We don't have a test to check if we can correctly devtool update-recipe/finish
into another layer. So update the existing 
to also check the updates into another layer.

Signed-off-by: Julien Stephan <jstep...@baylibre.com>
 meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/devtool.py | 20 ++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/devtool.py 
index c555e101217..4c59a630add 100644
--- a/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/devtool.py
+++ b/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/devtool.py
@@ -1405,14 +1405,30 @@ class DevtoolUpdateTests(DevtoolBase):
         runCmd('echo "Bar" > new-file', cwd=tempdir)
         runCmd('git add new-file', cwd=tempdir)
         runCmd('git commit -m "Add new file"', cwd=tempdir)
-        self.add_command_to_tearDown('cd %s; git clean -fd .; git checkout .' %
-                                     os.path.dirname(recipefile))
         runCmd('devtool update-recipe %s' % testrecipe)
         expected_status = [(' M', '.*/%s$' % os.path.basename(recipefile)),
                            (' M', '.*/makedevs/makedevs.c$'),
                            ('??', '.*/makedevs/new-local$'),
                            ('??', '.*/makedevs/0001-Add-new-file.patch$')]
         self._check_repo_status(os.path.dirname(recipefile), expected_status)
+        # Now try to update recipe in another layer, so first, clean it
+        runCmd('cd %s; git clean -fd .; git checkout .' % 
+        # Create a temporary layer and add it to bblayers.conf
+        self._create_temp_layer(templayerdir, True, 'templayer')
+        # Update recipe in templayer
+        result = runCmd('devtool update-recipe %s -a %s' % (testrecipe, 
+        self.assertNotIn('WARNING:', result.output)
+        # Check recipe is still clean
+        self._check_repo_status(os.path.dirname(recipefile), [])
+        splitpath = os.path.dirname(recipefile).split(os.sep)
+        appenddir = os.path.join(templayerdir, splitpath[-2], splitpath[-1])
+        bbappendfile = self._check_bbappend(testrecipe, recipefile, appenddir)
+        patchfile = os.path.join(appenddir, testrecipe, 
+        new_local_file = os.path.join(appenddir, testrecipe, 'new_local')
+        local_file = os.path.join(appenddir, testrecipe, 'makedevs.c')
+        self.assertExists(patchfile, 'Patch file 0001-Add-new-file.patch not 
+        self.assertExists(local_file, 'File makedevs.c not created')
+        self.assertExists(patchfile, 'File new_local not created')
     def test_devtool_update_recipe_local_files_2(self):
         """Check local source files support when oe-local-files is in Git"""

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