On 17 Feb 2025, at 07:46, hongxu via lists.openembedded.org 
<hongxu.jia=eng.windriver....@lists.openembedded.org> wrote:
> The environment variable SETUPTOOLS_SCM_SUBPROCESS_TIMEOUT allows to override
> the subprocess timeout. The default is 40 seconds and should work for most
> needs.[1] However, it was not enough while using git shallow tarball and 
> starting
> multiple Yocto world builds in one host.
> |   File "tmp/work/x86_64-linux/python3-scancode-native/32.1.0/recipe-sysroot-
> native/usr/lib/python3.13/subprocess.py", line 1263, in _check_timeout
> |     raise TimeoutExpired(
> |     ...<2 lines>...
> |             stderr=b''.join(stderr_seq) if stderr_seq else None)
> | subprocess.TimeoutExpired: Command '['git', '--git-dir', 'tmp/work/x86_64-
> linux/python3-scancode-native/32.1.0/git/.git', 'status', '--porcelain',
> '--untracked-files=no']' timed out after 40 seconds

Can you define “multiple”?  If a ‘git status’ is taking more than 40 seconds to 
complete then it sounds like your machine is being utterly hammered beyond 
reasonable measures.

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