18 AM) bluelightning: there are a couple of unresolved questions still though (9:07:37 AM) Jefro: ok, here it is: (9:08:02 AM) RP: I chaired the last one so someone else today ;-) (9:08:36 AM) fray: I can do it (9:09:00 AM) Jefro: fray thanks (9:09:20 AM) fray: ok then.. I'd suggest we hold off on hte mailig list outtage topic for a bit and see if Khem gets through traffic.. (9:09:22 AM) fray: ok? (9:09:36 AM) khem [] entered the room. (9:09:36 AM) mode (+v khem) by ChanServ (9:09:43 AM) fray: hey and here he is! (9:09:48 AM) bluelightning: nice :) (9:09:51 AM) fray: ok.. back.. on topic then (9:09:54 AM) khem: yes, hi all (9:09:58 AM) bluelightning: hi khem (9:10:04 AM) fray: khem: (9:10:07 AM) fray: just gettign started (9:10:13 AM) fray: 2a - mailing list outtage (9:10:30 AM) fray: As RP mentioned earlier.. nobody is even sure if anyone knows what went wrong.. (9:10:35 AM) khem: thanks (9:10:57 AM) bluelightning: the first problem as with last time is that nobody with admin privileges could be raised for several hours (9:11:25 AM) khem: no one on US has admin privs (9:11:26 AM) bluelightning: that's not the fault of the folks with admin privs, it's that there are too few such people for the servers (9:11:32 AM) fray: There are two folks who admin privileges? Florian and? (9:11:33 AM) khem: so even if we were awake we could not help (9:11:44 AM) khem: I think RP is (9:12:21 AM) Jefro: what was the issue that brought it down? (9:12:35 AM) khem: is ltg maintained well (9:12:46 AM) koen-: I suspect ltg ran out of diskspace again (9:12:58 AM) koen-: the backup script seems to need 200GB free (9:13:00 AM) fray: Symptom wise, that wouldn't surprise me.. (9:13:02 AM) koen-: which there isn't (9:13:16 AM) koen-: I couldn't upload packages to the angstrom feeds due to that (9:13:30 AM) koen-: after a few days there was 170GiB available again (9:13:32 AM) khem: I wonder if it would make sense to move the mls to (9:13:42 AM) fray: a few people on IRC were wondering why Linux Foundation resources (amili servers) aren't being used.. since much of the other infrastructure has transitioned (9:13:45 AM) ***RP is not an ltg admin (9:14:02 AM) khem: gm RP (9:14:06 AM) fray: amili -> mail (9:14:10 AM) khem: somehow I thought you were (9:14:43 AM) RP: We could host the OE list on the yp server if it would help (9:14:47 AM) koen-: florian, nils and pb are admins (9:14:57 AM) RP: khem: I am for OE and YP but not ltg (9:15:01 AM) khem: I think if ltg is not recoursed enough then we might have these kind of issues often (9:15:29 AM) khem: if its running out of disk space e.g. (9:16:00 AM) fray: I know that the usage pattern of both oe-core and oe-dev have really picked up.. (lots more discussion and patches then say two years or so ago) (9:16:09 AM) fray: that may certainly be contributing.. (9:16:24 AM) fray: ok.. so is there anything as the oe-tsc that we should do or recommend to the board? (9:16:45 AM) koen-: florian/nils have offered to give admin privs to people wanting to look after it (9:17:21 AM) Jefro: I have access to -members (in order to prune) but not ssh access, so I don't think that counts (9:17:27 AM) bluelightning: that would be a good first step (9:17:41 AM) Jefro: I'd be happy to volunteer but it would also require a small bit of mailman training (9:17:54 AM) bluelightning: if additional hardware is needed OE should probably look to pay for it (and request donations for same if needed) (9:17:58 AM) RP: well, the question is whether we have anyone willing to help with the admin load of another server (9:17:59 AM) fray: ya.. getting another person in NA would likely help the situation.. (9:18:23 AM) fray: is this something that can have a call-out on the member's list? (9:18:24 AM) khem: yeah I think we dont know state of ltg. May be its good enough to handle stuff (9:18:26 AM) Jefro: I'll take the AR and follow up. I need to learn more about mailman anyway. (9:18:36 AM) RP: I know the YP has Michael but I'd really prefer the lists be hosted on the YP server in those circumstances (9:18:36 AM) khem: I would suggest to move the services under (9:18:54 AM) khem: is also ok (9:19:03 AM) fray: I'm not against that either.. (9:19:12 AM) RP: khem: could point at a YP server (9:19:23 AM) khem: RP: yes (9:19:27 AM) khem: thats ok by me (9:19:32 AM) bluelightning: that also sounds OK to me (9:19:34 AM) RP: Jefro: It does sound more like a general sysadmin issue. If its out of diskspace, would you know which files to delete? (9:19:40 AM) khem: if we get better maintenance (9:19:46 AM) khem: nothing like that (9:19:58 AM) Jefro: RP not at this point. I'm willing to learn, but it would probably be better if Michael could do it. (9:20:06 AM) RP: So it sounds like we need to talk to the board and Michael. Any volunteers to do that? (9:20:26 AM) Jefro: that's an AR I can handle :) (9:20:33 AM) fray: ok, it's you.. :) (9:20:44 AM) fray: anything else on this topic then? (9:20:49 AM) khem: Jefro is volunteered (9:20:54 AM) RP: Technically we need to discuss with the YP too but I'll take responsibility there and say its fine. (9:21:28 AM) fray: ok then.. 2b -- meta-oe appends/overlayed recipes RFC.. (9:21:32 AM) RP: Jefro: I think the board would agree, right? :) (9:21:56 AM) Jefro: I would be shocked if the board had any problems, but we can mention it next week (9:22:38 AM) bluelightning: so, the issues with this that are still in question are: tslib; xserver-nodm-init, and gst-ffmpeg/libav (9:22:42 AM) fray: I see good progress in discussions on the mailing list -- is there anything we need to discuss here, status/lingering questions? I'd certainly like to see the appends go away for the most part.. (9:23:02 AM) RP: I'd like to thank Paul for raising the issue :) (9:23:04 AM) fray: Is the PACKAGECONFIG stuff enough for those? or? (9:23:04 AM) bluelightning: for reference, the RFC: (9:23:26 AM) RP: tslib is probably a case for putting pressure on Chris for a release (9:23:37 AM) bluelightning: RP: that's what I was thinking (9:23:55 AM) bluelightning: I can take the AR to do that (9:23:55 AM) RP: We could take the ffmpeg/libav stuff into the core subject to correct license tags (9:24:17 AM) RP: xserver-nodm-init I don't know the history of, probably needs someone to resolve the differences (9:24:20 AM) RP: It does need to be done (9:24:20 AM) koen-: bluelightning: feel free to drop the avr32 patch in libmad (9:24:34 AM) bluelightning: koen-: ok... is it no longer of value then? (9:25:28 AM) fray: so it sounds like me, we have a clear path for everything except xserver-nodm-init? (9:25:42 AM) koen-: bluelightning: no avr32 support in public layers (9:26:09 AM) bluelightning: koen-: well, there are a few references, but you're right, no machines that I'm aware of that use that TARGET_ARCH (9:26:55 AM) koen-: exactly (9:27:00 AM) bluelightning: I'd also note generally I'm still waiting to hear back from Martin Jansa since I figured he might have an opinion on the RFC (9:27:17 AM) RP: re: xserver-nodm-init, I probably know some of the history if there are specific questions (9:27:46 AM) bluelightning: well, the general question is how can we eliminate the duplication (9:27:51 AM) RP: I think its a case of nobody wants to touch it :/ (9:28:00 AM) fray: :) (9:28:07 AM) bluelightning: so far that has been the pattern, it has been raised numerous times (9:28:18 AM) RP: I'd propose deleting the meta-oe version (9:28:22 AM) RP: see who complains :) (9:28:27 AM) fray: there ya go.. :) (9:28:42 AM) bluelightning: JaMa at least would probably have something to say about that :) (9:28:43 AM) koen-: RP: martin and I tried to get the meta-oe version into oe-core a year ago (9:29:16 AM) fray: I think the key thing, from the original goal of meta-oe (way back when we first met on oe-core/meta-oe) was to use it as a temporary space for appends (as necessary).. key being temporary, until it could be put into oe-core (or dropped) (9:29:16 AM) koen-: RP: but the oe-core maintainer couldn't grasp our usecase and it was before the big cleanup (9:29:51 AM) fray: with the cleanup, does it make sense to try again? (9:29:52 AM) bluelightning: fray: I don't think that purpose ought to be supported anymore (9:30:12 AM) bluelightning: just causes too much mess (9:30:17 AM) fray: bluelightning I'm inclined to agree with you.. (9:30:26 AM) koen-: systemd-user-sessions are a much better way to do it (9:30:34 AM) RP: koen-: So rather than explain it further you gave up? (9:30:36 AM) ***koen- has a ton of recipes to make that work (9:30:42 AM) fray: I was originally thinking experimental features, etc.. but always with an eye of getting things into oe-core (9:30:43 AM) koen-: RP: not really (9:30:54 AM) koen-: RP: after a while we hit the usual brick wall (9:31:02 AM) RP: koen-: "usual"? (9:31:07 AM) koen-: and then we focused on merging the meta-oe stuff (9:31:26 AM) bluelightning: fray: if people want a shared layer to do that, I've no objection... as long as it's not the same layer that has useful stable additional recipes as meta-oe does (9:31:45 AM) fray: ya, and I think that's one of the things that has changed.. (9:31:55 AM) fray: meta-oe is a lot more stable then it had originally been thought to be.. (9:32:03 AM) fray: (not a complaint mind you!) (9:32:09 AM) khem: fray: meta-oe should be seen as extention of oe-core (9:32:42 AM) RP: My main concern with it has been the mix of distro policy and recipes (9:33:03 AM) RP: We're reaching a point where that is nearly resolved and I think we need to maintain that (9:33:19 AM) fray: RP, that is the place I'm seeing more focus on from you and others.. distro policy settings vs simply recipe integration.. it's a good thing and as you said, we need to maintain this work.. (9:33:50 AM) fray: I think it speaks highly of the project and users that distro policy is an issue vs "I can't integrate recipes cause it's too hard" (9:34:52 AM) fray: ok then.. what are the next steps to this.. (9:35:11 AM) RP: Its why the YP compatible status spells this out, its one of the hardest things to achieve yet it also helps the users the most (9:35:15 AM) fray: Finish up the work for the packages other then the xservers-nodm-init.. (9:35:25 AM) fray: work on getting that integrated or dropped as a separate item? (9:35:33 AM) bluelightning: fray: well, we've resolved everything except the xserver-nodm-init, that needs further input from those that currently use the meta-oe version (9:35:45 AM) bluelightning: fray: I'm working on patchsets to tackle everything else (9:35:46 AM) RP: I don't know what the differences are so its hard to commit (9:35:51 AM) RP: comment (9:36:00 AM) fray: and focus on only doing bbappends in oe-core when specifically necessary -- otherwise it should be in oe-core? (9:36:14 AM) RP: I would point out that a step by step series of logical changes does help me a lot with review (9:36:36 AM) RP: simply copying the meta-oe version over the oe-core one will not be helpful (9:37:06 AM) RP: meld is great for creating that kind of thing (9:37:39 AM) bluelightning: (9:38:45 AM) RP: so rootless X support is one difference (9:38:45 AM) bluelightning: I can't get much from that diff I have to say (9:38:58 AM) bluelightning: but I'm not particularly familiar with the problem space (9:39:00 AM) RP: and one is machine specific, the other is allarch (9:39:11 AM) RP: It might be possible just to rename one of them (9:39:11 AM) khem: hmmm oe-core one is machine_arch specfic (9:39:21 AM) khem: but meta-oe is allarch (9:39:27 AM) RP: If angstrom and shr use it in their feeds, I'll take a rename to the core one (9:39:37 AM) RP: since there are less distro feed issues with core (9:40:01 AM) RP: khem: its due to the rootless X support which works on some machines, not others (9:40:30 AM) bluelightning: presumably machines with drivers that support KMS ? (9:40:33 AM) RP: bluelightning: are the scripts themselves different? (9:40:36 AM) khem: INITSCRIPT_PARAMS change is probablt disto specific (9:40:42 AM) khem: it should move to distro layers (9:41:00 AM) RP: bluelightning: Intel gen graphics supports it basically (9:41:08 AM) RP: khem: sane defaults are fine (9:41:16 AM) RP: khem: distros can then change if needed/wanted (9:41:50 AM) khem: yes (9:41:58 AM) khem: however we have (9:41:58 AM) khem: -INITSCRIPT_PARAMS = "start 9 5 2 . stop 20 0 1 6 ." (9:41:59 AM) khem: +INITSCRIPT_PARAMS = "start 01 5 2 . stop 01 0 1 6 ." (9:41:59 AM) khem: +INITSCRIPT_PARAMS_shr = "start 90 5 2 . stop 90 0 1 6 ." (9:42:09 AM) bluelightning: RP: yes (9:42:11 AM) bluelightning: RP: (9:43:10 AM) fray: ok.. lets take this to the mailing list, and go on to the next topic(s) (9:43:23 AM) fray: 3a -- janitor/qa bugs.. I don't have anything here (9:43:26 AM) bluelightning: yep, I think that's probably best (9:43:29 AM) khem: yes (9:43:59 AM) fray: 3b -- has anyone gotten to this yet? if not we should keep it on and I'll try to get to it after ELC (9:44:17 AM) RP: Just to round off, I suspect we should try and make that recipe allarch for the machines that don't support rootless X (9:44:28 AM) RP: there don't appear to be many other significant differences (9:45:34 AM) RP: fray: no one has got to it that I know of (9:45:38 AM) fray: ok.. (9:45:48 AM) fray: 3c then.. does anyone remember what this one is about (RPM and package feeds)? (9:46:02 AM) RP: fray: documenting them? (9:46:18 AM) fray: Ahh, very well could be.. Jefro can you add that to the item (9:46:27 AM) khem: fray: it was probably documenting how to setup feeds using smart/rpm (9:46:32 AM) bluelightning: FWIW I did write (9:46:37 AM) fray: bluelightning I havn't gotten to that, have you? (9:46:44 AM) bluelightning: that's a start at least (9:47:02 AM) fray: excellent.. ok.. we should add the reference to that as well as the start of whatever we do.. (9:47:09 AM) RP: What else remains? (9:47:09 AM) fray: ok.. 3d -- patchwork queue? (9:47:10 AM) bluelightning: we probably ought to have that in the manual, I can take an AR to talk to Scott about that (9:47:16 AM) fray: thanks (9:47:25 AM) RP: bluelightning: please do, it'd be good to get it in there (9:47:34 AM) RP: Scott loves me this week :/ (9:47:37 AM) bluelightning: re patchwork, I think Martin is doing a good job of keeping on top of it now; I'm continuing to help when I notice things (9:47:41 AM) Jefro: fray added to my notes (9:48:10 AM) khem: bluelightning: yes I am very happy with meta-openembedded queue is always sane (9:48:12 AM) bluelightning: (note, we're talking about the main OE patchwork, not OE-Core / bitbake) (9:48:12 AM) fray: bluelightning does 3d need to remain on the issues list, or is it under control? (9:48:16 AM) RP: otavio was asking about patchwork for one of his layers (9:48:18 AM) khem: remove it (9:48:22 AM) bluelightning: fray: I think we can drop it now (9:48:25 AM) fray: ok (9:48:38 AM) fray: 3e - NTP -- RP did you get a chance to talk to the YP? (9:48:41 AM) bluelightning: khem: yes I think Otavio might be pinging you soon (9:48:48 AM) RP: fray: AB meeting next week (9:48:51 AM) fray: ok.. (9:48:57 AM) khem: bluelightning: yes he has :) (9:48:59 AM) fray: 3f then.. oe-classic recipe migration status (9:49:06 AM) RP: Jefro: this is on the agenda, right? (9:49:21 AM) khem: I have contributed a few migrations from oe-classic (9:49:21 AM) ***Jefro looks (9:49:29 AM) khem: into different layers (9:49:39 AM) Jefro: RP yes, 3f (9:49:39 AM) RP: I have a few migrations for oe-classic, need to post them... (9:49:46 AM) RP: I assume i just send to the oe-devel list? (9:49:48 AM) bluelightning: RP: please do (9:49:58 AM) RP: Jefro: I mean the AB meeting agenda? (9:50:00 AM) khem: I think we now have a good set I feel (9:50:02 AM) bluelightning: RP: yes, with [meta-oe] prefix (9:50:15 AM) ***RP must remember to do that (9:50:18 AM) bluelightning: FWIW I'm continuing to keep the wiki page up-to-date (9:50:29 AM) RP: it mostly perl modules (9:50:31 AM) Jefro: RP ah - yes it is (one of the only things on the AB agenda atm) (9:50:40 AM) RP: Jefro: ok, cool (9:50:42 AM) fray: so 3f should stay on the agenda for a bit longer? (9:50:43 AM) bluelightning: I'll note that a few bits that have been dropped from OE-Core recently have not yet made it into meta-oe (9:51:05 AM) fray: bluelightning, does that need a tracking item -- or are we good? (9:51:16 AM) RP: bluelightning: Beat up Ross? (9:51:26 AM) bluelightning: RP: I pinged Ross about it, but am unsure if he's going to post patches or not (9:51:44 AM) RP: bluelightning: ok, I'd assumed this was being handled. Need to make sure things don't get lost (9:52:00 AM) fray: jefro, I'd suggest a tracking / issues agenda item then for next time.. (9:52:05 AM) fray: oe-core items (removed) going to meta-oe (9:52:12 AM) bluelightning: might as well (9:52:15 AM) Jefro: fray ok (9:52:16 AM) RP: bluelightning: get a definitive answer out of Ross, if he hasn't time, let me know, you/I will probably have to (9:52:23 AM) bluelightning: RP: ok, will do (9:52:37 AM) fray: 3g then -- is this a duplicate of 3c? (9:52:46 AM) RP: fray: looks to be (9:53:00 AM) fray: I'd say drop 3c then -- add the reference to pauls page to 3g.. for next time (9:53:12 AM) fray: ok any other lingering issues? (9:53:28 AM) bluelightning: we still have wiki spam issues (9:53:35 AM) bluelightning: I guess that's 4b (9:53:46 AM) fray: ok.. lets just jump to 4b then.. (9:53:51 AM) khem: yes wiki spam issue is still there (9:53:59 AM) khem: we need to cut open registration (9:54:00 AM) RP: How are the people getting accounts? (9:54:00 AM) khem: that helps (9:54:04 AM) bluelightning: we're starting to see more actual spam content being added (9:54:07 AM) bluelightning: RP: not sure (9:54:08 AM) fray: I thought open regs were already disabled (9:54:21 AM) khem: RP: someone with account has to sponsor (9:54:24 AM) khem: on mailing list (9:54:35 AM) RP: sounds like its an old version of the wiki and needs upgrading (9:54:42 AM) RP: probably has some hole in it :/ (9:54:51 AM) bluelightning: wouldn't be too surprising (9:55:01 AM) khem: RP: its media wiki I think from last year (9:55:01 AM) RP: I know when I looked, I noted it was old (9:55:09 AM) RP: khem: way too old :( (9:55:14 AM) Jefro: it could also be that a legitimate person's account has been compromisaed and that is being used to sponsor (9:55:14 AM) khem: heh I guess (9:55:14 AM) bluelightning: is it hosted on ltg or oe servers? (9:55:19 AM) RP: bluelightning: oe (9:55:23 AM) khem: I am not familiar with wiki upgrade (9:55:31 AM) khem: but RP if you or someone knows it (9:55:35 AM) khem: it would be nice (9:55:51 AM) RP: khem: I've never done it before in my life. I have enough general software background to fudge it (9:55:53 AM) Jefro: I know someone with wiki experience & can check to see if he can help (9:56:11 AM) khem: I can see if wmat has some time (9:56:14 AM) fray: sounds like a good suggestion (9:56:18 AM) Jefro: khem :) that's who I was thinking of (9:56:27 AM) khem: Jefro: cool ping him (9:56:33 AM) Jefro: doing right now (9:56:46 AM) RP: I suspect an upgrade will fix some of the problems (9:56:54 AM) khem: hopefully (9:57:17 AM) khem: turnkey linux has good wiki appliances (9:57:19 AM) fray: ok.. any other infrastructure issues? (we already covered mailing list) (9:57:37 AM) khem: fray: 3g could be closed (9:57:44 AM) khem: I missed if it was already discussed (9:57:48 AM) fray: khem, the documentation bit isn't done yet (9:58:21 AM) khem: isnt it enough ? (9:58:47 AM) khem: more documentation is always nice so keep it open :) I dont mind (9:58:50 AM) fray: it needs to end up in the manual -- and at the least a link on the oe-core site.. (9:58:54 AM) khem: I se (9:58:55 AM) khem: e (9:59:26 AM) fray: ok.. 4a then.. oe-core release? (9:59:38 AM) fray: (we've got 1 minute left) ;) (9:59:39 AM) khem: on systemd, I am trying to port over the meta-oe bbappends to systemd class of oe-core (10:00:18 AM) fray: 4c -- systemd -- khem, does it look like everything will be ported in time for the "spring" release of oe-core? (10:00:36 AM) RP: the -rc2 did happen, it did get rerun a second time as I wasn't happy with the first build (10:00:42 AM) RP: Its now been released (10:00:49 AM) fray: excellent.. (10:00:51 AM) RP: we're trending ok for M4 (10:00:53 AM) khem: fray: I am trying (10:00:55 AM) fray: ok (10:01:03 AM) RP: lots of postinstall changes but looking good at the moment (10:01:04 AM) khem: fray: hope is to have it in 1.4 done (10:01:14 AM) fray: ...and with that, times up... anything else before we all flee? (10:01:22 AM) khem: nothing frm me (10:01:23 AM) RP: we need sort out the remaining pieces of systemd but again, its trending well (10:01:23 AM) bluelightning: I've got nothing else (10:01:29 AM) ***RP is done (10:01:37 AM) fray: excellent.. (10:01:40 AM) fray: meeting done then.. (10:01:42 AM) fray: thanks all! (10:01:49 AM) khem: thanks all -- Jeff Osier-Mixon Yocto Project Community Manager @Intel _______________________________________________ Openembedded-core mailing list