
this email is a notification from the Auto Upgrade Helper
that the automatic attempt to upgrade the recipe *ccache* to *4.8.2* has 

Next steps:
    - apply the patch: git am 0001-ccache-upgrade-4.8.1-4.8.2.patch
    - check the changes to upstream patches and summarize them in the commit 
    - compile an image that contains the package
    - perform some basic sanity tests
    - amend the patch and sign it off: git commit -s --reset-author --amend
    - send it to the appropriate mailing list

Alternatively, if you believe the recipe should not be upgraded at this time,
you can fill RECIPE_NO_UPDATE_REASON in respective recipe file so that
automatic upgrades would no longer be attempted.

Please review the attached files for further information and build/update 
Any problem please file a bug at 

The Upgrade Helper

-- >8 --
>From 151d4e97790d45c020fff7f1e9fc6400f003ab69 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Upgrade Helper <a...@yoctoproject.org>
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2023 08:19:36 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] ccache: upgrade 4.8.1 -> 4.8.2

 .../{ccache_4.8.1.bb => ccache_4.8.2.bb}      | 37 ++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 rename meta/recipes-devtools/ccache/{ccache_4.8.1.bb => ccache_4.8.2.bb} (37%)

diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/ccache/ccache_4.8.1.bb 
similarity index 37%
rename from meta/recipes-devtools/ccache/ccache_4.8.1.bb
rename to meta/recipes-devtools/ccache/ccache_4.8.2.bb
index b0ae7fb25c..e9d157c480 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-devtools/ccache/ccache_4.8.1.bb
+++ b/meta/recipes-devtools/ccache/ccache_4.8.2.bb
@@ -1,3 +1,36 @@
+# FIXME: the LIC_FILES_CHKSUM values have been updated by 'devtool upgrade'.
+# The following is the difference between the old and the new license text.
+# Please update the LICENSE value if needed, and summarize the changes in
+# the commit message via 'License-Update:' tag.
+# (example: 'License-Update: copyright years updated.')
+# The changes:
+# --- LICENSE.adoc
+# +++ LICENSE.adoc
+# @@ -72,8 +72,8 @@
+#  === src/third_party/blake3/blake3_*
+# -This is a subset of https://github.com/BLAKE3-team/BLAKE3[BLAKE3] 1.3.1 with
+# -the following license:
+# +This is a subset of https://github.com/BLAKE3-team/BLAKE3[BLAKE3] 1.4.0 
with the
+# +following license:
+#  ----
+#  This work is released into the public domain with CC0 1.0. Alternatively, 
it is
+# @@ -516,7 +516,7 @@
+#  === src/third_party/httplib.*
+#  cpp-httplib - A C++11 cross-platform HTTP/HTTPS library. Copied from 
+# -v0.12.3 downloaded from 
https://github.com/yhirose/cpp-httplib[cpp-httplib]. The
+# +v0.12.6 downloaded from 
https://github.com/yhirose/cpp-httplib[cpp-httplib]. The
+#  library has the following license:
+#  ----
 SUMMARY = "a fast C/C++ compiler cache"
 DESCRIPTION = "ccache is a compiler cache. It speeds up recompilation \
 by caching the result of previous compilations and detecting when the \
@@ -7,14 +40,14 @@ HOMEPAGE = "http://ccache.samba.org";
 SECTION = "devel"
 LICENSE = "GPL-3.0-or-later"
-LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE.adoc;md5=1601d62d6828fbe19b6f6c2d01fdff4c"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE.adoc;md5=cd54b7abfc462470b0f505273c38f0ff"
 DEPENDS = "zstd"
 SRC_URI = "${GITHUB_BASE_URI}/download/v${PV}/${BP}.tar.gz \
            file://0001-xxhash.h-Fix-build-with-gcc-12.patch \
-SRC_URI[sha256sum] = 
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = 
 inherit cmake github-releases

packages/core2-32-poky-linux/ccache/ccache-dbg: PKGV changed from 4.8.1 
[default] to 4.8.2 [default]
packages/core2-32-poky-linux/ccache/ccache-dbg: PKGSIZE changed from 25574156 
to 25490584 (-0%)
packages/core2-32-poky-linux/ccache/ccache-dbg: PV changed from "4.8.1" to 
packages/core2-32-poky-linux/ccache/ccache-dev: PKGV changed from 4.8.1 
[default] to 4.8.2 [default]
packages/core2-32-poky-linux/ccache/ccache-dev: PV changed from "4.8.1" to 
packages/core2-32-poky-linux/ccache/ccache-doc: PKGV changed from 4.8.1 
[default] to 4.8.2 [default]
packages/core2-32-poky-linux/ccache/ccache-doc: PV changed from "4.8.1" to 
packages/core2-32-poky-linux/ccache/ccache-locale: PKGV changed from 4.8.1 
[default] to 4.8.2 [default]
packages/core2-32-poky-linux/ccache/ccache-locale: PV changed from "4.8.1" to 
packages/core2-32-poky-linux/ccache/ccache-src: PKGV changed from 4.8.1 
[default] to 4.8.2 [default]
packages/core2-32-poky-linux/ccache/ccache-src: PKGSIZE changed from 1924171 to 
1927081 (+0%)
packages/core2-32-poky-linux/ccache/ccache-src: PV changed from "4.8.1" to 
packages/core2-32-poky-linux/ccache/ccache-staticdev: PKGV changed from 4.8.1 
[default] to 4.8.2 [default]
packages/core2-32-poky-linux/ccache/ccache-staticdev: PV changed from "4.8.1" 
to "4.8.2"
packages/core2-32-poky-linux/ccache/ccache: PKGV changed from 4.8.1 [default] 
to 4.8.2 [default]
packages/core2-32-poky-linux/ccache/ccache: PKGSIZE changed from 1697828 to 
1693732 (-0%)
packages/core2-32-poky-linux/ccache/ccache: PV changed from "4.8.1" to "4.8.2"
packages/core2-32-poky-linux/ccache: SRC_URI changed from 
file://0001-xxhash.h-Fix-build-with-gcc-12.patch" to 
packages/core2-32-poky-linux/ccache: PKGV changed from 4.8.1 [default] to 4.8.2 
packages/core2-32-poky-linux/ccache: PV changed from "4.8.1" to "4.8.2"

Attachment: 0001-ccache-upgrade-4.8.1-4.8.2.patch
Description: Binary data

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