Current Dev Position: YP 5.0 M1

Next Deadline: 4th December 2023 YP 5.0 M1 build

Next Team Meetings:


   Meetings canceled this week for YP Summit.

Key Status/Updates:


   YP 4.2.4  has passed QA and under discussion pending release

   YP 4.3.1 is in QA

   The BB_DEFAULT_EVENTLOG setting has exposed a bug where the bitbake
   server could hang due to thread deadlocking. A fix has been merged for it

   The length of builds (world and oe-selftest) continues to be a concern.

   The intermittent issues on the autobuilder are causing problems for
   master branch development and stable releases and this is slowing down
   patch testing and merging. We simply don't have enough people to fix the
   issues quickly enough and the people we do have are struggling.

   There are some worrying issues around trying to fix the useradd bugs,
   particularly around inter-sstate task dependencies. There is a discussion
   about this on the openembedded-architecture list for those interested.

   The Yocto Project Summit is this week so the regular meetings are
   canceled so people can attend the summit: .

Ways to contribute:


   As people are likely aware, the project has a number of components which
   are either unmaintained, or have people with little to no time trying to
   keep them alive. These components include: devtool, toaster, wic, oeqa,
   autobuilder, CROPs containers, pseudo and more. Many have open bugs. Help
   is welcome in trying to better look after these components!

   There are bugs identified as possible for newcomers to the project:

   There are bugs that are currently unassigned for YP 4.3. See:

   We’d welcome new maintainers for recipes in OE-Core. Please see the list
   and discuss with the existing maintainer, or ask on the OE-Core mailing
   list. We will likely move a chunk of these to “Unassigned” soon to help
   facilitate this.

   Help is very much welcome in trying to resolve our autobuilder
   intermittent issues. You can see the list of failures we’re continuing to
   see by searching for the “AB-INT” tag in bugzilla:

   Help us resolve CVE issues: CVE metrics

   We have a growing number of bugs in bugzilla, any help with them is

YP 5.0 Milestone Dates:


   YP 5.0 M1 build date 2023/12/04

   YP 5.0 M1 Release date 2023/12/15

   YP 5.0 M2 build date  2024/01/15

   YP 5.0 M2 Release date 2024/01/24

   YP 5.0 M3 build date  2024/02/19

   YP 5.0 M3 Release date 2024/03/01

   YP 5.0 M4 build date  2024/04/01

   YP 5.0 M4 Release date 2024/04/30

Upcoming dot releases:


   YP 3.1.29 build date 2023/10/30

   YP 3.1.29 Release date 2023/11/10

   YP 4.0.14 build date 2023/11/06

   YP 4.0.14 Release date 2023/11/17

   YP 4.2.4 build date 2023/11/13

   YP 4.2.4 Release date 2023/11/24

   YP 4.3.1 build date 2023/11/27

   YP 4.3.1 Release date 2023/12/08

   YP 3.1.30 build date 2023/12/11

   YP 3.1.30 Release date 2023/12/22

   YP 4.0.15 build date 2023/12/18

   YP 4.0.15 Release date 2023/12/29

   YP 4.3.2 build date 2024/01/08

   YP 4.3.2 Release date 2024/01/19

   YP 3.1.31 build date 2024/01/22

   YP 3.1.31 Release date 2024/02/02

   YP 4.0.16 build date 2024/01/29

   YP 4.0.16 Release date 2024/02/09

   YP 4.3.3 build date 2024/02/12

   YP 4.3.3 Release date 2024/02/23

   YP 3.1.32 build date 2024/03/04

   YP 3.1.32 Release date 2024/03/15

   YP 4.0.17 build date 2024/03/11

   YP 4.0.17 Release date 2024/03/22

   YP 4.3.4 build date 2024/03/25

   YP 4.3.4 Release date 2024/04/05

   YP 3.1.33 build date 2024/04/15

   YP 3.1.33 Release date 2024/04/26

   YP 4.0.18 build date 2024/04/22

   YP 4.0.18 Release date 2024/05/03

   YP 4.0.19 build date 2024/06/03

   YP 4.0.19 Release date 2024/06/14

Tracking Metrics:


   WDD 2547 (last week 2517) (

   OE-Core/Poky Patch Metrics

      Total patches found: 1178 (last week 1177)

      Patches in the Pending State: 253 (21%) [last week 253 (21%)]

The Yocto Project’s technical governance is through its Technical Steering
Committee, more information is available at:

The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at:

[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this
weekly status update, let us know!]

*Neal Caidin*
Program Manager
The Linux Foundation
Durham, NC, U.S.A. - Eastern time zone
+1 (919) 238-9104 (w/h)
+1 (919) 949-1861 (m)
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