On 07/12/2012 10:41 AM, Paul Eggleton wrote:
On Thursday 12 July 2012 10:35:02 Saul Wold wrote:
Signed-off-by: Saul Wold <s...@linux.intel.com>
meta/recipes-core/eglibc/eglibc_2.15.bb | 2 +-
meta/recipes-devtools/gcc/gcc-4.7.inc | 2 +-
.../installer/adt-installer_1.0.bb | 2 +-
meta/recipes-devtools/opkg/opkg_svn.bb | 2 +-
meta/recipes-devtools/tcf-agent/tcf-agent_git.bb | 2 +-
meta/recipes-devtools/ubootchart/ubootchart_svn.bb | 2 +-
meta/recipes-gnome/gtkhtml2/gtkhtml2_svn.bb | 2 +-
.../matchbox-wm-2/matchbox-wm-2_git.bb | 2 +-
meta/recipes-sato/webkit/webkit-gtk_svn.bb | 6 +++---
9 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
I don't think we can do this for the svn recipes until the minimum
bitbake version has been bumped, since older bitbake versions won't
support the "protocol" parameter. For git, I'm not sure 'proto' has
ever been valid at least for fetch2.
Yes, you are correct, we need to wait for the bitbake rev to occur,
should have thought about that. I was using the lastest version in poky
which also complained about the git proto, so they where just being
ignored in the past.
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