On Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 9:18 AM Jasper Orschulko via
<Jasper.Orschulko=iris-sensing....@lists.openembedded.org> wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> hi all,
> I want to address a flaw in the current CPE generation functionality in
> openembedded, which renders the CPEs unusable in regards to the minimal
> requirements of the NIST CPE Name Matching Specification standard
> (https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/Legacy/IR/nistir7696.pdf).
> This makes working with the generated CPEs in thirdparty software close
> to impossible, as it would require the thirdparty software to implement
> matching logic beyond the requirements defined in the NIST standard.
> Status quo:
> Currently, the CPE is generated from the optional CVE_PRODUCT
> (optionally including the vendor) and CVE_VERSION variables. If neither
> are provided, CPE generation will fall back on the BPN and PV of the
> recipe.
> As a result, the generated CPE will usually look as follows:
> cpe:2.3:*:*:${BPN}:${PV}:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
> Or, if the CVE_PRODUCT includes a vendor:
> cpe:2.3:*:${vendor}:${product}:${PV}:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
> The Issue (The TL;DR):
> This will return zero¹ matches when doing CPE matching against CVE CPEs
> in accordance with the minimal requirements of the NIST Name Matching
> Specification. For reliable matches the components CPE should be as
> precise as possible, i.e. not containing any "*" (ANY) values for vital
> attributes, such as: Part, Vendor, Product, Version, Target_HW.
> The Issue (In detail):
> To understand the issue in full detail, in depth knowledge of the NIST
> specification is required. However, I will try to provide a
> comprehensive summary below:
> CPE matching is done using a source CPE and target CPE. Due to
> limitations (see Table 6-2, cases 4 & 11), using the CVE CPE as a
> source and the component CPE as a target is the only sensible way
> (otherwise a CVE CPE containing wildcards would lead to undefined
> behavior).
> Each attribute of the CVE CPE, will then be matched against the
> component CPE, setting the relationship of each source attribute to the
> corresponding target attribute to either superset (⊃), equal (=),
> subset (⊂) or disjoint (≠) (see Table 6-1, example: Table 6-3).
> The NIST standard then defines 4 required CPE Name Comparison Relations
> (see Table 6-4), with two of them relevant for what we would consider a
> "match" between a CVE CPE and a component CPE:
> If all attribute relations are EQUAL (=) -> Then CPE name relation is
> EQUAL (=) -> match
> If all attribute relations are SUPERSET (⊃) or
> EQUAL (=) -> Then CPE name relation is SUPERSET (⊃) -> match
> Let's take a look at this, based on a real-world example:
> CVE CPE: cpe:2.3:o:linux:linux_kernel:5.15.37:*:*:*:*:*:x86:*:*
> Component CPE: cpe:2.3:*:*:linux_kernel:5.15.37:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
> In this example the CVE CPE has the attributes "Part" ("o"), "Vendor"
> ("linux") and "Target_HW" defined, while the Component CPE sets these
> attributes to "ANY", thus the CVE CPE attributes are subsets of the
> component CPEs (see Table 6-2, case 13), making the entire CVE CPE a
> subset of the component CPE, thus causing a false-negative.
> Proposed solution:
> Openembedded should, in accordance with the CPE Naming Specification
> (https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/Legacy/IR/nistir7695.pdf), provide
> complete and accurate CPE information (at least: Part, Vendor, Product,
> Version, Target_HW) for recipes in order to avoid false-negatives
> during CVE CPE comparison and ensure compatibility with other tools.
> A component CPE could then look like this (something I came up with in
> 5 minutes, enjoy with a grain of salt):
> cpe:2.3:o:linux:linux_kernel:5.15.37:<COMPONENT_SHA_COMMIT_HASH>:*:open
> embedded:<OPENEMBEDDED_RELEASE>:<TARGET_ARCH>:en_US (is there a bitbake
> variable for this?):*
> Setting attributes such as SW_Edition = "openembbeded" and Target_SW =
> "<OPENEMBEDDED_VERSION>" also has the positive side-effect of allowing
> for the registration of openembedded-specific CVEs, e.g.
> vulnerabilities in patches within recipes.
> Of course, this is easier said than done, as some of the required
> information, especially "Part" and "Vendor" is missing from existing
> recipes.
> I therefore, suggest the following approach:
> Step 1 (non-intrusive):
> Introduce a new, optional variable CVE_PART, which is set to "a"
> (application) by default but may be overridden in a recipe (e.g. for
> linux_kernel)
> For consistency: Introduce the new, optional variable CVE_VENDOR as a
> replacement for the CVE_PRODUCT "double role" (for backwards
> compatibility, we can evaluate CVE_VENDOR first, then check for a
> vendor within CVE_PRODUCT).
> Adding already existing information from the build (e.g. Target_HW) to
> the CPE.
> Start filling in CVE_VENDOR for core recipes (openembedded-core).
> Optional: Step 2 (enforcement):
> Once a certain threshold of recipes with complete information is
> reached, we might want to consider enforcing explicit CVE_* variable
> declaration by default, with an option for disabling this behavior
> (e.g. introducing a variable CVE_UNKNOWN), similar to the LICENSE
> variable bahavior.
> I hope I was able to give some insights on why I believe that
> improvements to the openembedded CPE generation process, as well as to
> information provided by the recipes (even though a diligent task) are
> vital.
> I am looking forward to your feedback on this.
> Cheers,
> Jasper
> ¹: This is also partly due to my
> commit 
> https://git.openembedded.org/openembedded-core/commit/?id=e7c1def3c3c3a72249802ef6fb64292277a7a53e
> which, while technically correct, makes a bad situation even worse.

I suspect that means that I shouldn't take this patch for the stable branches?


> Still, only a handful of recipes which happen to be of type
> "application" and explicitly set the "vendor" attribute, had the chance
> to successfully match some (but not all) CVE CPEs. False negatives
> would still lie at > 99%.
> --
> With best regards
> Jasper Orschulko
> DevOps Engineer
> Tel. +49 30 58 58 14 265
> Fax +49 30 58 58 14 999
> jasper.orschu...@iris-sensing.com
> • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
> iris-GmbH
> infrared & intelligent sensors
> Ostendstraße 1-14 | 12459 Berlin
> https://iris-sensing.com/
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