Hi Saul,
Thanks for your detailed comment
On 2012年03月14日 07:24, Saul Wold wrote:
On 03/13/2012 05:52 AM, Xiaofeng Yan wrote:
From: Xiaofeng Yan<xiaofeng....@windriver.com>
Add a new function to archive source, patches and logs to a source rpm
package. Every source rpm package will be deployed to
[YOCTO #1977]
Signed-off-by: Xiaofeng Yan<xiaofeng....@windriver.com>
meta/classes/package_rpm.bbclass | 63
1 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/meta/classes/package_rpm.bbclass
index 68313ec..b261a0e 100644
--- a/meta/classes/package_rpm.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/package_rpm.bbclass
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ RPM="rpm"
+PKGWRITEDIRSRPM = "${DEPLOY_DIR}/sources/deploy-srpm"
python package_rpm_fn () {
d.setVar('PKGFN', d.getVar('PKG'))
@@ -475,6 +476,37 @@ python write_specfile () {
import textwrap
import oe.packagedata
+ # append information for logs and patches to %prep
+ def add_prep(d,spec_files_bottom):
+ if d.getVar('SOURCE_ARCHIVE_PACKAGE_TYPE', True) and
d.getVar('SOURCE_ARCHIVE_PACKAGE_TYPE', True).upper() == 'SRPM':
+ spec_files_bottom.append('%%prep -n %s' % d.getVar('PN', True) )
+ spec_files_bottom.append('%s' % "echo \"include logs and patches,
Please check them in SOURCES\"")
+ spec_files_bottom.append('')
+ # get the name of tarball for sources, patches and logs
+ def get_tarballs(d):
+ if d.getVar('SOURCE_ARCHIVE_PACKAGE_TYPE', True) and
d.getVar('SOURCE_ARCHIVE_PACKAGE_TYPE', True).upper() == 'SRPM':
+ sourcelist=[]
+ workdir = d.getVar('WORKDIR',True)
+ print os.listdir(workdir)
+ for source in os.listdir(workdir):
+ if 'tar.gz' in source:
+ sourcelist.append(source)
+ return sourcelist
What happens here is there are some other tar.gz file in the WORKDIR?
Is there a way to ensure you just get the tarballs you are looking for?
It is reasonable for your query. I need add more information to select
the tarballs srpm wants instead of all.
+ # append the name of tarball to key word 'SOURCE' in xxx.spec.
+ def tail_source(d,source_list=[],patch_list=None):
+ if d.getVar('SOURCE_ARCHIVE_PACKAGE_TYPE', True) and
d.getVar('SOURCE_ARCHIVE_PACKAGE_TYPE', True).upper() == 'SRPM':
+ source_number = 0
+ patch_number = 0
+ for source in source_list:
+ spec_preamble_top.append('Source' + str(source_number) + ': %s' %
+ source_number += 1
+ if patch_list:
+ for patch in patch_list:
+ print_deps(patch, "Patch" + str(patch_number), spec_preamble_top, d)
+ patch_number += 1
# We need a simple way to remove the MLPREFIX from the package name,
# and dependency information...
def strip_multilib(name, d):
@@ -707,6 +739,8 @@ python write_specfile () {
spec_preamble_bottom.append('License: %s' % splitlicense)
spec_preamble_bottom.append('Group: %s' % splitsection)
+ source_list = get_tarballs(d)
+ tail_source(d,source_list,None)
# Replaces == Obsoletes&& Provides
if splitrreplaces and splitrreplaces.strip() != "":
for dep in splitrreplaces.split(','):
@@ -786,6 +820,7 @@ python write_specfile () {
del localdata
+ add_prep(d,spec_files_bottom)
spec_preamble_top.append('Summary: %s' % srcsummary)
spec_preamble_top.append('Name: %s' % srcname)
spec_preamble_top.append('Version: %s' % srcversion)
@@ -900,6 +935,25 @@ python write_specfile () {
python do_package_rpm () {
import os
+ def creat_srpm_dir(d):
+ if d.getVar('SOURCE_ARCHIVE_PACKAGE_TYPE', True) and
d.getVar('SOURCE_ARCHIVE_PACKAGE_TYPE', True).upper() == 'SRPM':
+ licenses = d.getVar('LICENSE', 1).replace('&', '|')
+ licenses = licenses.replace('(', '').replace(')', '')
+ clean_licenses = ""
+ for x in licenses.split():
+ if x.strip() == '' or x == 'CLOSED':
What about "Proprietary"
the purpose of doing this is for using licenses as a directory. So I
think x == 'CLOSED' should be removed instead of adding this case. So
Proprietary does.
+ continue
+ if x != "|":
+ clean_licenses += x
+ if '|' in clean_licenses:
+ clean_licenses = clean_licenses.replace('|','')
Maybe this spinet should be a function in license.bbclass? Maybe it's
there already, or is this too RPM specific?
if 'I' is a part of words from licenses, we should replace it. for
example, this case happen in LICENSE = "Artistic|GPL" from perl_5.14.2.bb
+ pkgwritesrpmdir =
+ pkgwritesrpmdir = pkgwritesrpmdir + '/' + clean_licenses
+ bb.mkdirhier(pkgwritesrpmdir)
+ os.chmod(pkgwritesrpmdir, 0755)
+ return pkgwritesrpmdir
# We need a simple way to remove the MLPREFIX from the package name,
# and dependency information...
def strip_multilib(name, d):
@@ -1015,8 +1069,17 @@ python do_package_rpm () {
cmd = cmd + " --define 'debug_package %{nil}'"
cmd = cmd + " --define '_rpmfc_magic_path " + magicfile + "'"
cmd = cmd + " --define '_tmppath " + workdir + "'"
+ if d.getVar('SOURCE_ARCHIVE_PACKAGE_TYPE', True) and
d.getVar('SOURCE_ARCHIVE_PACKAGE_TYPE', True).upper() == 'SRPM':
+ cmdsrpm = cmd + " --define '_sourcedir " + workdir + "' --define
'_srcrpmdir " + creat_srpm_dir(d) + "'"
+ cmdsrpm = 'fakeroot ' + cmdsrpm + " -bs " + outspecfile
cmd = cmd + " -bb " + outspecfile
+ # Build the source rpm package !
+ if d.getVar('SOURCE_ARCHIVE_PACKAGE_TYPE', True) and
d.getVar('SOURCE_ARCHIVE_PACKAGE_TYPE', True).upper() == 'SRPM':
+ d.setVar('SBUILDSPEC', cmdsrpm + "\n")
+ d.setVarFlag('SBUILDSPEC', 'func', '1')
+ bb.build.exec_func('SBUILDSPEC', d)
# Build the rpm package!
d.setVar('BUILDSPEC', cmd + "\n")
d.setVarFlag('BUILDSPEC', 'func', '1')
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