Il 15/06/2012 10.18, Eric B?nard ha scritto:
Le Fri, 15 Jun 2012 10:09:25 +0200,
Stefano <> a ?crit :

The meta-toolchain-qte is bugged and don't work with qt creator. Someone
can works with me to repair that recipe?
what do you mean by "don't work with qt creator" ?


I mean there are a lot of error when importing in qt creator.
The first when you select qmake its 'ABI detection failed: Maker sure to use a matching tool chain when building'

/Cordiali Saluti/
*Stefano Stucchi
*Genesis srl*
Via L. Manara 3/A
25126 Brescia

Tel: (+39) 030 5030499

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