On 5/22/23 16:52, Alexis Lothoré via lists.openembedded.org wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I have been briefed about the need to add an infrastructure to be able to
> retrieve some test files (test output, logs, etc) in Yocto/CI
> automation to ease debugging of some hard-to-reproduce issues. Before
> starting to implement a solution, I would like to get some feedback about
> what I have understood from the original issue and what I propose to
> implement to improve this. Please find below my reflexions, feel free
> to comment, correct, enrich and/or approve.
> # Motivation
> Some test failures appearing in automatic testing can be hard to fix, based
> on too few informations from failing tests (see
> https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14901 ). Sometimes
> packages/binaries under test are able to generate more detailed output in a
> dedicated file, but there is actually no standardized way of retrieving
> such output files. There has been some custom efforts done to solve this issue
> for specific recipes, for example for lttng-tools tests :
> https://git.yoctoproject.org/poky/commit/?id=2ea27691aa57951aaba3cc1714a080a112d15408
> The goal of this RFC is to propose an architecture for a generic system which
> allows to retrieve an arbitrary list of files from a test run.
> # Use case example
> lttng-tools recipe provides LTTNG tools tests as ptests (see
> meta/recipes-kernel/lttng/lttng-tools/run-ptest) and generate some log
> files (error.log, test-suite.log), it would be convenient to retrieve those
> files.
> # Proposal
> - Introduce an "artifacts.conf" file
>   - this file contains a "files of interest" list to be retrieved onto
>     host after running ptests (exact format to be defined)
>   - artifacts.conf is specific to a ptest package and is stored next to
>     run-ptest script in package
>   - artifacts.conf contains, for each ptest package, the following
>     informations:
>     - name of file to retrieve
>   - artifacts.conf will be installed in target image (as for
>     package-specific run-ptest script)
>   - each ptest package MAY have an artifacts.conf file
> - When running ptests, for each available ptest, ptest-runner (on the
>   target) will read artifacts.conf if it exists, and retrieve
>   corresponding artifacts file in an artifacts directory, with one
>   subdirectory per ptest.
>   - Artifacts will be aggregated only if at least one test has a status
>     different from "PASS"
> - Once tests are finished, tests manager on host (ptest.py) will fetch
>   artifacts directory. It will put this directory alongside testresults
>   file on host
> - This mechanism will work for both real targets and emulated targets
>   (Qemu), and will based on SSH to transfer artifacts back to host
> # Additional questions
> - once retrieved from target, aside from default test results directory
>   (build/tmp/log/oeqa/<...>), where should we store artifacts ? For
>   automated testing, should we publish them alongside other test and
>   regression reports (in web server directory) ?
> - current proposal is focused on ptests: should I broaden the scope and
>   include all kind of runtime tests (as found in
>   meta/lib/oeqa/runtime/cases ?)
> - are there examples of tests producing files to retrieve with non-static
>   names (which will then require the artifacts.conf to be smarter) ? 

Fixing Alexandre Belloni's address in CC, sorry for the noise

Alexis Lothoré, Bootlin
Embedded Linux and Kernel engineering

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