The new website looks nice, just is populated by: Plugin JSON Content Importer Pro not running: Check Licence! Check that a Licence is active for Instead of actual release data.
Peter From: <> On Behalf Of Neal Caidin via Sent: Tuesday, November 7, 2023 16:53 To:; Cc: Stephen Jolley <> Subject: [yocto] Yocto Project Status 07 November 2023 (WW45) Current Dev Position: YP 4.3 (Final Release) Next Deadline: 27th October 2023 YP 4.3 Final Release Next Team Meetings: * Bug Triage meeting Thursday November 9, 7:30 am PDT ( * Weekly Project Engineering Sync Tuesday November 7th at 8 am PDT (<> * Twitch - See Key Status/Updates: * The YP 4.3 release now has documentation completed and is likely to be released in the next few days. * Patchtest is now replying live on the mailing list for OE-Core and the threading issues were resolved. We are continuing to tweak some of the tests to best suit our needs and address issues. * Meta-openembedded now has patch metrics and CVE reporting: * Meta-openembedded has had automatic upgrade emails being sent to the openembedded-devel list. These can be manually triggered from the autobuilder. * Recipetool is now able to better handle go modules. * The 32bit x86 non-kvm 6.5 kernel early boot crash investigation is ongoing, upstream are aware. * The Yocto Project website has had a refresh (<>) Ways to contribute: * As people are likely aware, the project has a number of components which are either unmaintained, or have people with little to no time trying to keep them alive. These components include: patchtest, layerindex, devtool, toaster, wic, oeqa, autobuilder, CROPs containers, pseudo and more. Many have open bugs. Help is welcome in trying to better look after these components! * There are bugs identified as possible for newcomers to the project: * There are bugs that are currently unassigned for YP 4.3. See: * We’d welcome new maintainers for recipes in OE-Core. Please see the list at: and discuss with the existing maintainer, or ask on the OE-Core mailing list. We will likely move a chunk of these to “Unassigned” soon to help facilitate this. * Help is very much welcome in trying to resolve our autobuilder intermittent issues. You can see the list of failures we’re continuing to see by searching for the “AB-INT” tag in bugzilla: * Help us resolve CVE issues: CVE metrics<> * We have a growing number of bugs in bugzilla, any help with them is appreciated. YP 4.3 Milestone Dates: * YP 4.3 M3 was released. * YP 4.3 M4 build date 2023/10/02 * YP 4.3 M4 Release date 2023/10/27 YP 5.0 Milestone Dates: * YP 5.0 M1 build date 2023/12/04 * YP 5.0 M1 Release date 2023/12/15 * YP 5.0 M2 build date 2024/01/15 * YP 5.0 M2 Release date 2024/01/24 * YP 5.0 M3 build date 2024/02/19 * YP 5.0 M3 Release date 2024/03/01 * YP 5.0 M4 build date 2024/04/01 * YP 5.0 M4 Release date 2024/04/30 Upcoming dot releases: * YP 3.1.29 build date 2023/10/30 * YP 3.1.29 Release date 2023/11/10 * YP 4.0.14 build date 2023/11/06 * YP 4.0.14 Release date 2023/11/17 * YP 4.2.4 build date 2023/11/13 * YP 4.2.4 Release date 2023/11/24 * YP 4.3.1 build date 2023/11/27 * YP 4.3.1 Release date 2023/12/08 * YP 3.1.30 build date 2023/12/11 * YP 3.1.30 Release date 2023/12/22 * YP 4.0.15 build date 2023/12/18 * YP 4.0.15 Release date 2023/12/29 * YP 4.3.2 build date 2024/01/08 * YP 4.3.2 Release date 2024/01/19 * YP 3.1.31 build date 2024/01/22 * YP 3.1.31 Release date 2024/02/02 * YP 4.0.16 build date 2024/01/29 * YP 4.0.16 Release date 2024/02/09 * YP 4.3.3 build date 2024/02/12 * YP 4.3.3 Release date 2024/02/23 * YP 3.1.32 build date 2024/03/04 * YP 3.1.32 Release date 2024/03/15 * YP 4.0.17 build date 2024/03/11 * YP 4.0.17 Release date 2024/03/22 * YP 4.3.4 build date 2024/03/25 * YP 4.3.4 Release date 2024/04/05 * YP 3.1.33 build date 2024/04/15 * YP 3.1.33 Release date 2024/04/26 * YP 4.0.18 build date 2024/04/22 * YP 4.0.18 Release date 2024/05/03 * YP 4.0.19 build date 2024/06/03 * YP 4.0.19 Release date 2024/06/14 Tracking Metrics: * WDD 2540 (last week 2555) ( * OE-Core/Poky Patch Metrics * Total patches found: 1173 (last week 1179) * Patches in the Pending State: 253 (22%) [last week 253 (22%)] * The Yocto Project’s technical governance is through its Technical Steering Committee, more information is available at: The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at: [If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this weekly status update, let us know!] Neal Caidin Program Manager The Linux Foundation Durham, NC, U.S.A. - Eastern time zone +1 (919) 238-9104 (w/h) +1 (919) 949-1861 (m)<>
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