On 15 May 2024, at 16:56, Richard Purdie via lists.openembedded.org 
<richard.purdie=linuxfoundation....@lists.openembedded.org> wrote:
> The other question we'd wondered about is whether we can show the
> commit hash as well as the commit number?
> The tricky part is that ideally we'd be able to copy/paste the hash or
> even make it a clickable link to the poky repository
> (e.g.https://git.yoctoproject.org/poky/commit/?id=6582436a1d1af7775a6bb651aff47a9db773e32b
> ) but I'm not sure how possible that is?
> The use case here is where for example there are the step changes in
> things like disk usage, or the kernel build time, we'd like to know
> which changes happened around that time. The commit number is good, and
> you can resolve it with a command like:
> git rev-list --reverse HEAD | nl -n ln | grep ^69808
> but a direct link to the revision would be ideal if possible.

A better way - if you already have access to the results.json for a particular 
run then metadata.json contains all the SHAs that were used.

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