On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 12:30 AM, Darren Hart <dvh...@linux.intel.com> wrote:
> Khem, I take it we still have something left to do here in addition to
> the bounds.h patch you sent a short while ago?
> If so, this sounds like a big enough effort that a bug is warranted.
> Would you consider writing up exactly what you're trying to accomplish
> and opening a bug?

my problem is bigger. I am trying to provide a (enough) prebuilt kernel tree
so that external modules ( outside of build OE tree) can be built using SDK
in cross environment but "make -C $kerneldir _mrproper_scripts" has
bit me in the rear side since now it deletes considerable portion of kernel
bits that the resulting tree is unusable for building without modifying the
tree by running "make scripts" or so.

bounds.h was for syncing with OE-Core, since I am in process of getting rid
of copy of kernel.bbclass in meta-oe

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