
You may refer to the wiki page for tests on HW. : 

For single testresults.json file, you can use below command to merge both 
testresults to single testresult file. 
$ resulttool merge  <testA.json> <testB.json>  

Jing Hui

> -----Original Message-----
> From: qa-build-notificat...@lists.yoctoproject.org <qa-build-
> notificat...@lists.yoctoproject.org> On Behalf Of Mikko Rapeli via
> lists.yoctoproject.org
> Sent: Thursday, January 9, 2025 10:17 PM
> To: Tham, Jing Hui <jing.hui.t...@intel.com>
> Cc: qa-build-notificat...@lists.yoctoproject.org;
> <yo...@lists.yoctoproject.org> <yo...@lists.yoctoproject.org>;
> openembedded-core@lists.openembedded.org; Ross Burton
> <ross.bur...@arm.com>; Ilias Apalodimas <ilias.apalodi...@linaro.org>; Bill
> Mills <bill.mi...@linaro.org>
> Subject: Re: [OE-core] [qa-build-notification] QA notification for completed
> autobuilder build (yocto-5.2_M1.rc2)
> Hi
> On Mon, Dec 30, 2024 at 08:33:17AM +0000, Jing Hui Tham via
> lists.openembedded.org wrote:
> > QA for yocto-5.2_M1.rc2 is completed. This is the full report for yocto-
> 5.2_M1.rc2:
> > https://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/yocto-testresults-contrib/t
> > ree/?h=intel-yocto-testresults
> How are these results generated for each HW?
> Do you run a build for the machine with some special config on a build
> machine which has the test target connected?
> Specificially, I'm wondering how to run the manual tests and oeqa runtime
> tests at the same time to produce a single testresults.json file which has 
> both.
> The result json files show which images get tested.
> How did you select these for each HW?
> Default oeqa runtime tests from TEST_SUITES variable for images without SSH
> server don't really work so core-image-base and core-image-minimal testing
> doesn't find anything.
> Only core-image-sato, core-image-weston etc have SSH server and real tests
> find something.
> I wonder if some other tests should be done for these images without SSH
> over serial console.
> > ======= Summary ========
> > For Beaglebone, there is a new bug found: Bug 15703 - [5.2 M1 RC2] Fail to
> start matchbox-desktop on beaglebone:
> > https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15703
> > Since there is no graphic desktop, all graphics-related test cases are 
> > skipped.
> >
> > For the new BSP BeaglePlay, the test for genericarm64 image could not be
> completed due to bug 15704. So there are only test results for genericarm64-
> alt image this time.
> > Bug 15704 - [5.2 M1 RC2] BeaglePlay: System hangs randomly and kernel
> call trace with 6.12:
> > https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15704
> I've done some testing of genericarm64 machine builds on AMD KV260 which
> I could also contribute to yocto-testresults-contrib repo, as well as some
> fixes/changes to oe-core/poky and/or bug reports/feature requests:
>  * testing done in Linaro Lava lab with AMD KV260 devices running Linaro
> Truste Substrate u-boot
>    based firmware with secure boot disabled
> ( https://gitlab.com/Linaro/trustedsubstrate/meta-ts ).
>    HW has been slightly modified to enable flashing firmware and SW
> automatically.
>  * default poky distro build images don't work for testing because serial
> console getty
>    setup is broken. Thus serial login prompt fails which our Lava testing 
> uses to
> detect
>    a fully booted system. Fix is to add KV260 serial console to genericarm64 
> or
> to fix
>    serial console detection with udev also on sysvinit. systemd images with
> udev work
>    correctly. Example:
> https://ledge.validation.linaro.org/scheduler/job/99486
> INIT: Id "S0" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
> INIT: Id "S1" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
> INIT: Id "S2" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
> INIT: Id "S0" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
> INIT: Id "S1" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
> INIT: Id "S2" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
>  * testexport.bbclass not enabled so testing outside of build environment is
> hard.
>    Using exported tests works well in Linaro Lava so I've enable them in the 
> test
> build
>    and modified the output files to contain full image name to easily match
>    image with image specific test export file. Draft patch:
> --- a/meta/classes-recipe/testexport.bbclass
> +++ b/meta/classes-recipe/testexport.bbclass
> @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ def copy_needed_files(d, tc):
>                  shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(subdir, dir))
>      # Create tar file for common parts of testexport
> -    testexport_create_tarball(d, "testexport.tar.gz",
> d.getVar("TEST_EXPORT_DIR"))
> +    testexport_create_tarball(d, "testexport_" +
> + d.getVar('IMAGE_LINK_NAME') + ".tar.gz", d.getVar("TEST_EXPORT_DIR"))
>      # Copy packages needed for runtime testing
>      package_extraction(d, tc.suites)
>    Enabled in local.conf with:
> IMAGE_CLASSES += "testexport testimage"
>  * Since serial console works correctly with systemd init, testing poky-altcfg
> distro
>    instead of poky, but that downgrades kernel from 6.12 to 6.6 which is not
> that interesting
>    for us. Thus updated kernel to 6.12 with draft poky change:
> --- a/meta-poky/conf/distro/include/poky-distro-alt-test-config.inc
> +++ b/meta-poky/conf/distro/include/poky-distro-alt-test-config.inc
> @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
>  DISTRO_FEATURES:append = " pam usrmerge"
>  # Use our alternate kernel version
> -PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-yocto = "6.6%"
> +#PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-yocto = "6.6%"
>  # Ensure the kernel nfs server is enabled  KERNEL_FEATURES:append:pn-linux-
> yocto = " features/nfsd/nfsd-enable.scc"
>  * core-image-base boots to serial console login and reboot succeeds. Further
> testing
>    with oeqa runtime does not work since SSH server not installed.
>    https://ledge.validation.linaro.org/scheduler/job/99485
>  * core-image-minimal boots to serial console login and reboot succeeds.
> Further testing
>    with oeqa runtime does not work since no SSH server installed.
>    https://ledge.validation.linaro.org/scheduler/job/99484
>  * core-image-sato boots to serial console login and reboot succeeds. Since
> SSH server is
>    on image oeqa runtime tests run and results are:
>    https://ledge.validation.linaro.org/scheduler/job/99483
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,221 - runtime - INFO - Ran 73 tests in 186.726s
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,222 - runtime - INFO - FAILED
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,222 - runtime - INFO -  (failures=4, skipped=49)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,239 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS:
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,239 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> connman.ConnmanTest.test_connmand_help: PASSED (0.75s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,240 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> connman.ConnmanTest.test_connmand_running: PASSED (0.70s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,240 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> date.DateTest.test_date: PASSED (9.10s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,240 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS - df.DfTest.test_df:
> PASSED (0.74s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,240 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> oe_syslog.SyslogTest.test_syslog_running: PASSED (0.72s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,240 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> oe_syslog.SyslogTestConfig.test_syslog_logger: PASSED (2.28s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,240 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> oe_syslog.SyslogTestConfig.test_syslog_restart: PASSED (1.31s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,240 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> pam.PamBasicTest.test_pam: PASSED (2.88s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,240 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> parselogs.ParseLogsTest.test_get_context: PASSED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,240 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> ping.PingTest.test_ping: PASSED (0.01s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,241 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> python.PythonTest.test_python3: PASSED (1.25s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,241 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> scp.ScpTest.test_scp_file: PASSED (2.81s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,241 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS - ssh.SSHTest.test_ssh:
> PASSED (0.72s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,241 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> systemd.SystemdBasicTests.test_systemd_basic: PASSED (0.71s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,241 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> systemd.SystemdBasicTests.test_systemd_list: PASSED (3.07s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,241 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> systemd.SystemdJournalTests.test_systemd_boot_time: PASSED (0.89s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,241 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> systemd.SystemdJournalTests.test_systemd_journal: PASSED (1.12s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,241 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> systemd.SystemdServiceTests.test_systemd_disable_enable: PASSED (7.29s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,241 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> systemd.SystemdServiceTests.test_systemd_status: PASSED (0.76s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,241 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> systemd.SystemdServiceTests.test_systemd_stop_start: PASSED (2.78s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,241 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> apt.AptRepoTest.test_apt_install_from_repo: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,242 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> buildcpio.BuildCpioTest.test_cpio: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,242 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> buildgalculator.GalculatorTest.test_galculator: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,242 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> buildlzip.BuildLzipTest.test_lzip: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,242 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfBasicTest.test_dnf_help: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,242 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfBasicTest.test_dnf_history: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,242 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfBasicTest.test_dnf_info: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,242 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfBasicTest.test_dnf_search: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,242 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfBasicTest.test_dnf_version: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,242 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_exclude: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,243 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_install: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,243 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_install_dependency: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,243 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_install_from_disk: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,243 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_install_from_http: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,243 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_installroot: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,243 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_installroot_usrmerge: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,243 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_makecache: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,243 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_reinstall: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,243 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_repoinfo: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,243 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> gcc.GccCompileTest.test_gcc_compile: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,244 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> gcc.GccCompileTest.test_gpp2_compile: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,244 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> gcc.GccCompileTest.test_gpp_compile: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,244 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> gcc.GccCompileTest.test_make: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,244 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> gi.GObjectIntrospectionTest.test_python: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,244 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> go.GoHelloworldTest.test_gohelloworld: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,244 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> kernelmodule.KernelModuleTest.test_kernel_module: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,244 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS - ldd.LddTest.test_ldd:
> SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,244 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> logrotate.LogrotateTest.test_logrotate_newlog: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,244 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> logrotate.LogrotateTest.test_logrotate_wtmp: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,244 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> oe_syslog.SyslogTestConfig.test_syslog_startup_config: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,245 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> perl.PerlTest.test_perl_works: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,245 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> ptest.PtestRunnerTest.test_ptestrunner_expectfail: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,245 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> ptest.PtestRunnerTest.test_ptestrunner_expectsuccess: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,245 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> rpm.RpmBasicTest.test_rpm_help: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,245 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> rpm.RpmBasicTest.test_rpm_query: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,245 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> rpm.RpmBasicTest.test_rpm_query_nonroot: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,245 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> rpm.RpmInstallRemoveTest.test_check_rpm_install_removal_log_file_size:
> SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,245 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> rpm.RpmInstallRemoveTest.test_rpm_install: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,245 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> rpm.RpmInstallRemoveTest.test_rpm_remove: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,245 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> rust.RustCLibExampleTest.test_rust_c_lib_example: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,245 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> rust.RustCompileTest.test_cargo_compile: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,246 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> rust.RustCompileTest.test_rust_compile: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,246 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> stap.StapTest.test_stap: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,246 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> systemd.SystemdServiceTests.test_systemd_coredump_minidebuginfo:
> SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,246 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> systemd.SystemdServiceTests.test_systemd_disable_enable_ro: SKIPPED
> (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,246 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> weston.WestonTest.test_wayland_info: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,246 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> weston.WestonTest.test_weston_can_initialize_new_wayland_compositor:
> SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,246 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> weston.WestonTest.test_weston_running: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,246 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> weston.WestonTest.test_weston_supports_xwayland: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,246 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> opkg.OpkgRepoTest.test_opkg_install_from_repo: FAILED (135.86s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,246 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> parselogs.ParseLogsTest.test_parselogs: FAILED (4.76s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,247 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> systemd.SystemdBasicTests.test_systemd_failed: FAILED (2.19s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,247 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> xorg.XorgTest.test_xorg_running: FAILED (1.27s)
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,250 - runtime - INFO - SUMMARY:
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,250 - runtime - INFO - runtime () - Ran 73 tests in
> 186.734s
> 2025-01-09 08:08:13,250 - runtime - INFO - runtime - FAIL - Required tests
> failed (successes=20, skipped=49, failures=4, errors=0)
>    opkg.OpkgRepoTest.test_opkg_install_from_repo failure is a test setup issue
> since
>    package repo from build environment is not exported to test environment.
>    parselogs.ParseLogsTest.test_parselogs fails since firmware and kernel 
> trigger
> some new
>    non-fatal warnings to dmesg. Needs detailed investigation to either supress
> warnings or
>    to fix root causes.
>    systemd.SystemdBasicTests.test_systemd_failed fails since xserver-
> nodm.service fails
>    start. X11 graphics support on AMD KV260 is not enabled or working yet on
> genericarm64
>    machine.
>    xorg.XorgTest.test_xorg_running fails since xorg startup fails.
>  * core-image-weston boots to serial console login and reboot succeeds. SSH
> server is installed
>    so oeqa runtime tests run and results are:
>    https://ledge.validation.linaro.org/scheduler/job/99486
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,919 - runtime - INFO - 
> ---------------------------------------
> -------------------------------
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,919 - runtime - INFO - Ran 73 tests in 192.950s
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,920 - runtime - INFO - FAILED
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,920 - runtime - INFO -  (failures=6, skipped=49)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,937 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS:
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,938 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> date.DateTest.test_date: PASSED (9.06s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,938 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS - df.DfTest.test_df:
> PASSED (0.73s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,938 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> oe_syslog.SyslogTest.test_syslog_running: PASSED (0.71s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,938 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> oe_syslog.SyslogTestConfig.test_syslog_logger: PASSED (2.29s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,938 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> oe_syslog.SyslogTestConfig.test_syslog_restart: PASSED (1.29s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,938 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> pam.PamBasicTest.test_pam: PASSED (2.89s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,938 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> parselogs.ParseLogsTest.test_get_context: PASSED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,938 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> ping.PingTest.test_ping: PASSED (0.01s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,938 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> scp.ScpTest.test_scp_file: PASSED (2.78s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,939 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS - ssh.SSHTest.test_ssh:
> PASSED (0.74s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,939 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> systemd.SystemdBasicTests.test_systemd_basic: PASSED (0.69s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,939 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> systemd.SystemdBasicTests.test_systemd_list: PASSED (3.10s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,939 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> systemd.SystemdJournalTests.test_systemd_boot_time: PASSED (0.91s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,939 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> systemd.SystemdJournalTests.test_systemd_journal: PASSED (1.11s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,939 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> systemd.SystemdServiceTests.test_systemd_disable_enable: PASSED (7.28s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,939 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> systemd.SystemdServiceTests.test_systemd_status: PASSED (0.76s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,939 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> systemd.SystemdServiceTests.test_systemd_stop_start: PASSED (2.75s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,939 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> weston.WestonTest.test_wayland_info: PASSED (7.56s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,939 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> apt.AptRepoTest.test_apt_install_from_repo: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,940 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> buildcpio.BuildCpioTest.test_cpio: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,940 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> buildgalculator.GalculatorTest.test_galculator: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,940 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> buildlzip.BuildLzipTest.test_lzip: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,940 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> connman.ConnmanTest.test_connmand_help: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,940 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> connman.ConnmanTest.test_connmand_running: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,940 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfBasicTest.test_dnf_help: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,940 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfBasicTest.test_dnf_history: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,940 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfBasicTest.test_dnf_info: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,940 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfBasicTest.test_dnf_search: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,940 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfBasicTest.test_dnf_version: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,941 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_exclude: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,941 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_install: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,941 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_install_dependency: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,941 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_install_from_disk: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,941 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_install_from_http: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,941 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_installroot: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,941 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_installroot_usrmerge: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,941 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_makecache: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,941 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_reinstall: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,941 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_repoinfo: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,942 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> gcc.GccCompileTest.test_gcc_compile: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,942 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> gcc.GccCompileTest.test_gpp2_compile: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,942 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> gcc.GccCompileTest.test_gpp_compile: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,942 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> gcc.GccCompileTest.test_make: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,942 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> gi.GObjectIntrospectionTest.test_python: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,942 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> go.GoHelloworldTest.test_gohelloworld: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,942 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> kernelmodule.KernelModuleTest.test_kernel_module: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,942 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS - ldd.LddTest.test_ldd:
> SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,942 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> logrotate.LogrotateTest.test_logrotate_newlog: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,943 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> logrotate.LogrotateTest.test_logrotate_wtmp: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,943 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> oe_syslog.SyslogTestConfig.test_syslog_startup_config: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,943 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> perl.PerlTest.test_perl_works: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,943 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> ptest.PtestRunnerTest.test_ptestrunner_expectfail: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,943 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> ptest.PtestRunnerTest.test_ptestrunner_expectsuccess: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,943 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> python.PythonTest.test_python3: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,943 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> rpm.RpmBasicTest.test_rpm_help: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,943 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> rpm.RpmBasicTest.test_rpm_query: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,943 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> rpm.RpmBasicTest.test_rpm_query_nonroot: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,943 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> rpm.RpmInstallRemoveTest.test_check_rpm_install_removal_log_file_size:
> SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,944 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> rpm.RpmInstallRemoveTest.test_rpm_install: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,944 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> rpm.RpmInstallRemoveTest.test_rpm_remove: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,944 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> rust.RustCLibExampleTest.test_rust_c_lib_example: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,944 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> rust.RustCompileTest.test_cargo_compile: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,944 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> rust.RustCompileTest.test_rust_compile: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,944 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> stap.StapTest.test_stap: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,944 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> systemd.SystemdServiceTests.test_systemd_coredump_minidebuginfo:
> SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,944 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> systemd.SystemdServiceTests.test_systemd_disable_enable_ro: SKIPPED
> (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,944 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> xorg.XorgTest.test_xorg_running: SKIPPED (0.00s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,944 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> opkg.OpkgRepoTest.test_opkg_install_from_repo: FAILED (136.68s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,945 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> parselogs.ParseLogsTest.test_parselogs: FAILED (4.11s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,945 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> systemd.SystemdBasicTests.test_systemd_failed: FAILED (2.21s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,945 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> weston.WestonTest.test_weston_can_initialize_new_wayland_compositor:
> FAILED (0.54s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,945 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> weston.WestonTest.test_weston_running: FAILED (1.27s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,945 - runtime - INFO - RESULTS -
> weston.WestonTest.test_weston_supports_xwayland: FAILED (0.73s)
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,948 - runtime - INFO - SUMMARY:
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,948 - runtime - INFO - runtime () - Ran 73 tests in
> 192.962s
> 2025-01-09 08:55:34,948 - runtime - INFO - runtime - FAIL - Required tests
> failed (successes=18, skipped=49, failures=6, errors=0)
>    opkg.OpkgRepoTest.test_opkg_install_from_repo fails like on core-image-
> sato with same root cause,
>    missing package repo in test environment.
>    parselogs.ParseLogsTest.test_parselogs fails like on core-image-sato.
>    systemd.SystemdBasicTests.test_systemd_failed fails since weston.service
> fails
>    to start. Details need to be investigated and likely related to graphics 
> stack
>    not setup yet on genericarm64 for AMD KV260.
>    weston.WestonTest.test_weston_can_initialize_new_wayland_compositor
> fails since
>    weston.service startup fails.
>    weston.WestonTest.test_weston_running fails since weston.service startup
> fails.
>    weston.WestonTest.test_weston_supports_xwayland fails since
> weston.service startup
>    fails.
> I could upload testresult.json files from these test runs to 
> yocto-testresults-
> contrib.
> Which branch name should I use? Any reviews needed for the changes? I
> could also report the test failures to bugzilla, if that makes sense. I will 
> try get
> these fixed and also improve the tests, for example the small images without
> SSH could be checked a bit more over serial console.
> Any feedback to this first test run is welcome.
> Cheers,
> -Mikko

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