Rework the script for sending results to use send_raw_email and specify
the 'In-Reply-To' field so that patchtest replies to the emails, rather
than sending them standalone to the submitter and mailing list.

Signed-off-by: Trevor Gamblin <>
Note that this patch is a reworded version of a previous submission with
subject '[OE-core][PATCH] patchtest-send-results: fix sender', but with
a more accurate commit message and subject line.

 scripts/patchtest-send-results | 39 ++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/patchtest-send-results b/scripts/patchtest-send-results
index 01b071159be..1df81f943a1 100755
--- a/scripts/patchtest-send-results
+++ b/scripts/patchtest-send-results
@@ -59,7 +59,16 @@ subject_line = f"Patchtest results for {mbox_subject}"
 # extract the submitter email address and use it as the reply address
 # for the results
-reply_address = re.findall("<(.*)>", mbox[0]['from'])
+reply_address = re.findall("<(.*)>", mbox[0]['from'])[0]
+# extract the message ID and use that as the in-reply-to address
+in_reply_to = re.findall("<(.*)>", mbox[0]['Message-ID'])[0]
+# the address the results email is sent from
+from_address = ""
+# mailing list to CC
+cc_address = ""
 if "FAIL" in testresult:
     reply_contents = None
@@ -70,24 +79,18 @@ if "FAIL" in testresult:
         reply_contents = greeting + testresult + suggestions
     ses_client = boto3.client('ses', region_name='us-west-2')
-    response = ses_client.send_email(
-        Source='',
-        Destination={
-            'CcAddresses': [''],
+    raw_data = 'From: ' + from_address + '\nTo: ' + reply_address + \
+        '\nCC: ' + cc_address + '\nSubject:' + subject_line + \
+        '\nIn-Reply-To:' + in_reply_to + \
+        '\nMIME-Version: 1.0" + \
+        "\nContent-type: 
text/plain\n\n' + \
+        reply_contents + '\n\n--NextPart'
+    response = ses_client.send_raw_email(
+        Source="",
+        RawMessage={
+            "Data": raw_data,
-        ReplyToAddresses=reply_address,
-        Message={
-            'Subject': {
-                'Data': subject_line,
-                'Charset': 'utf-8'
-            },
-            'Body': {
-                'Text': {
-                    'Data': reply_contents,
-                    'Charset': 'utf-8'
-                }
-            }
-        }
     print(f"No failures identified for {args.patch}.")

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