On 03/15/2012 08:22 AM, Scott Garman wrote:

Here are some recipe upgrades for sudo, at, and base-passwd.

These recipes have been build tested on all 5 of our qemu architectures.
I have also done a visual inspection of the image and package output
between the previous and new versions of each recipe to check for
potential errors.

The following changes since commit d4f1ef6b8297826230a68e535098709d07de1f48:

   qt4: package static libraries correctly to fix warnings (2012-03-15 13:33:37 

are available in the git repository at:
   git://git.pokylinux.org/poky-contrib sgarman/recipe-upgrades2-oe

Scott Garman (4):
   sudo: upgrade to 1.8.4p4
   at: upgrade to 3.1.13
   base-passwd: upgrade to 3.5.24
   distro_tracking: update sudo, at, base-passwd

  .../conf/distro/include/distro_tracking_fields.inc |   24 +++++++++---------
  .../nobash.patch                                   |    0
  .../root-home.patch                                |    0
  ...base-passwd_3.5.22.bb =>  base-passwd_3.5.24.bb} |   16 ++++++------
  .../at/{at_3.1.12.bb =>  at_3.1.13.bb}              |   13 ++++-----
  .../configure-add-enable-pam.patch                 |    0
  .../at/{at-3.1.12 =>  files}/configure.patch        |    0
  .../fix_parallel_build_error.patch                 |    0
  .../at/files/nonstripbinaries.patch                |   26 --------------------
  .../at/{at-3.1.12 =>  files}/pam.conf.patch         |    0
  meta/recipes-extended/at/files/use-ldflags.patch   |    5 ++-
  .../sudo/{sudo_1.8.4.bb =>  sudo_1.8.4p4.bb}        |    6 ++--
  12 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)
  rename meta/recipes-core/base-passwd/{base-passwd-3.5.22 =>  
base-passwd-3.5.24}/nobash.patch (100%)
  rename meta/recipes-core/base-passwd/{base-passwd-3.5.22 =>  
base-passwd-3.5.24}/root-home.patch (100%)
  rename meta/recipes-core/base-passwd/{base-passwd_3.5.22.bb =>  
base-passwd_3.5.24.bb} (95%)
  rename meta/recipes-extended/at/{at_3.1.12.bb =>  at_3.1.13.bb} (88%)
  rename meta/recipes-extended/at/{at-3.1.12 =>  
files}/configure-add-enable-pam.patch (100%)
  rename meta/recipes-extended/at/{at-3.1.12 =>  files}/configure.patch (100%)
  rename meta/recipes-extended/at/{at-3.1.12 =>  
files}/fix_parallel_build_error.patch (100%)
  delete mode 100644 meta/recipes-extended/at/files/nonstripbinaries.patch
  rename meta/recipes-extended/at/{at-3.1.12 =>  files}/pam.conf.patch (100%)
  rename meta/recipes-extended/sudo/{sudo_1.8.4.bb =>  sudo_1.8.4p4.bb} (83%)

Merged into OE-Core


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