On 2023-11-12 07:33, Patchtest wrote:
Thank you for your submission. Patchtest identified one
or more issues with the patch. Please see the log below for
more information:

Tests failed for the patch, but the results log could not be processed due to 
excessive result line length.


Patchtest failed the signed-off-by test in the CVE-2023-4693 patch because the "Signed-off-by" lines don't have the proper email format in them:

+Reported-by: Maxim Suhanov <dfirblog@...>
+Signed-off-by: Maxim Suhanov <dfirblog@...>
+Reviewed-by: Daniel Kiper <daniel.kiper@...>
+Signed-off-by: Xiangyu Chen <xiangyu.chen@...>

Can you correct this and resubmit?

Please address the issues identified and
submit a new revision of the patch, or alternatively, reply to this
email with an explanation of why the patch should be accepted. If you
believe these results are due to an error in patchtest, please submit a
bug at https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/ (use the 'Patchtest' category
under 'Yocto Project Subprojects'). For more information on specific
failures, see: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Patchtest. Thank

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