Constantin Musca
<> writes:

> +    process_tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=str(os.getpid()))

fwiw, prefix is usually something which identifies the origin of the
tempfile.  getpid() does not make much sense here; it might be better to
use something like 'bitbake-patch' or so.

>      if os.path.exists(process_tmpdir):

this will trigger everytime becuase 'mkdtemp()' creates the directory.

> +        bb.utils.remove(process_tmpdir, True)

this lowers the just gained security... :(

>      os.makedirs(process_tmpdir)

not needed

---> a plain

 |     process_tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
 |     os.environ['TMPDIR'] = process_tmpdir

suffices (add a custom prefix when you really want it).

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