On Wed, Feb 26, 2025 at 11:43 AM Vyacheslav Yurkov via
lists.openembedded.org <uvv.mail=gmail....@lists.openembedded.org>
> On 25.02.2025 15:48, Ross Burton wrote:
> > On 20 Feb 2025, at 15:33, Vyacheslav Yurkov <uvv.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Isn't is supposed to be created on first boot?
> >
> > Yes, ish, but our rootfs is read only at this point:
> >
> > [    7.639766] systemd[1]: System cannot boot: Missing /etc/machine-id and 
> > /etc is mounted read-only.
> > [    7.641135] systemd[1]: Booting up is supported only when:
> > [    7.641844] systemd[1]: 1) /etc/machine-id exists and is populated.
> > [    7.642588] systemd[1]: 2) /etc/machine-id exists and is empty.
> > [    7.643279] systemd[1]: 3) /etc/machine-id is missing and /etc is 
> > writable.
> >
> > On 20 Feb 2025, at 16:03, Alex Kiernan <alex.kier...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> I do know that it was a horrible thing to get right when I rewrote the
> >> shell script in python (which I'm very glad to see the back of):
> >>
> >>     # If we populate the systemd links we also create /etc/machine-id, 
> >> which
> >>     # allows systemd to boot with the filesystem read-only before 
> >> generating
> >>     # a real value and then committing it back.
> >>     #
> >>     # For the stateless configuration, where /etc is generated at runtime
> >>     # (for example on a tmpfs), this script shouldn't run at all and we
> >>     # allow systemd to completely populate /etc.
> >>
> >> It may be that this behaviour was wrong in some cases, but at the same
> >> time, I remember spending a lot of time getting this right!
> > It certainly looks like it’s “tricky” to get the right semantics here 
> > because the range of potential use-cases is too great.
> >
> > I believe we should be writing /etc/machine-id at rootfs time if systemd is 
> > being used.  Currently this is done in the systemctl class if it writes 
> > links, and then in the rootfs class if the rootfs is read-only.
> >
> > I think we should consolidate those into the rootfs class, and give the 
> > user the choice of whether to treat the image as booted or not by writing 
> > either “” or “uninitialized” to the file as per 
> > https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/latest/machine-id.html#First%20Boot%20Semantics.
> >
> > tl;dr: if it contains “uninitialized” then this is the first boot, 
> > otherwise it’s not.  By always touching the file we break the ability for 
> > anyone to use systemd-first-boot or ConditionFirstBoot in their own units, 
> > which seems wrong.
> >
> > We’re about a week from feature freeze and getting this merged would be 
> > great, do you think you can finish this off Slava?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Ross
> I definitely gonna try. But I might be missing something, because I
> thought it sums up as follows:
> RO rootfs -> empty machine-id
> RW rootfs -> no machine-id
> And it does work that way when I rebuild my image with or without RO rootfs.

At the moment on master, as systemd-systemctl python script touch the
file, we can end up with an empty file independently of the
IMAGE_FEATURE read-only-rootfs. So we do break the ability of
firstboot in any case.
Also, if you boot with your rootfs in ro (KERNEL_ARGS, wic, ...)
without setting read-only-rootfs, with fstab that will remount your
rootfs in rw (so you do not have a read-only rootfs), not having the
/etc/machine-id file will make systemd fail (no not having
/etc/machine-id seems dangerous te me).

So why not put "uninitialized" in /etc/machine-id all the time
(probably in rootfs post commands, if the file does not exist yet, to
allow user to put a predefine one), it allows firstboot and prevent
the dangerous case of not having the file. The only strange case would
be when you do have a read-only filesystem, as you will always have a
first boot.
But if we do not want that strange behaviour by default, we can empty
/etc/machine-id in case of read-only-rootfs (in rootfs post commands),
or we let the decision to the user by letting him choose using the
systemd PACKAGECONFIG to enable/disable the firstboot support.

> Richard, could you please point me out which test actually failed? I
> looked at the logs, but most of them were "Skipped".
> Does the test explicitly remount rootfs as RO perhaps?
> The other option to have a real machine ID will probably mean to build
> machine id and leave it up to a user to decide whether they want to have
> such image. But I don't think it's wise to add this option now so it
> ends up in the next release.
> Slava


Alexis Cellier
Smile ECS Developer
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