On 12/18/2012 03:55 PM, Burton, Ross wrote:
On 18 December 2012 13:58, Lukas Bulwahn <lukas.bulw...@oss.bmw-carit.de> wrote:
When installing python packages that are installed with python's easyinstall,
the installation creates easyinstall.pth files. This file must exist in the
root filesystem so that python 2.7 can locate and import the installed modules
in the host system.
Is this the logic that where packages get installed as Eggs, so into
e.g. /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Foo-1.0/ instead of
../packages/foo)? In that case we're basically having to deal with a
lot of complication. I've been battling this a bit with python-mako
and this section of the setuptools document applies to us:
"However, packaging tools that build binary distributions by running
setup.py install on the command line or as a subprocess will require
modification to work with setuptools. They should use the
--single-version-externally-managed option to the install command,
combined with the standard --root or --record options. See the install
command documentation below for more details."
I think your solution is a simpler and better one that I did not think of.
I'm all in favour of a setuptools class, but I think it should follow
what the documentation says and use --s-v-e-m. My recent python-mako
patch to oe-devel uses these options to do a "old-school" install
which doesn't mean dealing with .pth files, as we're a perfectly good
package management system already.
I am also in favor of that.
From your description I could not find the version of python-mako that
uses the --s-v-e-m option.
Where can I find this version of the file? Maybe I was just looking at
the wrong repository...
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