On 2025-02-27 8:52 a.m., Varatharajan, Deepesh via lists.openembedded.org wrote:
Tested the following:

bitbake rust, cargo, nativesdk-rust, core-image-minimal, core-image-sato -c do_populate_sdk, core-image-sato -c testsdk, world
oe-selftest -r rust, reproducible

oe-selftest results for all archs as below:
Target         pass       skipped
x86_64        19141         438
x86           18954         625
ARM64         18983         596
ARM           18937         642
ppc           18893         686

If you have the numbers, please show us how that compares to the
test results for 1.82. Show before, after, diff.

If you don't have the exact numbers, from the patch, it looks like you've only added 6 more tests as [ignore].
Is that right?



# Randy MacLeod
# Wind River Linux
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