On Sat, Aug 4, 2012 at 12:37 PM, Andreas Müller
<schnitzelt...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> And less than 3min on overo with the patches we sent (and my xfce
> image is full of gtk-icon-update). Don't misunderstand me: I agree on
> doing things like this on host if possible. But for me the main time
> waiting on a new image is do_rootfs and I just suggest to think about
> having these tasks run only once - but we can do this later or never.
> A bit off topic: As far as I can remember there were times when it was
> a no-go having gtk-native in oe-core. I hope they are over...

I certainly agree with you that it should be run once. However what if
you changed something in icons between towo do rootfs runs ?
but I would like to know how much build time is it adding to do_rootfs ?
sometimes over optimising is bad too.

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