Hi Richard,

Thanks for the confirmation.


From: Richard Purdie<mailto:richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org>
Sent: 02 June 2023 17:02
To: Shinde, Yash<mailto:yash.shi...@windriver.com>; Kokkonda, 
Cc: MacLeod, Randy<mailto:randy.macl...@windriver.com>; Kallapa, 
Umesh<mailto:umesh.kall...@windriver.com>; Gowda, 
Naveen<mailto:naveen.go...@windriver.com>; Moodalappa, 
Subject: Re: [PATCH v14] Rust Oe-Selftest implementation

CAUTION: This email comes from a non Wind River email account!
Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know 
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Hi Yash,

On Fri, 2023-06-02 at 07:25 +0000, Shinde, Yash wrote:
> As discussed in the meeting, I am sharing the steps followed and host 
> configurations used for the testing-
> Steps followed for testing-
> 1. Clone a fresh poky from $ git clone git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky
> 2. source the build environment setup script
> 3. add the meta-selftest layer in conf/bblayers.conf
> 4. add SANITY_TESTED_DISTROS="" to local.conf
> 5. Apply the testing patch changes-
>    a. Add  meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/rust.py file containing testing code
>    b. Add meta/recipes-devtools/rust/files/rust-oe-selftest.patch to exclude 
> failing cases.
>    c. Add rust-oe-selftest.patch in 
> meta/recipes-devtools/rust/rust-source.inc to apply on rust sources.
>    d. Add "do_test_compile ()" for testing rust sources in 
> meta/recipes-devtools/rust/rust_1.69.0.bb
>    e. Run the oe-selftest via "oe-selftest -r 
> rust.RustSelfTestBase.test_check" command.

As I promised, I did try these steps and you are correct that they are
successful. However, if I try:

"bitbake rust"

I see the failure here:


likewise, I suspect "bitbake nativesdk-rust" will also fail with the
other failure mentioned there.

This does not happen unless your patch is applied so it is a
regression. There are likely other failures however this one is pretty
fundamental so we should start by fixing that.

I did document my exact steps as follows:

$ git clone git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky poky-rusttest
$ cd poky-rusttest/
$ source oe-init-build-env
$ echo 'BBLAYERS += "/media/build/poky-rusttest/meta-selftest"' >>
$ echo 'SANITY_TESTED_DISTROS = ""' >> conf/local.conf
$ echo 'DL_DIR = "/media/sources/"' >> conf/local.conf
$ wget
$ git am -s raw
$ oe-selftest -r rust.RustSelfTestBase.test_check
$ bitbake rust nativesdk-rust -k

where the only real difference to your steps was to set DL_DIR to my
local sources cache to avoid downloading things needlessly.



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