Le jeu. 13 févr. 2025 à 20:13, Justin Bronder via lists.openembedded.org
<jsbronder=cold-front....@lists.openembedded.org> a écrit :

> On 11/02/25 23:36 +0000, Richard Purdie via lists.openembedded.org wrote:
> > You used to be able to disable pull requests for six month periods, it
> > looks like you can no longer do that and it was a pain having to try
> > and remember anyway.
> Isn't this just 'Settings -> Moderation Options -> Interaction Limits'?
> It looks like you can restrict it to repository collaborators (which is a
> list under the repo owner's control) to 6 months.

It is! Thanks!
When creating a PR, users get a message "An owner of this repository has
limited the ability to open a pull request to users that are collaborators
on this repository."
Opening an Issue results in an "Unable to create issue." error (not nice).
and it is done on a repo basis.

I agree, this could be a sensible solution.

It's also exposed on the REST API,
> https://docs.github.com/en/rest/interactions/repos?apiVersion=2022-11-28#set-interaction-restrictions-for-a-repository,
> which if you're willing to pull down the official github cli tool, gh,
> could go into a cron job fairly easily:
> gh api -X PUT \
>     /repos/openembedded/openembedded-core/interaction-limits \
>     -f 'limit=collaborators_only' \
>     -f 'expiry=six_months'
> I obviously couldn't test in the OpenEmbedded Org, but this worked both on
> my personal repos and in a private (paid) organization.
> Justin Bronder

Yoann Congal
Smile ECS - Tech expert
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