On 9/05/23 9:32 pm, Mikko Rapeli wrote:
On Tue, May 09, 2023 at 09:02:59AM +0000, Ross Burton wrote:
On 8 May 2023, at 09:57, Adrian Freihofer via 
Is there any defined language that we can simply adopt?
Since a lot of people talk about SPDX solving these issues would be nice
to know how that is going to work. I can't parse
and figure out how to mark a CVE issue which has been ignored after

Perhaps this?


   To communicate that a package is not vulnerable to a specific
   vulnerability it is recommended to reference a web page indicating
   why given vulnerabilities are not applicable.

   |"externalRefs" : [ { "referenceCategory" : "SECURITY",
   "referenceLocator" :
   "https://example.com/product-x/security-info.html";, "referenceType"
   : "advisory" } ] |
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