Le mer. 5 févr. 2025 à 19:10, Tom Hochstein via lists.openembedded.org
<tom.hochstein=oss.nxp....@lists.openembedded.org> a écrit :

> Fix a problem with `devtool modify` as suggested by Marcus Flyckt on
> the mailing list:
> ```
>     I encountered an issue with `do_config` when using `devtool modify`
>     on `u-boot-imx`.
>     ```
>     [...]
>     | cp: cannot stat
> '[...]/u-boot-imx/2024.04/build/imx8mp_wl400s_defconfig/.config': No such
> file or directory
>     | WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command.
>     ERROR: Task
> ([...]/sources/poky/../meta-freescale/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-imx_2024.04.bb:do_configure)
> failed with exit code '1'
>     NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 963 tasks of which 962 didn't need to
> be rerun and 1 failed.
>     Summary: 1 task failed:
> [...]/sources/poky/../meta-freescale/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-imx_2024.04.bb:
> do_configure
>     Summary: There was 1 ERROR message, returning a non-zero exit code
>     ```
>     The issue seems to originate from the following lines in
>     `workspace/appends/u-boot-imx_2024.04.bbappend`:
>     ```
>     do_configure:append() {
>         if [
> ${@oe.types.boolean(d.getVar("KCONFIG_CONFIG_ENABLE_MENUCONFIG"))} = True
> ]; then
>             cp ${KCONFIG_CONFIG_ROOTDIR}/.config ${S}/.config.baseline
>             ln -sfT ${KCONFIG_CONFIG_ROOTDIR}/.config ${S}/.config.new
>         fi
>     }
>     ```
>     For some reason `KCONFIG_CONFIG_ROOTDIR` does not point to the
>     correct directory. It gets its value in `uboot-config.bbclass`:
>     ```
>     if len(ubootconfig) == 1:
>                     d.setVar('KCONFIG_CONFIG_ROOTDIR',
> os.path.join(d.getVar("B"), d.getVar("UBOOT_MACHINE").strip()))
>     ```
>     So the main issue is that B gets expanded in this expression, and
>     then later B gets changed by `externalsrc.bbclass`.
>     `d.getVar("B", False)` does not solve the issue, however the
>     proposed change does.
> ```
> - https://lists.yoctoproject.org/g/yocto/topic/109254298#msg64152]
> Suggested-by: Marcus Flyckt <marcus.fly...@gmail.com>
> Signed-off-by: Tom Hochstein <tom.hochst...@oss.nxp.com>

It looks like this patch fixes this bug :
Can you confirm please?
If that is the case, can you add [YOCTO #15603] to your commit message?


> ---
>  meta/classes-recipe/uboot-config.bbclass | 2 +-
>  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
> diff --git a/meta/classes-recipe/uboot-config.bbclass
> b/meta/classes-recipe/uboot-config.bbclass
> index bf21961977..74992182c3 100644
> --- a/meta/classes-recipe/uboot-config.bbclass
> +++ b/meta/classes-recipe/uboot-config.bbclass
> @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ python () {
>              # Ensure the uboot specific menuconfig settings do not leak
> into other recipes
>              if 'u-boot' in recipename:
>                  if len(ubootconfig) == 1:
> -                    d.setVar('KCONFIG_CONFIG_ROOTDIR',
> os.path.join(d.getVar("B"), d.getVar("UBOOT_MACHINE").strip()))
> +                    d.setVar('KCONFIG_CONFIG_ROOTDIR',
> os.path.join("${B}", d.getVar("UBOOT_MACHINE").strip()))
>                  else:
>                      # Disable menuconfig for multiple configs
>                      d.setVar('KCONFIG_CONFIG_ENABLE_MENUCONFIG', "false")
> --
> 2.34.1

Yoann Congal
Smile ECS - Tech expert
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