On Wed, Feb 12, 2025 at 3:41 AM Stefan Herbrechtsmeier <
stefan.herbrechtsmeier-...@weidmueller.com> wrote:

> Am 12.02.2025 um 00:14 schrieb Bruce Ashfield via lists.openembedded.org:
> In message: [bitbake-devel] [RFC PATCH 00/30] Add vendor support for go, npm 
> and rust
> on 11/02/2025 Stefan Herbrechtsmeier via lists.openembedded.org wrote:
> From: Stefan Herbrechtsmeier <stefan.herbrechtsme...@weidmueller.com> 
> <stefan.herbrechtsme...@weidmueller.com>
> The series adds on-the-fly support for package manager specific
> dependencies and vendor directories. It contains the following changes:
> 1. Adds an early fetch, unpack and patch task to unpack and patch source
>    code with an embedded lock file for dependencies.
> 2. Parse the go.sum, Cargo.lock and package-lock.json lock files and
>    resolve the dependencies to SRC_URIs.
> 3. Save the SRC_URIs in a file and adapt all SRC_URIs users to handle
>    the SRC_URI files beside the SRC_URIs in the recipe.
> I made a few comments, and will have another / better look at the
> series tomorrow. There's a lot here, and it is hard to wrap my head
> around everything that is changing.
> I have one specific question below (from the point of view of go).
> I've been looking through the series, and can't pick out where #3 is
> done.
> The files are created in the package manager specific vendor classes (17 -
> 19) in the do_vendor_resolve task. The parsing is implemented in the
> package manager specific modules in the vendor package (6-8).
aha. I'll have a closer look in a bit!

>  I see patch 14 using SRC_URI_FILES, but where are those files
> written ? Is that in patch 18 (vendor_go_do_vendor_resolve ?)  What is
> written to those files ?
> The file is written into the vendor directory below WORKDIR. The approach
> is similar to other classes which need to share data between tasks.
> The files contain individual SRC_URIs per line.
I may have missed that in the patches, but if that isn't described in the
commit logs, then
that description would be a nice addition. Along with a high level
description for each
supported language package manager about what is in the files and what uses
it to
resolve the dependencies.

> The concept that I'm not understanding (and that's just me not being
> familiar with things, I'll continue reading the series) is that when
> we suggested we'd like to have a mode where the dependencies could
> clearly be listed in the SRC_URI, at least I was just thinking about a
> way run the fetch/module elements that you were adding, write them to
> a file and then have the recipe include it.
> The additional SRC_URIs are dynamically added to the recipe without the
> indirection over an include file. The generated SRC_URIs could be inspected
> via the SRC_URI_FILES and manipulated via patches for the lock files or an
> separated lock file.
The issue with patching those dynamic files .. is just that, they are
dynamic and
they could be regenerated (but hopefully without a SRCREV change they are
generated each time, so maybe it isn't a big deal) and patching could fail.
Much like we
don't patch generated automake files, we patch the .am and .in files that
generate the

> I can't tell if in the series those files are written each time, and
> that there would be no way to edit those SRC_URI_FILES .. but I'll
> look again tomorrow.
> The files are written if the do_vendor_resolve task need to be rerun. It
> isn't possible to edit the generated SRC_URIs. Instead the lock file could
> be patched.

ok. So they are really just a way to dump what is being built to disk and
out of "memory",
it really isn't what I was looking for, but at least I understand what you
were trying to
do with the writing and later use of the files now.

I was hoping for something that I could include "statically" (for lack of a
better term) in my
recipes, and then have the handlers for the protocols do the fetching ..
again, much like
the crate:// fetches in the .inc files.

To be clear, I'm not suggesting that mode would be the only mode, just that
the way the
generation of the fetches -> actual fetching was constructed such that I
could avoid
"short circuit" the handling of the lock file and simply list the
dependencies for fetching
(much like how I can go get all of the SRCREVS for a gitsm:// fetch, and
put them into
my recipes as pure git:// fetches if I'm having issues with the git

That file would manipulate the standard SRC_URI. In other words still
> support a mode that is like the .inc files with crate://. So someone
> could either have the lockfile parsed and fetched, or have a way to
> run the parsing and fetching via a task, write a file and include the
> file in their recipe to short circuit the processing of the lockfile.
> (meaning the expanded and end fetches that are done once you've
> processed the file are simply listed as a series of fetches that are
> carried out without extra processing .. and "unrolled" dependency
> file pointing at the "sources" git, crate, mod, whatever)
> What is the motivation "to short circuit the processing of the lockfile"?
> Like any task the processing and its output are cached via the sstate cache.

See above. It isn't about re-running it a later time and re-using the
artifacts, it is about
having a way to make sure nothing is dynamically resolved when bitbake
<foo> is called,
just fetch and the rest of the standard tasks.

> It is possible to use the vendor package to create a include file but we
> should have good reasons to support two solutions for the same problem.
> If that just doesn't make sense, then if there was a way to copy
> the lockfile out of the recipe and have it overlayed onto the fetched
> one .. maybe breaking out the individual fetch lines isn't required,
> since they could be individually manipulated in that lockfile.
> I haven't test it but this should be possible. You can place a lock file
> beside the recipe, add it to the SRC_URI and change the XXX_LOCK_PATH.

Something like that is a big step towards having that finer grained control
in a recipe that
I'm looking for. I'd still like some sort of line by line "dumped
dependency list" if there's a
lower level protocol at play (but the lock file really also is just that
line by line list for many
of the languages).


> Regards Stefan

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at its end
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