On 5/2/12 11:40 , Mark Hatle wrote:
On 5/2/12 1:21 PM, Rich Pixley wrote:
I'm seeing a lot of builds apparently hanging forever, (the ones that
work seem to work within seconds - the ones that hang seem to hang for
at least 10's of minutes), with:

rich@dolphin>   nice tail -f Log
MACHINE           = "qemux86"
DISTRO            = ""
DISTRO_VERSION    = "oe-core.0"
TUNE_FEATURES     = "m32 i586"
TARGET_FPU        = ""
meta              = "master:35b5fb2dd2131d4c7dc6635c14c6e08ea6926457"

NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
NOTE: Preparing runqueue
NOTE: Executing SetScene Tasks

If I run top, I see one processor pinned at 98 - 99% utilization running
python, but no other clues.

Can anyone point me to doc, explain what's going on here, or point me in
the right direction to debug this?
The only time I've seen "hang-like" behavior the system actually opened a
devshell and was awaiting input.   But based on your log, it doesn't look like
that is the case.

Run bitbake with -DDD option, you will get considerably more debug information
and it might help point out what it thinks it is doing.
NOTE: Executing SetScene Tasks
DEBUG: Stamp for underlying task 12(virtual:native:/home/rich/projects/webos/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-devtools/opkg/opkg_svn.bb, do_populate_sysroot) is current, so skipping setscene variant DEBUG: Stamp for underlying task 16(virtual:native:/home/rich/projects/webos/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-devtools/opkg-utils/opkg-utils_git.bb, do_populate_sysroot) is current, so skipping setscene variant DEBUG: Stamp for underlying task 20(virtual:native:/home/rich/projects/webos/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-devtools/makedevs/makedevs_1.0.0.bb, do_populate_sysroot) is current, so skipping setscene variant DEBUG: Stamp for underlying task 24(/home/rich/projects/webos/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-core/eglibc/ldconfig-native_2.12.1.bb, do_populate_sysroot) is current, so skipping setscene variant DEBUG: Stamp for underlying task 32(virtual:native:/home/rich/projects/webos/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-devtools/genext2fs/genext2fs_1.4.1.bb, do_populate_sysroot) is current, so skipping setscene variant DEBUG: Stamp for underlying task 36(virtual:native:/home/rich/projects/webos/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-devtools/e2fsprogs/e2fsprogs_1.42.1.bb, do_populate_sysroot) is current, so skipping setscene variant DEBUG: Stamp for underlying task 40(virtual:native:/home/rich/projects/webos/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-devtools/qemu/qemu_0.15.1.bb, do_populate_sysroot) is current, so skipping setscene variant DEBUG: Stamp for underlying task 44(/home/rich/projects/webos/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-devtools/qemu/qemu-helper-native_1.0.bb, do_populate_sysroot) is current, so skipping setscene variant

And then the spinning hang.


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