2023. 06. 13. 22:59 keltezéssel, Richard Purdie írta:
On Fri, 2023-06-02 at 09:44 +0200, Zoltan Boszormenyi wrote:
This is a new PEP517 compatible build class for python modules
that use pyproject.toml and this:
build-backend = 'mesonpy'
The new class uses python3-meson-python-native.
Signed-off-by: Zoltán Böszörményi <zbos...@gmail.com>
meta/classes-recipe/python_mesonpy.bbclass | 54 ++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 54 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 meta/classes-recipe/python_mesonpy.bbclass
diff --git a/meta/classes-recipe/python_mesonpy.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1da8b005ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes-recipe/python_mesonpy.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# Copyright OpenEmbedded Contributors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+inherit meson setuptools3-base python3targetconfig python_pep517
+# Filter out meson_do_qa_configure from do_configure[postfuncs]
+DOCONFIGUREPOSTFUNCS := "${@d.getVarFlag('do_configure', 'postfuncs')}"
+DOCONFIGUREPOSTFUNCS:remove = "meson_do_qa_configure"
+do_configure[postfuncs] := "${@'' if d.getVar('DOCONFIGUREPOSTFUNCS') is None else
+# This prevents the meson error:
+# ERROR: Got argument buildtype as both -Dbuildtype and --buildtype. Pick one.
+MESONOPTS:remove = "--buildtype ${MESON_BUILDTYPE}"
+CONFIGURE_FILES = "pyproject.toml"
+DEPENDS += "python3-wheel-native python3-meson-python-native"
+def mesonpy_get_args(d):
+ varlist = []
+ for var in vars:
+ value = d.getVar(var)
+ vallist = value.split()
+ for elem in vallist:
+ varlist.append("-Csetup-args=" + elem)
+ return ' '.join(varlist)
+PEP517_BUILD_OPTS = "-Cbuilddir='${B}' ${@mesonpy_get_args(d)}"
+# Python pyx -> c -> so build leaves absolute build paths in the code
+INSANE_SKIP:${PN} += "buildpaths"
+INSANE_SKIP:${PN}-src += "buildpaths"
This is not ready for core as the output is not reproducible. I am not
taking patches which skip buildpaths warnings.
This also shows that the code is not being tested in OE-Core. Until it
is needed by and being used by something in core, I don't think it
should be there.
This thread was long time dead. The series was sent to meta-oe.
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