From: Robert Yang <>

Split the output chart into multiple ones to make it more readable, it
only works with "-o path", which means that it doesn't work if the user
doesn't want to save the chart to the disk. For example:

$ ./ 
/path/to/tmp/buildstats/core-image-sato-qemux86/201205301810/ -f svg -s 5 -o 
bootchart written to /tmp/bootchart_1.svg
bootchart written to /tmp/bootchart_2.svg
bootchart written to /tmp/bootchart_3.svg
bootchart written to /tmp/bootchart_4.svg
bootchart written to /tmp/bootchart_5.svg

[YOCTO #2403]

Signed-off-by: Robert Yang <>
 scripts/pybootchartgui/pybootchartgui/    |   14 +++++++-
 scripts/pybootchartgui/pybootchartgui/ |   36 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/pybootchartgui/pybootchartgui/ 
index bf50afb..fce8dd3 100644
--- a/scripts/pybootchartgui/pybootchartgui/
+++ b/scripts/pybootchartgui/pybootchartgui/
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ def _mk_options_parser():
                          help="image format (...); default format ...")
        parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="output", metavar="PATH", 
                          help="output path (file or directory) where charts 
are stored")
+       parser.add_option("-s", "--split", dest="num", type=int, default=1,
+                         help="split the output chart into <NUM> charts, only 
works with \"-o PATH\"")
        parser.add_option("-n", "--no-prune", action="store_false", 
dest="prune", default=True,
                          help="do not prune the process tree")
        parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", 
@@ -59,8 +61,16 @@ def main(argv=None):
                        filename = _get_filename(args, options)
-                       batch.render(res, options.format, filename)
-                       print "bootchart written to", filename
+                       res_list = parsing.split_res(res, options.num)
+                       n = 1
+                       for r in res_list:
+                               if len(res_list) == 1:
+                                       f = filename + "." + options.format
+                               else:
+                                       f = filename + "_" + str(n) + "." + 
+                                       n = n + 1
+                               batch.render(r, options.format, f)
+                               print "bootchart written to", f
                return 0
        except parsing.ParseError, ex:
                print("Parse error: %s" % ex)
diff --git a/scripts/pybootchartgui/pybootchartgui/ 
index 11a0829..c64eba0 100644
--- a/scripts/pybootchartgui/pybootchartgui/
+++ b/scripts/pybootchartgui/pybootchartgui/
@@ -226,3 +226,39 @@ def parse(paths, prune):
     #monitored_app = state.headers.get("profile.process")
     #proc_tree = ProcessTree(state.ps_stats, monitored_app, prune)
     return state
+def split_res(res, n):
+    """ Split the res into n pieces """
+    res_list = []
+    if n > 1:
+        s_list = sorted(res.start.keys())
+        frag_size = len(s_list) / float(n)
+        # Need the top value
+        if frag_size > int(frag_size):
+            frag_size = int(frag_size + 1)
+        else:
+            frag_size = int(frag_size)
+        start = 0
+        end = frag_size
+        while start < end:
+            state = ParserState()
+            for i in range(start, end):
+                # Add these lines for reference
+                #state.processes[pn + ":" + task] = [start, end]
+                #state.start[start] = pn + ":" + task
+                #state.end[end] = pn + ":" + task
+                p = res.start[s_list[i]]
+                s = s_list[i]
+                e = res.processes[p][1]
+                state.processes[p] = [s, e]
+                state.start[s] = p
+                state.end[e] = p
+            start = end
+            end = end + frag_size
+            if end > len(s_list):
+                end = len(s_list)
+            res_list.append(state)
+    else:
+        res_list.append(res)
+    return res_list

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