On 08/26/2012 09:49 PM, Bruce Ashfield wrote:

Here's some changes that I've staged over the past week or so,
everything checks out here, and there are some good changes in
this set of -stable updates, and and the linker fix from Khem.

I've also got a small tools fix here as well, that was needed
for some of the yocto-bsp builds. I think we've worked through
most of them now, and everything is looking good.



cc: Khem Raj <raj.k...@gmail.com>
cc: Tom Zanussi <tom.zanu...@intel.com>

The following changes since commit b4c5725af4cd85d5644f0373e2674e903c4eab2b:

   yocto-bsp: add missing xserver-xf86-config .bbappend for qemu (2012-08-25 
14:47:07 +0100)

are available in the git repository at:
   git://git.pokylinux.org/poky-contrib zedd/kernel

Bruce Ashfield (3):
   kern-tools: fix forced branching
   linux-yocto/3.4: v3.4.9, unionfs, perf and configuration changes
   linux-yocto/3.2/3.4: arm: Fix linking errors with binutils 2.23


I saw some problems with serveral hardware BSP platforms in do_patch on the Autobuilder. I think your traveling this week, so I am going to hold off on this set.

ERROR: Function failed: do_patch (see 
 for further information)
NOTE: recipe python-2.7.3-r0.2: task do_populate_lic: Succeeded
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: 
Log data follows:
| DEBUG: Executing shell function do_patch
| Branch meta-temp set up to track remote branch meta from origin.
| Deleted branch meta-temp (was 620917d).
| [INFO] validating against known patches  (beagleboard-standard-meta)
|   [##                                                ] (|)(5 %)
  [###                                               ] (/)(7 %)
  [#####                                             ] (-)(10 %)
  [######                                            ] (\)(13 %)
  [#######                                           ] (|)(15 %)
  [#########                                         ] (/)(18 %)
  [##########                                        ] (-)(21 %)
  [###########                                       ] (\)(23 %)
  [#############                                     ] (|)(26 %)
  [##############                                    ] (/)(28 %)
  [###############                                   ] (-)(31 %)
  [#################                                 ] (\)(34 %)
  [##################                                ] (|)(36 %)
  [###################                               ] (/)(39 %)
  [#####################                             ] (-)(42 %)
  [######################                            ] (\)(44 %)
  [#######################                           ] (|)(47 %)
  [#########################                         ] (/)(50 %)
  [##########################                        ] (-)(52 %)
  [###########################                       ] (\)(55 %)
  [############################                      ] (|)(57 %)
  [##############################                    ] (/)(60 %)
  [###############################                   ] (-)(63 %)
  [################################                  ] (\)(65 %)
  [##################################                ] (|)(68 %)
  [###################################               ] (/)(71 %)
  [####################################              ] (-)(73 %)
  [######################################            ] (\)(76 %)
  [##################################################]  (completed in 4 seconds)
| ERROR: branch yocto/standard/beagleboard was requested, but was not properly
|        configured to be built. The current branch is 
| ERROR: Function failed: do_patch (see 
 for further information)
NOTE: recipe 
 task do_patch: Failed
ERROR: Task 444 
 do_patch) failed with exit code '1'

  .../kern-tools/kern-tools-native_git.bb            |    2 +-
  meta/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-rt_3.2.bb    |    4 ++--
  meta/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-rt_3.4.bb    |    8 ++++----
  meta/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.2.bb  |    2 +-
  meta/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.2.bb       |   12 ++++++------
  meta/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.4.bb       |   16 ++++++++--------
  6 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

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