what is the proper way to use EXTRA_ASSUME_PROVIDED, and is the
effect of that visible in the bitbake environment?

  as in, based on the current version of bitbake.conf, i can see this
with "bitbake -e":

ASSUME_PROVIDED="bzip2-native git-native grep-native diffstat-native
patch-native perl-native-runtime python-native-runtime tar-native

  if i add the following silliness to my local.conf,

ASSUME_PROVIDED += "rday-native"

i can see that in the env as well:

ASSUME_PROVIDED="bzip2-native git-native grep-native diffstat-native
patch-native perl-native-runtime python-native-runtime tar-native
virtual/libintl-native  rday-native"

  but is it correct to run the following:

$ bitbake -I EXTRA_ASSUME_PROVIDED="rday-native" -e core-image-minimal

and if it is, should i be able to verify that anywhere in the
environment?  doesn't seem so.  from bitbake/lib/bb/cooker.py, it
looks like whatever i put there is being processed thusly:

  ignore = self.configuration.data.getVar("ASSUME_PROVIDED", True) or ""
  self.status.ignored_dependencies = set(ignore.split())

  for dep in self.configuration.extra_assume_provided:

so is there any way to see that?  thanks.



Robert P. J. Day                                 Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA

Twitter:                                       http://twitter.com/rpjday
LinkedIn:                               http://ca.linkedin.com/in/rpjday

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