> Embrace the power of the scripting we have, there are much more
> interesting ways to solve this problem generically. For example, I wrote this
> piece of code in a few minutes (admittedly untested):
> urlremapper.bbclass:
> python () {
>     mod = False
>     newsrcuri = []
>     srcuri = (d.getVar("SRC_URI", True) or "").split()
>     maps = d.getVarFlags("URLREMAP")
>     for uri in srcuri:
>         for u in maps:
>         if uri.startswith(u):
>             uri.replace(u, maps[u])
>             mod = True
>         newsrcuri.append(uri)
>     if mod:
>         d.setVar("SRC_URI", " ".join(newsrcuri)) }
> URLREMAP[git://git.yoctoproject.org/linux-yocto-3.4.git] =
> "git:///home/nitin/linux-yocto-3.4.git/;protocol=file"
> which should do what you want but in a generic way which doesn't require us
> to hack each recipe. You can do it completely locally if you create a classes
> directory alongside your conf directory and place the .bbclass there, then add
> INHERIT += "urlremapper" in local.conf.
> Cheers,
> Richard
  I understand your point. And this newer solution should work. If possible I 
would like to push this class in the oecore layer so that I don't have to 
maintain it myself. Also can this be done selectively for a BSP by using the 
bspname override?

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