From: Shubham Kulkarni <>

html/template: disallow actions in JS template literals

Backport from

Signed-off-by: Shubham Kulkarni <>
 meta/recipes-devtools/go/               |   2 +
 .../go/go-1.14/CVE-2023-24538-1.patch              | 633 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../go/go-1.14/CVE-2023-24538-2.patch              | 371 ++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 1006 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 meta/recipes-devtools/go/go-1.14/CVE-2023-24538-1.patch
 create mode 100644 meta/recipes-devtools/go/go-1.14/CVE-2023-24538-2.patch

diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/go/ 
index 56f4f12..01f9f1e 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-devtools/go/
+++ b/meta/recipes-devtools/go/
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ SRC_URI += "\
     file://CVE-2022-41722-2.patch \
     file://CVE-2020-29510.patch \
     file://CVE-2023-24537.patch \
+    file://CVE-2023-24538-1.patch \
+    file://CVE-2023-24538-2.patch \
 SRC_URI_append_libc-musl = " 
diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/go/go-1.14/CVE-2023-24538-1.patch 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b0d200
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-devtools/go/go-1.14/CVE-2023-24538-1.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+From 64779a6dfb11631133ff3cfba7ae7e449c191a88 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: empijei <>
+Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2020 19:27:55 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] html/template,text/template: switch to Unicode escapes
+ for JSON compatibility
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+The existing implementation is not compatible with JSON
+escape as it uses hex escaping.
+Unicode escape, instead, is valid for both JSON and JS.
+This fix avoids creating a separate escaping context for
+scripts of type "application/ld+json" and it is more
+future-proof in case more JSON+JS contexts get added
+to the platform (e.g. import maps).
+Fixes #33671
+Fixes #37634
+Change-Id: Id6f6524b4abc52e81d9d744d46bbe5bf2e081543
+Reviewed-by: Carl Johnson <>
+Reviewed-by: Daniel Martí <>
+Run-TryBot: Daniel Martí <>
+TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
+Upstream-Status: Backport from
+CVE: CVE-2023-24538
+Signed-off-by: Shubham Kulkarni <>
+ src/html/template/content_test.go  | 70 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
+ src/html/template/escape_test.go   |  6 ++--
+ src/html/template/example_test.go  |  6 ++--
+ src/html/template/js.go            | 70 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
+ src/html/template/js_test.go       | 68 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
+ src/html/template/template_test.go | 39 +++++++++++++++++++++
+ src/text/template/exec_test.go     |  6 ++--
+ src/text/template/funcs.go         |  8 ++---
+ 8 files changed, 163 insertions(+), 110 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/html/template/content_test.go 
+index 72d56f5..bd86527 100644
+--- a/src/html/template/content_test.go
++++ b/src/html/template/content_test.go
+@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ func TestTypedContent(t *testing.T) {
+               HTML(`Hello, <b>World</b> &amp;tc!`),
+               HTMLAttr(` dir="ltr"`),
+               JS(`c && alert("Hello, World!");`),
+-              JSStr(`Hello, World & O'Reilly\x21`),
++              JSStr(`Hello, World & O'Reilly\u0021`),
+               URL(`greeting=H%69,&addressee=(World)`),
+               Srcset(`greeting=H%69,&addressee=(World) 2x, 500.5w`),
+               URL(`,foo/,`),
+@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ func TestTypedContent(t *testing.T) {
+                               `Hello, <b>World</b> &amp;tc!`,
+                               ` dir=&#34;ltr&#34;`,
+                               `c &amp;&amp; alert(&#34;Hello, World!&#34;);`,
+-                              `Hello, World &amp; O&#39;Reilly\x21`,
++                              `Hello, World &amp; O&#39;Reilly\u0021`,
+                               `greeting=H%69,&amp;addressee=(World)`,
+                               `greeting=H%69,&amp;addressee=(World) 2x, 500.5w`,
+                               `,foo/,`,
+@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ func TestTypedContent(t *testing.T) {
+                               `Hello,&#32;World&#32;&amp;tc!`,
+                               `&#32;dir&#61;&#34;ltr&#34;`,
+                               `greeting&#61;H%69,&amp;addressee&#61;(World)`,
+                               `,foo/,`,
+@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ func TestTypedContent(t *testing.T) {
+                               `Hello, World &amp;tc!`,
+                               ` dir=&#34;ltr&#34;`,
+                               `c &amp;&amp; alert(&#34;Hello, World!&#34;);`,
+-                              `Hello, World &amp; O&#39;Reilly\x21`,
++                              `Hello, World &amp; O&#39;Reilly\u0021`,
+                               `greeting=H%69,&amp;addressee=(World)`,
+                               `greeting=H%69,&amp;addressee=(World) 2x, 500.5w`,
+                               `,foo/,`,
+@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ func TestTypedContent(t *testing.T) {
+                               `Hello, &lt;b&gt;World&lt;/b&gt; &amp;tc!`,
+                               ` dir=&#34;ltr&#34;`,
+                               `c &amp;&amp; alert(&#34;Hello, World!&#34;);`,
+-                              `Hello, World &amp; O&#39;Reilly\x21`,
++                              `Hello, World &amp; O&#39;Reilly\u0021`,
+                               `greeting=H%69,&amp;addressee=(World)`,
+                               `greeting=H%69,&amp;addressee=(World) 2x, 500.5w`,
+                               `,foo/,`,
+@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ func TestTypedContent(t *testing.T) {
+                               // Not escaped.
+                               `c && alert("Hello, World!");`,
+                               // Escape sequence not over-escaped.
+-                              `"Hello, World & O'Reilly\x21"`,
++                              `"Hello, World & O'Reilly\u0021"`,
+                               `"greeting=H%69,\u0026addressee=(World)"`,
+                               `"greeting=H%69,\u0026addressee=(World) 2x, 500.5w"`,
+                               `",foo/,"`,
+@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ func TestTypedContent(t *testing.T) {
+                               // Not JS escaped but HTML escaped.
+                               `c &amp;&amp; alert(&#34;Hello, World!&#34;);`,
+                               // Escape sequence not over-escaped.
+-                              `&#34;Hello, World &amp; O&#39;Reilly\x21&#34;`,
++                              `&#34;Hello, World &amp; 
+                               `&#34;greeting=H%69,\u0026addressee=(World) 2x, 500.5w&#34;`,
+                               `&#34;,foo/,&#34;`,
+@@ -171,30 +171,30 @@ func TestTypedContent(t *testing.T) {
+               {
+                       `<script>alert("{{.}}")</script>`,
+                       []string{
+-                              `\x3cb\x3e \x22foo%\x22 O\x27Reilly \x26bar;`,
+-                              `a[href =~ \x22\/\/\x22]#foo`,
+-                              `Hello, \x3cb\x3eWorld\x3c\/b\x3e \x26amp;tc!`,
+-                              ` dir=\x22ltr\x22`,
+-                              `c \x26\x26 alert(\x22Hello, World!\x22);`,
++                              `\u003cb\u003e \u0022foo%\u0022 O\u0027Reilly 
++                              `a[href =~ \u0022\/\/\u0022]#foo`,
++                              `Hello, \u003cb\u003eWorld\u003c\/b\u003e 
++                              ` dir=\u0022ltr\u0022`,
++                              `c \u0026\u0026 alert(\u0022Hello, 
+                               // Escape sequence not over-escaped.
+-                              `Hello, World \x26 O\x27Reilly\x21`,
+-                              `greeting=H%69,\x26addressee=(World)`,
+-                              `greeting=H%69,\x26addressee=(World) 2x, 
https:\/\/\/favicon.ico 500.5w`,
++                              `Hello, World \u0026 O\u0027Reilly\u0021`,
++                              `greeting=H%69,\u0026addressee=(World)`,
++                              `greeting=H%69,\u0026addressee=(World) 2x, 
https:\/\/\/favicon.ico 500.5w`,
+                               `,foo\/,`,
+                       },
+               },
+               {
+                       `<script 
+                       []string{
+-                              `\x3cb\x3e \x22foo%\x22 O\x27Reilly \x26bar;`,
+-                              `a[href =~ \x22\/\/\x22]#foo`,
+-                              `Hello, \x3cb\x3eWorld\x3c\/b\x3e \x26amp;tc!`,
+-                              ` dir=\x22ltr\x22`,
+-                              `c \x26\x26 alert(\x22Hello, World!\x22);`,
++                              `\u003cb\u003e \u0022foo%\u0022 O\u0027Reilly 
++                              `a[href =~ \u0022\/\/\u0022]#foo`,
++                              `Hello, \u003cb\u003eWorld\u003c\/b\u003e 
++                              ` dir=\u0022ltr\u0022`,
++                              `c \u0026\u0026 alert(\u0022Hello, 
+                               // Escape sequence not over-escaped.
+-                              `Hello, World \x26 O\x27Reilly\x21`,
+-                              `greeting=H%69,\x26addressee=(World)`,
+-                              `greeting=H%69,\x26addressee=(World) 2x, 
https:\/\/\/favicon.ico 500.5w`,
++                              `Hello, World \u0026 O\u0027Reilly\u0021`,
++                              `greeting=H%69,\u0026addressee=(World)`,
++                              `greeting=H%69,\u0026addressee=(World) 2x, 
https:\/\/\/favicon.ico 500.5w`,
+                               `,foo\/,`,
+                       },
+               },
+@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ func TestTypedContent(t *testing.T) {
+                               // Not escaped.
+                               `c && alert("Hello, World!");`,
+                               // Escape sequence not over-escaped.
+-                              `"Hello, World & O'Reilly\x21"`,
++                              `"Hello, World & O'Reilly\u0021"`,
+                               `"greeting=H%69,\u0026addressee=(World)"`,
+                               `"greeting=H%69,\u0026addressee=(World) 2x, 500.5w"`,
+                               `",foo/,"`,
+@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ func TestTypedContent(t *testing.T) {
+                               `Hello, <b>World</b> &amp;tc!`,
+                               ` dir=&#34;ltr&#34;`,
+                               `c &amp;&amp; alert(&#34;Hello, World!&#34;);`,
+-                              `Hello, World &amp; O&#39;Reilly\x21`,
++                              `Hello, World &amp; O&#39;Reilly\u0021`,
+                               `greeting=H%69,&amp;addressee=(World)`,
+                               `greeting=H%69,&amp;addressee=(World) 2x, 500.5w`,
+                               `,foo/,`,
+@@ -233,15 +233,15 @@ func TestTypedContent(t *testing.T) {
+               {
+                       `<button onclick='alert("{{.}}")'>`,
+                       []string{
+-                              `\x3cb\x3e \x22foo%\x22 O\x27Reilly \x26bar;`,
+-                              `a[href =~ \x22\/\/\x22]#foo`,
+-                              `Hello, \x3cb\x3eWorld\x3c\/b\x3e \x26amp;tc!`,
+-                              ` dir=\x22ltr\x22`,
+-                              `c \x26\x26 alert(\x22Hello, World!\x22);`,
++                              `\u003cb\u003e \u0022foo%\u0022 O\u0027Reilly 
++                              `a[href =~ \u0022\/\/\u0022]#foo`,
++                              `Hello, \u003cb\u003eWorld\u003c\/b\u003e 
++                              ` dir=\u0022ltr\u0022`,
++                              `c \u0026\u0026 alert(\u0022Hello, 
+                               // Escape sequence not over-escaped.
+-                              `Hello, World \x26 O\x27Reilly\x21`,
+-                              `greeting=H%69,\x26addressee=(World)`,
+-                              `greeting=H%69,\x26addressee=(World) 2x, 
https:\/\/\/favicon.ico 500.5w`,
++                              `Hello, World \u0026 O\u0027Reilly\u0021`,
++                              `greeting=H%69,\u0026addressee=(World)`,
++                              `greeting=H%69,\u0026addressee=(World) 2x, 
https:\/\/\/favicon.ico 500.5w`,
+                               `,foo\/,`,
+                       },
+               },
+@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ func TestTypedContent(t *testing.T) {
+                               `%20dir%3d%22ltr%22`,
+-                              `Hello%2c%20World%20%26%20O%27Reilly%5cx21`,
++                              `Hello%2c%20World%20%26%20O%27Reilly%5cu0021`,
+                               // Quotes and parens are escaped but %69 is not 
over-escaped. HTML escaping is done.
+                               `greeting=H%69,&amp;addressee=%28World%29`,
+@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ func TestTypedContent(t *testing.T) {
+                               `%20dir%3d%22ltr%22`,
+-                              `Hello%2c%20World%20%26%20O%27Reilly%5cx21`,
++                              `Hello%2c%20World%20%26%20O%27Reilly%5cu0021`,
+                               // Quotes and parens are escaped but %69 is not 
over-escaped. HTML escaping is not done.
+                               `greeting=H%69,&addressee=%28World%29`,
+diff --git a/src/html/template/escape_test.go 
+index e72a9ba..c709660 100644
+--- a/src/html/template/escape_test.go
++++ b/src/html/template/escape_test.go
+@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ func TestEscape(t *testing.T) {
+               {
+                       "jsStr",
+                       "<button onclick='alert(&quot;{{.H}}&quot;)'>",
+-                      `<button onclick='alert(&quot;\x3cHello\x3e&quot;)'>`,
++                      `<button 
+               },
+               {
+                       "badMarshaler",
+@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ func TestEscape(t *testing.T) {
+               {
+                       "jsRe",
+                       `<button onclick='alert(/{{"foo+bar"}}/.test(""))'>`,
+-                      `<button onclick='alert(/foo\x2bbar/.test(""))'>`,
++                      `<button onclick='alert(/foo\u002bbar/.test(""))'>`,
+               },
+               {
+                       "jsReBlank",
+@@ -825,7 +825,7 @@ func TestEscapeSet(t *testing.T) {
+                               "main":   `<button onclick="title='{{template 
"helper"}}'; ...">{{template "helper"}}</button>`,
+                               "helper": `{{11}} of {{"<100>"}}`,
+                       },
+-                      `<button onclick="title='11 of \x3c100\x3e'; ...">11 of 
++                      `<button onclick="title='11 of \u003c100\u003e'; 
...">11 of &lt;100&gt;</button>`,
+               },
+               // A non-recursive template that ends in a different context.
+               // helper starts in jsCtxRegexp and ends in jsCtxDivOp.
+diff --git a/src/html/template/example_test.go 
+index 9d965f1..6cf936f 100644
+--- a/src/html/template/example_test.go
++++ b/src/html/template/example_test.go
+@@ -116,9 +116,9 @@ func Example_escape() {
+       // &#34;Fran &amp; Freddie&#39;s Diner&#34; &lt;;
+       // &#34;Fran &amp; Freddie&#39;s Diner&#34; &lt;;
+       // &#34;Fran &amp; Freddie&#39;s Diner&#34;32&lt;;
+-      // \"Fran \x26 Freddie\'s Diner\" \\x3E
+-      // \"Fran \x26 Freddie\'s Diner\" \\x3E
+-      // \"Fran \x26 Freddie\'s Diner\"32\\x3E
++      // \"Fran \u0026 Freddie\'s Diner\" \\u003E
++      // \"Fran \u0026 Freddie\'s Diner\" \\u003E
++      // \"Fran \u0026 Freddie\'s Diner\"32\\u003E
+       //
+ }
+diff --git a/src/html/template/js.go b/src/html/template/js.go
+index 0e91458..ea9c183 100644
+--- a/src/html/template/js.go
++++ b/src/html/template/js.go
+@@ -163,7 +163,6 @@ func jsValEscaper(args ...interface{}) string {
+       }
+       // TODO: detect cycles before calling Marshal which loops infinitely on
+       // cyclic data. This may be an unacceptable DoS risk.
+       b, err := json.Marshal(a)
+       if err != nil {
+               // Put a space before comment so that if it is flush against
+@@ -178,8 +177,8 @@ func jsValEscaper(args ...interface{}) string {
+       // TODO: maybe post-process output to prevent it from containing
+       // "<!--", "-->", "<![CDATA[", "]]>", or "</script"
+       // in case custom marshalers produce output containing those.
+-      // TODO: Maybe abbreviate \u00ab to \xab to produce more compact output.
++      // Note: Do not use \x escaping to save bytes because it is not JSON 
compatible and this escaper
++      // supports ld+json content-type.
+       if len(b) == 0 {
+               // In, `x=y/{{.}}*z` a json.Marshaler that produces "" should
+               // not cause the output `x=y/*z`.
+@@ -260,6 +259,8 @@ func replace(s string, replacementTable []string) string {
+               r, w = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[i:])
+               var repl string
+               switch {
++              case int(r) < len(lowUnicodeReplacementTable):
++                      repl = lowUnicodeReplacementTable[r]
+               case int(r) < len(replacementTable) && replacementTable[r] != 
+                       repl = replacementTable[r]
+               case r == '\u2028':
+@@ -283,67 +284,80 @@ func replace(s string, replacementTable []string) string 
+       return b.String()
+ }
++var lowUnicodeReplacementTable = []string{
++      0: `\u0000`, 1: `\u0001`, 2: `\u0002`, 3: `\u0003`, 4: `\u0004`, 5: 
`\u0005`, 6: `\u0006`,
++      '\a': `\u0007`,
++      '\b': `\u0008`,
++      '\t': `\t`,
++      '\n': `\n`,
++      '\v': `\u000b`, // "\v" == "v" on IE 6.
++      '\f': `\f`,
++      '\r': `\r`,
++      0xe:  `\u000e`, 0xf: `\u000f`, 0x10: `\u0010`, 0x11: `\u0011`, 0x12: 
`\u0012`, 0x13: `\u0013`,
++      0x14: `\u0014`, 0x15: `\u0015`, 0x16: `\u0016`, 0x17: `\u0017`, 0x18: 
`\u0018`, 0x19: `\u0019`,
++      0x1a: `\u001a`, 0x1b: `\u001b`, 0x1c: `\u001c`, 0x1d: `\u001d`, 0x1e: 
`\u001e`, 0x1f: `\u001f`,
+ var jsStrReplacementTable = []string{
+-      0:    `\0`,
++      0:    `\u0000`,
+       '\t': `\t`,
+       '\n': `\n`,
+-      '\v': `\x0b`, // "\v" == "v" on IE 6.
++      '\v': `\u000b`, // "\v" == "v" on IE 6.
+       '\f': `\f`,
+       '\r': `\r`,
+       // Encode HTML specials as hex so the output can be embedded
+       // in HTML attributes without further encoding.
+-      '"':  `\x22`,
+-      '&':  `\x26`,
+-      '\'': `\x27`,
+-      '+':  `\x2b`,
++      '"':  `\u0022`,
++      '&':  `\u0026`,
++      '\'': `\u0027`,
++      '+':  `\u002b`,
+       '/':  `\/`,
+-      '<':  `\x3c`,
+-      '>':  `\x3e`,
++      '<':  `\u003c`,
++      '>':  `\u003e`,
+       '\\': `\\`,
+ }
+ // jsStrNormReplacementTable is like jsStrReplacementTable but does not
+ // overencode existing escapes since this table has no entry for `\`.
+ var jsStrNormReplacementTable = []string{
+-      0:    `\0`,
++      0:    `\u0000`,
+       '\t': `\t`,
+       '\n': `\n`,
+-      '\v': `\x0b`, // "\v" == "v" on IE 6.
++      '\v': `\u000b`, // "\v" == "v" on IE 6.
+       '\f': `\f`,
+       '\r': `\r`,
+       // Encode HTML specials as hex so the output can be embedded
+       // in HTML attributes without further encoding.
+-      '"':  `\x22`,
+-      '&':  `\x26`,
+-      '\'': `\x27`,
+-      '+':  `\x2b`,
++      '"':  `\u0022`,
++      '&':  `\u0026`,
++      '\'': `\u0027`,
++      '+':  `\u002b`,
+       '/':  `\/`,
+-      '<':  `\x3c`,
+-      '>':  `\x3e`,
++      '<':  `\u003c`,
++      '>':  `\u003e`,
+ }
+ var jsRegexpReplacementTable = []string{
+-      0:    `\0`,
++      0:    `\u0000`,
+       '\t': `\t`,
+       '\n': `\n`,
+-      '\v': `\x0b`, // "\v" == "v" on IE 6.
++      '\v': `\u000b`, // "\v" == "v" on IE 6.
+       '\f': `\f`,
+       '\r': `\r`,
+       // Encode HTML specials as hex so the output can be embedded
+       // in HTML attributes without further encoding.
+-      '"':  `\x22`,
++      '"':  `\u0022`,
+       '$':  `\$`,
+-      '&':  `\x26`,
+-      '\'': `\x27`,
++      '&':  `\u0026`,
++      '\'': `\u0027`,
+       '(':  `\(`,
+       ')':  `\)`,
+       '*':  `\*`,
+-      '+':  `\x2b`,
++      '+':  `\u002b`,
+       '-':  `\-`,
+       '.':  `\.`,
+       '/':  `\/`,
+-      '<':  `\x3c`,
+-      '>':  `\x3e`,
++      '<':  `\u003c`,
++      '>':  `\u003e`,
+       '?':  `\?`,
+       '[':  `\[`,
+       '\\': `\\`,
+diff --git a/src/html/template/js_test.go b/src/html/template/js_test.go
+index 075adaa..d7ee47b 100644
+--- a/src/html/template/js_test.go
++++ b/src/html/template/js_test.go
+@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ func TestJSValEscaper(t *testing.T) {
+               {"foo", `"foo"`},
+               // Newlines.
+               {"\r\n\u2028\u2029", `"\r\n\u2028\u2029"`},
+-              // "\v" == "v" on IE 6 so use "\x0b" instead.
++              // "\v" == "v" on IE 6 so use "\u000b" instead.
+               {"\t\x0b", `"\t\u000b"`},
+               {struct{ X, Y int }{1, 2}, `{"X":1,"Y":2}`},
+               {[]interface{}{}, "[]"},
+@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ func TestJSStrEscaper(t *testing.T) {
+       }{
+               {"", ``},
+               {"foo", `foo`},
+-              {"\u0000", `\0`},
++              {"\u0000", `\u0000`},
+               {"\t", `\t`},
+               {"\n", `\n`},
+               {"\r", `\r`},
+@@ -183,14 +183,14 @@ func TestJSStrEscaper(t *testing.T) {
+               {"\\n", `\\n`},
+               {"foo\r\nbar", `foo\r\nbar`},
+               // Preserve attribute boundaries.
+-              {`"`, `\x22`},
+-              {`'`, `\x27`},
++              {`"`, `\u0022`},
++              {`'`, `\u0027`},
+               // Allow embedding in HTML without further escaping.
+-              {`&amp;`, `\x26amp;`},
++              {`&amp;`, `\u0026amp;`},
+               // Prevent breaking out of text node and element boundaries.
+-              {"</script>", `\x3c\/script\x3e`},
+-              {"<![CDATA[", `\x3c![CDATA[`},
+-              {"]]>", `]]\x3e`},
++              {"</script>", `\u003c\/script\u003e`},
++              {"<![CDATA[", `\u003c![CDATA[`},
++              {"]]>", `]]\u003e`},
+               //
+               //   "The text in style, script, title, and textarea elements
+               //   must not have an escaping text span start that is not
+@@ -201,11 +201,11 @@ func TestJSStrEscaper(t *testing.T) {
+               // allow regular text content to be interpreted as script
+               // allowing script execution via a combination of a JS string
+               // injection followed by an HTML text injection.
+-              {"<!--", `\x3c!--`},
+-              {"-->", `--\x3e`},
++              {"<!--", `\u003c!--`},
++              {"-->", `--\u003e`},
+               // From
+               {"+ADw-script+AD4-alert(1)+ADw-/script+AD4-",
+               },
+               // Invalid UTF-8 sequence
+               {"foo\xA0bar", "foo\xA0bar"},
+@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ func TestJSRegexpEscaper(t *testing.T) {
+       }{
+               {"", `(?:)`},
+               {"foo", `foo`},
+-              {"\u0000", `\0`},
++              {"\u0000", `\u0000`},
+               {"\t", `\t`},
+               {"\n", `\n`},
+               {"\r", `\r`},
+@@ -238,19 +238,19 @@ func TestJSRegexpEscaper(t *testing.T) {
+               {"\\n", `\\n`},
+               {"foo\r\nbar", `foo\r\nbar`},
+               // Preserve attribute boundaries.
+-              {`"`, `\x22`},
+-              {`'`, `\x27`},
++              {`"`, `\u0022`},
++              {`'`, `\u0027`},
+               // Allow embedding in HTML without further escaping.
+-              {`&amp;`, `\x26amp;`},
++              {`&amp;`, `\u0026amp;`},
+               // Prevent breaking out of text node and element boundaries.
+-              {"</script>", `\x3c\/script\x3e`},
+-              {"<![CDATA[", `\x3c!\[CDATA\[`},
+-              {"]]>", `\]\]\x3e`},
++              {"</script>", `\u003c\/script\u003e`},
++              {"<![CDATA[", `\u003c!\[CDATA\[`},
++              {"]]>", `\]\]\u003e`},
+               // Escaping text spans.
+-              {"<!--", `\x3c!\-\-`},
+-              {"-->", `\-\-\x3e`},
++              {"<!--", `\u003c!\-\-`},
++              {"-->", `\-\-\u003e`},
+               {"*", `\*`},
+-              {"+", `\x2b`},
++              {"+", `\u002b`},
+               {"?", `\?`},
+               {"[](){}", `\[\]\(\)\{\}`},
+               {"$foo|x.y", `\$foo\|x\.y`},
+@@ -284,27 +284,27 @@ func TestEscapersOnLower7AndSelectHighCodepoints(t 
*testing.T) {
+               {
+                       "jsStrEscaper",
+                       jsStrEscaper,
+-                      "\\0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07" +
+-                              "\x08\\t\\n\\x0b\\f\\r\x0E\x0F" +
+-                              "\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17" +
+-                              "\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f" +
+-                              ` !\x22#$%\x26\x27()*\x2b,-.\/` +
+-                              `0123456789:;\x3c=\x3e?` +
++                      `\u0000\u0001\u0002\u0003\u0004\u0005\u0006\u0007` +
++                              `\u0008\t\n\u000b\f\r\u000e\u000f` +
`\u0010\u0011\u0012\u0013\u0014\u0015\u0016\u0017` +
`\u0018\u0019\u001a\u001b\u001c\u001d\u001e\u001f` +
++                              ` !\u0022#$%\u0026\u0027()*\u002b,-.\/` +
++                              `0123456789:;\u003c=\u003e?` +
+                               `@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO` +
+                               `PQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_` +
+                               "`abcdefghijklmno" +
+-                              "pqrstuvwxyz{|}~\x7f" +
++                              "pqrstuvwxyz{|}~\u007f" +
+                               "\u00A0\u0100\\u2028\\u2029\ufeff\U0001D11E",
+               },
+               {
+                       "jsRegexpEscaper",
+                       jsRegexpEscaper,
+-                      "\\0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07" +
+-                              "\x08\\t\\n\\x0b\\f\\r\x0E\x0F" +
+-                              "\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17" +
+-                              "\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f" +
+-                              ` !\x22#\$%\x26\x27\(\)\*\x2b,\-\.\/` +
+-                              `0123456789:;\x3c=\x3e\?` +
++                      `\u0000\u0001\u0002\u0003\u0004\u0005\u0006\u0007` +
++                              `\u0008\t\n\u000b\f\r\u000e\u000f` +
`\u0010\u0011\u0012\u0013\u0014\u0015\u0016\u0017` +
`\u0018\u0019\u001a\u001b\u001c\u001d\u001e\u001f` +
++                              ` !\u0022#\$%\u0026\u0027\(\)\*\u002b,\-\.\/` +
++                              `0123456789:;\u003c=\u003e\?` +
+                               `@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO` +
+                               `PQRSTUVWXYZ\[\\\]\^_` +
+                               "`abcdefghijklmno" +
+diff --git a/src/html/template/template_test.go 
+index 13e6ba4..86bd4db 100644
+--- a/src/html/template/template_test.go
++++ b/src/html/template/template_test.go
+@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ package template_test
+ import (
+       "bytes"
++      "encoding/json"
+       . "html/template"
+       "strings"
+       "testing"
+@@ -121,6 +122,44 @@ func TestNumbers(t *testing.T) {
+       c.mustExecute(c.root, nil, "12.34 7.5")
+ }
++func TestStringsInScriptsWithJsonContentTypeAreCorrectlyEscaped(t *testing.T) 
++      // See #33671 and #37634 for more context on this.
++      tests := []struct{ name, in string }{
++              {"empty", ""},
++              {"invalid", string(rune(-1))},
++              {"null", "\u0000"},
++              {"unit separator", "\u001F"},
++              {"tab", "\t"},
++              {"gt and lt", "<>"},
++              {"quotes", `'"`},
++              {"ASCII letters", "ASCII letters"},
++              {"Unicode", "ʕ⊙ϖ⊙ʔ"},
++              {"Pizza", "🍕"},
++      }
++      const (
++              prefix = `<script type="application/ld+json">`
++              suffix = `</script>`
++              templ  = prefix + `"{{.}}"` + suffix
++      )
++      tpl := Must(New("JS string is JSON string").Parse(templ))
++      for _, tt := range tests {
++              t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
++                      var buf bytes.Buffer
++                      if err := tpl.Execute(&buf,; err != nil {
++                              t.Fatalf("Cannot render template: %v", err)
++                      }
++                      trimmed := 
bytes.TrimSuffix(bytes.TrimPrefix(buf.Bytes(), []byte(prefix)), []byte(suffix))
++                      var got string
++                      if err := json.Unmarshal(trimmed, &got); err != nil {
++                              t.Fatalf("Cannot parse JS string %q as JSON: 
%v", trimmed[1:len(trimmed)-1], err)
++                      }
++                      if got != {
++                              t.Errorf("Serialization changed the string 
value: got %q want %q", got,
++                      }
++              })
++      }
+ type testCase struct {
+       t    *testing.T
+       root *Template
+diff --git a/src/text/template/exec_test.go b/src/text/template/exec_test.go
+index 77294ed..b8a809e 100644
+--- a/src/text/template/exec_test.go
++++ b/src/text/template/exec_test.go
+@@ -911,9 +911,9 @@ func TestJSEscaping(t *testing.T) {
+               {`Go "jump" \`, `Go \"jump\" \\`},
+               {`Yukihiro says "今日は世界"`, `Yukihiro says \"今日は世界\"`},
+               {"unprintable \uFDFF", `unprintable \uFDFF`},
+-              {`<html>`, `\x3Chtml\x3E`},
+-              {`no = in attributes`, `no \x3D in attributes`},
+-              {`&#x27; does not become HTML entity`, `\x26#x27; does not 
become HTML entity`},
++              {`<html>`, `\u003Chtml\u003E`},
++              {`no = in attributes`, `no \u003D in attributes`},
++              {`&#x27; does not become HTML entity`, `\u0026#x27; does not 
become HTML entity`},
+       }
+       for _, tc := range testCases {
+               s := JSEscapeString(
+diff --git a/src/text/template/funcs.go b/src/text/template/funcs.go
+index 46125bc..f3de9fb 100644
+--- a/src/text/template/funcs.go
++++ b/src/text/template/funcs.go
+@@ -640,10 +640,10 @@ var (
+       jsBackslash = []byte(`\\`)
+       jsApos      = []byte(`\'`)
+       jsQuot      = []byte(`\"`)
+-      jsLt        = []byte(`\x3C`)
+-      jsGt        = []byte(`\x3E`)
+-      jsAmp       = []byte(`\x26`)
+-      jsEq        = []byte(`\x3D`)
++      jsLt        = []byte(`\u003C`)
++      jsGt        = []byte(`\u003E`)
++      jsAmp       = []byte(`\u0026`)
++      jsEq        = []byte(`\u003D`)
+ )
+ // JSEscape writes to w the escaped JavaScript equivalent of the plain text 
data b.
diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/go/go-1.14/CVE-2023-24538-2.patch 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f5a2d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-devtools/go/go-1.14/CVE-2023-24538-2.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+From 576db9a3262931fcda4dbf1b78b56d4565a5ad3f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Roland Shoemaker <>
+Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2023 11:01:13 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] html/template: disallow actions in JS template literals
+ECMAScript 6 introduced template literals[0][1] which are delimited with
+backticks. These need to be escaped in a similar fashion to the
+delimiters for other string literals. Additionally template literals can
+contain special syntax for string interpolation.
+There is no clear way to allow safe insertion of actions within JS
+template literals, as handling (JS) string interpolation inside of these
+literals is rather complex. As such we've chosen to simply disallow
+template actions within these template literals.
+A new error code is added for this parsing failure case, errJsTmplLit,
+but it is unexported as it is not backwards compatible with other minor
+release versions to introduce an API change in a minor release. We will
+export this code in the next major release.
+The previous behavior (with the cavet that backticks are now escaped
+properly) can be re-enabled with GODEBUG=jstmpllitinterp=1.
+This change subsumes CL471455.
+Thanks to Sohom Datta, Manipal Institute of Technology, for reporting
+this issue.
+Fixes CVE-2023-24538
+For #59234
+Fixes #59271
+Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
+Run-TryBot: Damien Neil <>
+Reviewed-by: Julie Qiu <>
+Reviewed-by: Roland Shoemaker <>
+Run-TryBot: Roland Shoemaker <>
+Change-Id: Ic7f10595615f2b2740d9c85ad7ef40dc0e78c04c
+Auto-Submit: Michael Knyszek <>
+TryBot-Result: Gopher Robot <>
+Run-TryBot: Michael Knyszek <>
+Reviewed-by: Matthew Dempsky <>
+Upstream-Status: Backport from
+CVE: CVE-2023-24538
+Signed-off-by: Shubham Kulkarni <>
+ src/html/template/context.go      |  2 ++
+ src/html/template/error.go        | 13 ++++++++
+ src/html/template/escape.go       | 11 +++++++
+ src/html/template/escape_test.go  | 66 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ src/html/template/js.go           |  2 ++
+ src/html/template/js_test.go      |  2 +-
+ src/html/template/jsctx_string.go |  9 ++++++
+ src/html/template/state_string.go | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++--
+ src/html/template/transition.go   |  7 ++++-
+ 9 files changed, 116 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/html/template/context.go b/src/html/template/context.go
+index f7d4849..0b65313 100644
+--- a/src/html/template/context.go
++++ b/src/html/template/context.go
+@@ -116,6 +116,8 @@ const (
+       stateJSDqStr
+       // stateJSSqStr occurs inside a JavaScript single quoted string.
+       stateJSSqStr
++      // stateJSBqStr occurs inside a JavaScript back quoted string.
++      stateJSBqStr
+       // stateJSRegexp occurs inside a JavaScript regexp literal.
+       stateJSRegexp
+       // stateJSBlockCmt occurs inside a JavaScript /* block comment */.
+diff --git a/src/html/template/error.go b/src/html/template/error.go
+index 0e52706..fd26b64 100644
+--- a/src/html/template/error.go
++++ b/src/html/template/error.go
+@@ -211,6 +211,19 @@ const (
+       //   pipeline occurs in an unquoted attribute value context, "html" is
+       //   disallowed. Avoid using "html" and "urlquery" entirely in new 
+       ErrPredefinedEscaper
++      // errJSTmplLit: "... appears in a JS template literal"
++      // Example:
++      //     <script>var tmpl = `{{.Interp}`</script>
++      // Discussion:
++      //   Package html/template does not support actions inside of JS 
++      //   literals.
++      //
++      // TODO(rolandshoemaker): we cannot add this as an exported error in a 
++      // release, since it is backwards incompatible with the other minor
++      // releases. As such we need to leave it unexported, and then we'll add 
++      // in the next major release.
++      errJSTmplLit
+ )
+ func (e *Error) Error() string {
+diff --git a/src/html/template/escape.go b/src/html/template/escape.go
+index f12dafa..29ca5b3 100644
+--- a/src/html/template/escape.go
++++ b/src/html/template/escape.go
+@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
+       "bytes"
+       "fmt"
+       "html"
++      "internal/godebug"
+       "io"
+       "text/template"
+       "text/template/parse"
+@@ -203,6 +204,16 @@ func (e *escaper) escapeAction(c context, n 
*parse.ActionNode) context {
+               c.jsCtx = jsCtxDivOp
+       case stateJSDqStr, stateJSSqStr:
+               s = append(s, "_html_template_jsstrescaper")
++      case stateJSBqStr:
++              debugAllowActionJSTmpl := godebug.Get("jstmpllitinterp")
++              if debugAllowActionJSTmpl == "1" {
++                      s = append(s, "_html_template_jsstrescaper")
++              } else {
++                      return context{
++                              state: stateError,
++                              err:   errorf(errJSTmplLit, n, n.Line, "%s 
appears in a JS template literal", n),
++                      }
++              }
+       case stateJSRegexp:
+               s = append(s, "_html_template_jsregexpescaper")
+       case stateCSS:
+diff --git a/src/html/template/escape_test.go 
+index c709660..807aabd 100644
+--- a/src/html/template/escape_test.go
++++ b/src/html/template/escape_test.go
+@@ -681,35 +681,31 @@ func TestEscape(t *testing.T) {
+       }
+       for _, test := range tests {
+-              tmpl := New(
+-              tmpl = Must(tmpl.Parse(test.input))
+-              // Check for bug 6459: Tree field was not set in Parse.
+-              if tmpl.Tree != tmpl.text.Tree {
+-                      t.Errorf("%s: tree not set properly",
+-                      continue
+-              }
+-              b := new(bytes.Buffer)
+-              if err := tmpl.Execute(b, data); err != nil {
+-                      t.Errorf("%s: template execution failed: %s",, err)
+-                      continue
+-              }
+-              if w, g := test.output, b.String(); w != g {
+-                      t.Errorf("%s: escaped output: want\n\t%q\ngot\n\t%q",, w, g)
+-                      continue
+-              }
+-              b.Reset()
+-              if err := tmpl.Execute(b, pdata); err != nil {
+-                      t.Errorf("%s: template execution failed for pointer: 
%s",, err)
+-                      continue
+-              }
+-              if w, g := test.output, b.String(); w != g {
+-                      t.Errorf("%s: escaped output for pointer: 
want\n\t%q\ngot\n\t%q",, w, g)
+-                      continue
+-              }
+-              if tmpl.Tree != tmpl.text.Tree {
+-                      t.Errorf("%s: tree mismatch",
+-                      continue
+-              }
++              t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
++                      tmpl := New(
++                      tmpl = Must(tmpl.Parse(test.input))
++                      // Check for bug 6459: Tree field was not set in Parse.
++                      if tmpl.Tree != tmpl.text.Tree {
++                              t.Fatalf("%s: tree not set properly",
++                      }
++                      b := new(strings.Builder)
++                      if err := tmpl.Execute(b, data); err != nil {
++                              t.Fatalf("%s: template execution failed: %s",, err)
++                      }
++                      if w, g := test.output, b.String(); w != g {
++                              t.Fatalf("%s: escaped output: 
want\n\t%q\ngot\n\t%q",, w, g)
++                      }
++                      b.Reset()
++                      if err := tmpl.Execute(b, pdata); err != nil {
++                              t.Fatalf("%s: template execution failed for 
pointer: %s",, err)
++                      }
++                      if w, g := test.output, b.String(); w != g {
++                              t.Fatalf("%s: escaped output for pointer: 
want\n\t%q\ngot\n\t%q",, w, g)
++                      }
++                      if tmpl.Tree != tmpl.text.Tree {
++                              t.Fatalf("%s: tree mismatch",
++                      }
++              })
+       }
+ }
+@@ -920,6 +916,10 @@ func TestErrors(t *testing.T) {
+                       "<a href='/foo?{{range .Items}}&{{.K}}={{.V}}{{end}}'>",
+                       "",
+               },
++              {
++                      "<script>var a = `${a+b}`</script>`",
++                      "",
++              },
+               // Error cases.
+               {
+                       "{{if .Cond}}<a{{end}}",
+@@ -1058,6 +1058,10 @@ func TestErrors(t *testing.T) {
+                       // html is allowed since it is the last command in the 
pipeline, but urlquery is not.
+                       `predefined escaper "urlquery" disallowed in template`,
+               },
++              {
++                      "<script>var tmpl = `asd {{.}}`;</script>",
++                      `{{.}} appears in a JS template literal`,
++              },
+       }
+       for _, test := range tests {
+               buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
+@@ -1280,6 +1284,10 @@ func TestEscapeText(t *testing.T) {
+                       context{state: stateJSSqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote, 
attr: attrScript},
+               },
+               {
++                      "<a onclick=\"`foo",
++                      context{state: stateJSBqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote, 
attr: attrScript},
++              },
++              {
+                       `<A ONCLICK="'`,
+                       context{state: stateJSSqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote, 
attr: attrScript},
+               },
+diff --git a/src/html/template/js.go b/src/html/template/js.go
+index ea9c183..b888eaf 100644
+--- a/src/html/template/js.go
++++ b/src/html/template/js.go
+@@ -308,6 +308,7 @@ var jsStrReplacementTable = []string{
+       // Encode HTML specials as hex so the output can be embedded
+       // in HTML attributes without further encoding.
+       '"':  `\u0022`,
++      '`':  `\u0060`,
+       '&':  `\u0026`,
+       '\'': `\u0027`,
+       '+':  `\u002b`,
+@@ -331,6 +332,7 @@ var jsStrNormReplacementTable = []string{
+       '"':  `\u0022`,
+       '&':  `\u0026`,
+       '\'': `\u0027`,
++      '`':  `\u0060`,
+       '+':  `\u002b`,
+       '/':  `\/`,
+       '<':  `\u003c`,
+diff --git a/src/html/template/js_test.go b/src/html/template/js_test.go
+index d7ee47b..7d963ae 100644
+--- a/src/html/template/js_test.go
++++ b/src/html/template/js_test.go
+@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ func TestEscapersOnLower7AndSelectHighCodepoints(t 
*testing.T) {
+                               `0123456789:;\u003c=\u003e?` +
+                               `@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO` +
+                               `PQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_` +
+-                              "`abcdefghijklmno" +
++                              "\\u0060abcdefghijklmno" +
+                               "pqrstuvwxyz{|}~\u007f" +
+                               "\u00A0\u0100\\u2028\\u2029\ufeff\U0001D11E",
+               },
+diff --git a/src/html/template/jsctx_string.go 
+index dd1d87e..2394893 100644
+--- a/src/html/template/jsctx_string.go
++++ b/src/html/template/jsctx_string.go
+@@ -4,6 +4,15 @@ package template
+ import "strconv"
++func _() {
++      // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant 
values have changed.
++      // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again.
++      var x [1]struct{}
++      _ = x[jsCtxRegexp-0]
++      _ = x[jsCtxDivOp-1]
++      _ = x[jsCtxUnknown-2]
+ const _jsCtx_name = "jsCtxRegexpjsCtxDivOpjsCtxUnknown"
+ var _jsCtx_index = [...]uint8{0, 11, 21, 33}
+diff --git a/src/html/template/state_string.go 
+index 05104be..6fb1a6e 100644
+--- a/src/html/template/state_string.go
++++ b/src/html/template/state_string.go
+@@ -4,9 +4,42 @@ package template
+ import "strconv"
+-const _state_name = 
++func _() {
++      // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant 
values have changed.
++      // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again.
++      var x [1]struct{}
++      _ = x[stateText-0]
++      _ = x[stateTag-1]
++      _ = x[stateAttrName-2]
++      _ = x[stateAfterName-3]
++      _ = x[stateBeforeValue-4]
++      _ = x[stateHTMLCmt-5]
++      _ = x[stateRCDATA-6]
++      _ = x[stateAttr-7]
++      _ = x[stateURL-8]
++      _ = x[stateSrcset-9]
++      _ = x[stateJS-10]
++      _ = x[stateJSDqStr-11]
++      _ = x[stateJSSqStr-12]
++      _ = x[stateJSBqStr-13]
++      _ = x[stateJSRegexp-14]
++      _ = x[stateJSBlockCmt-15]
++      _ = x[stateJSLineCmt-16]
++      _ = x[stateCSS-17]
++      _ = x[stateCSSDqStr-18]
++      _ = x[stateCSSSqStr-19]
++      _ = x[stateCSSDqURL-20]
++      _ = x[stateCSSSqURL-21]
++      _ = x[stateCSSURL-22]
++      _ = x[stateCSSBlockCmt-23]
++      _ = x[stateCSSLineCmt-24]
++      _ = x[stateError-25]
++      _ = x[stateDead-26]
++const _state_name = 
+-var _state_index = [...]uint16{0, 9, 17, 30, 44, 60, 72, 83, 92, 100, 111, 
118, 130, 142, 155, 170, 184, 192, 205, 218, 231, 244, 255, 271, 286, 296}
++var _state_index = [...]uint16{0, 9, 17, 30, 44, 60, 72, 83, 92, 100, 111, 
118, 130, 142, 154, 167, 182, 196, 204, 217, 230, 243, 256, 267, 283, 298, 308, 
+ func (i state) String() string {
+       if i >= state(len(_state_index)-1) {
+diff --git a/src/html/template/transition.go b/src/html/template/transition.go
+index 06df679..92eb351 100644
+--- a/src/html/template/transition.go
++++ b/src/html/template/transition.go
+@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ var transitionFunc = [...]func(context, []byte) (context, 
+       stateJS:          tJS,
+       stateJSDqStr:     tJSDelimited,
+       stateJSSqStr:     tJSDelimited,
++      stateJSBqStr:     tJSDelimited,
+       stateJSRegexp:    tJSDelimited,
+       stateJSBlockCmt:  tBlockCmt,
+       stateJSLineCmt:   tLineCmt,
+@@ -262,7 +263,7 @@ func tURL(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
+ // tJS is the context transition function for the JS state.
+ func tJS(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
+-      i := bytes.IndexAny(s, `"'/`)
++      i := bytes.IndexAny(s, "\"`'/")
+       if i == -1 {
+               // Entire input is non string, comment, regexp tokens.
+               c.jsCtx = nextJSCtx(s, c.jsCtx)
+@@ -274,6 +275,8 @@ func tJS(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
+               c.state, c.jsCtx = stateJSDqStr, jsCtxRegexp
+       case '\'':
+               c.state, c.jsCtx = stateJSSqStr, jsCtxRegexp
++      case '`':
++              c.state, c.jsCtx = stateJSBqStr, jsCtxRegexp
+       case '/':
+               switch {
+               case i+1 < len(s) && s[i+1] == '/':
+@@ -303,6 +306,8 @@ func tJSDelimited(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
+       switch c.state {
+       case stateJSSqStr:
+               specials = `\'`
++      case stateJSBqStr:
++              specials = "`\\"
+       case stateJSRegexp:
+               specials = `\/[]`
+       }

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