
> This still fails on the autobuilders, I'm pretty sure the config for the
> build folder has:
> PACKAGE_CLASSES = "package_rpm"

aha! that is the missing puzzle piece - thanks!
thought i read somewhere that ipk is the default and geared the tests towards 
that... "always check yous assumptions"

> This explains this:
> build-st-4166614$ tree tmp/deploy/images/qemux86-64/var/lib/
> tmp/deploy/images/qemux86-64/var/lib/
> ├── dnf
> │   ├── history.sqlite
> │   ├── history.sqlite-shm
> │   └── history.sqlite-wal
> └── rpm
>     ├── rpmdb.sqlite
>     ├── rpmdb.sqlite-shm
>     └── rpmdb.sqlite-wal
> 3 directories, 6 files

...which make me realize that there needs to be a test for all three 
packagemanagers; at least on the "gen_pkgdb_fs" side
-> expect a v8

> Are you testing with plain poky?

yes, i've checked out just the 'openembeddec-core' plus 'bitbake' layers; and 
run the tests "vanilla" on that setup - which default to using 'package_ipk' = 
no wonder my local test runs always succeeded :-D

feature request for the autobuilder logs: include a config dump at the 
beginning? (or a link to the config git repo + sha; or the docs?)

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