On 18 May 2023, at 11:49, Petr Kubizňák - 2N <kubiz...@2n.com> wrote:
> With gobject-introspection in DEPENDS, PyGObject builds always, even if 
> gobject-introspection-data is not in DISTRO_FEATURES. Is this conditional 
> approach better?

Builds is not the same as is useful.

PyGObject uses G-I to interface to GObject itself.

Without qemu-usermode, gobject-introspection is a stub, as can be shown by 
comparing gobject-introspection with and without qemu-usermode:

Changes to packages/cortexa57-poky-linux/gobject-introspection (sysroot):
  /usr/lib/girepository-1.0 was removed
  /usr/lib/girepository-1.0/Gio-2.0.typelib was removed
  /usr/lib/girepository-1.0/GIRepository-2.0.typelib was removed

The target gobject-introspection recipe should also refuse to build unless GI 
is enabled.

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