Other than the formatting changes, there are two functional ones:

- use perlcross instead of quilt, as quilt is special in the sense
of being excluded from task hash calculcations. perlcross is a full

- run the full test (local + sstate) for gcc do_preconfiure change
as the necessary fix has been implemented
(sstatesig/find_siginfo: special-case gcc-source when looking in sstate caches)

Note that when several tasks are found to have changed (as is the case
when base do_configure is adjusted), find_siginfo() runs
glob.glob("*/*/*taskname*") against autobuilder sstate cache for each
of those tasks (six or seven times). This is an expensive operation
taking several minutes. I left it in for now, but if it's proven too slow
the test would have to be reduced to checking a specific base recipe
(e.g. zstd-native) rather than a distant image target.

[YOCTO #15289]

Signed-off-by: Alexander Kanavin <a...@linutronix.de>
 .../perlcross_%.bbappend}                     |  0
 meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/sstatetests.py   | 22 +++++++++++--------
 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
 rename meta-selftest/recipes-test/{quilt-native/quilt-native_%.bbappend => 
perlcross/perlcross_%.bbappend} (100%)

diff --git a/meta-selftest/recipes-test/quilt-native/quilt-native_%.bbappend 
similarity index 100%
rename from meta-selftest/recipes-test/quilt-native/quilt-native_%.bbappend
rename to meta-selftest/recipes-test/perlcross/perlcross_%.bbappend
diff --git a/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/sstatetests.py 
index f827615ba1b..6af3c8f2178 100644
--- a/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/sstatetests.py
+++ b/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/sstatetests.py
@@ -824,14 +824,16 @@ TMPDIR = "${{TOPDIR}}/tmp-sstateprintdiff-difftmp-{}"
     # Check if printdiff walks the full dependency chain from the image target 
to where the change is in a specific recipe
-    def test_image_minimal_vs_quilt(self):
-        expected_output = ("Task quilt-native:do_install couldn't be used from 
the cache because:",
+    def test_image_minimal_vs_perlcross(self):
+        expected_output = ("Task perlcross-native:do_install couldn't be used 
from the cache because:",
 "We need hash",
 "most recent matching task was")
-        expected_sametmp_output = expected_output + ("Variable do_install 
value changed",'+    echo "this changes the task signature"')
+        expected_sametmp_output = expected_output + (
+"Variable do_install value changed",
+'+    echo "this changes the task signature"')
         expected_difftmp_output = expected_output
-        self.run_test_printdiff_changerecipe("core-image-minimal", 
"quilt-native", "-c do_install quilt-native",
+        self.run_test_printdiff_changerecipe("core-image-minimal", 
"perlcross", "-c do_install perlcross-native",
 do_install:append() {
     echo "this changes the task signature"
@@ -846,10 +848,10 @@ expected_sametmp_output, expected_difftmp_output)
         expected_output = ("Task {}:do_preconfigure couldn't be used from the 
cache because:".format(gcc_source_pn),
 "We need hash",
 "most recent matching task was")
-        expected_sametmp_output = expected_output + ("Variable do_preconfigure 
value changed",'+    print("this changes the task signature")')
-        #FIXME: printdiff is supposed to find at least one preconfigure task 
signature in the sstate cache, but isn't able to
-        #expected_difftmp_output = expected_output
-        expected_difftmp_output = ()
+        expected_sametmp_output = expected_output + (
+"Variable do_preconfigure value changed",
+'+    print("this changes the task signature")')
+        expected_difftmp_output = expected_output
         self.run_test_printdiff_changerecipe("gcc-runtime", "gcc-source", "-c 
do_preconfigure {}".format(gcc_source_pn),
@@ -873,7 +875,9 @@ expected_sametmp_output, expected_difftmp_output)
 "Task gnu-config-native:do_configure couldn't be used from the cache because:",
 "We need hash",
 "most recent matching task was")
-        expected_sametmp_output = expected_output + ("Variable 
base_do_configure value changed",'+     echo "this changes base_do_configure() 
definiton "')
+        expected_sametmp_output = expected_output + (
+"Variable base_do_configure value changed",
+'+     echo "this changes base_do_configure() definiton "')
         expected_difftmp_output = expected_output

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