
this email is a notification from the Auto Upgrade Helper
that the automatic attempt to upgrade the recipe *cmake* to *3.26.0* has 

Detailed error information:

do_compile failed

Next steps:
    - apply the patch: git am 0001-cmake-upgrade-3.25.2-3.26.0.patch
    - check the changes to upstream patches and summarize them in the commit 
    - compile an image that contains the package
    - perform some basic sanity tests
    - amend the patch and sign it off: git commit -s --reset-author --amend
    - send it to the appropriate mailing list

Alternatively, if you believe the recipe should not be upgraded at this time,
you can fill RECIPE_NO_UPDATE_REASON in respective recipe file so that
automatic upgrades would no longer be attempted.

Please review the attached files for further information and build/update 
Any problem please file a bug at 

The Upgrade Helper
Loading cache...done.
Loaded 1790 entries from dependency cache.
Parsing recipes...done.
Parsing of 896 .bb files complete (894 cached, 2 parsed). 1790 targets, 39 
skipped, 0 masked, 0 errors.
Removing 1 recipes from the core2-32 sysroot...done.
Removing 1 recipes from the qemux86 sysroot...done.
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies

Build Configuration:
BB_VERSION           = "2.3.1"
BUILD_SYS            = "x86_64-linux"
NATIVELSBSTRING      = "universal"
TARGET_SYS           = "i686-poky-linux"
MACHINE              = "qemux86"
DISTRO               = "poky"
DISTRO_VERSION       = "4.1+snapshot-5d8249f21ad07b6374d80f9b040073eb7337e425"
TUNE_FEATURES        = "m32 core2"
TARGET_FPU           = ""
meta-yocto-bsp       = 
workspace            = "master:37b5d544d34c9caaf70def0a29dfb0cf896dc1b7"

Initialising tasks...done.
Sstate summary: Wanted 55 Local 43 Mirrors 0 Missed 12 Current 173 (78% match, 
94% complete)
Removing 2 stale sstate objects for arch x86_64...done.
Removing 1 stale sstate objects for arch core2-32...done.
Removing 1 stale sstate objects for arch qemux86...done.
NOTE: Executing Tasks
NOTE: Running setscene task 193 of 228 
NOTE: Running task 681 of 885 
NOTE: Running task 774 of 885 
NOTE: recipe cmake-native-3.25.2-r0: task do_fetch: Started
WARNING: cmake-native-3.25.2-r0 do_fetch: Checksum mismatch for local file 
Cleaning and trying again.
WARNING: cmake-native-3.25.2-r0 do_fetch: Renaming 
NOTE: recipe expat-2.5.0-r0: task do_deploy_source_date_epoch_setscene: Started
NOTE: recipe cmake-3.26.0-r0: task do_fetch: Started
NOTE: recipe cmake-3.26.0-r0: task do_fetch: Succeeded
NOTE: Running task 848 of 885 
NOTE: recipe expat-2.5.0-r0: task do_deploy_source_date_epoch_setscene: 
NOTE: Setscene tasks completed
NOTE: Running task 849 of 885 
NOTE: recipe cmake-3.26.0-r0: task do_unpack: Started
NOTE: recipe expat-2.5.0-r0: task do_fetch: Started
NOTE: recipe expat-2.5.0-r0: task do_fetch: Succeeded
NOTE: Running task 850 of 885 
NOTE: recipe expat-2.5.0-r0: task do_unpack: Started
NOTE: recipe expat-2.5.0-r0: task do_unpack: Succeeded
NOTE: Running task 851 of 885 
NOTE: recipe expat-2.5.0-r0: task do_patch: Started
NOTE: recipe expat-2.5.0-r0: task do_patch: Succeeded
NOTE: Running task 852 of 885 
NOTE: recipe expat-2.5.0-r0: task do_generate_toolchain_file: Started
NOTE: recipe expat-2.5.0-r0: task do_generate_toolchain_file: Succeeded
NOTE: recipe cmake-3.26.0-r0: task do_unpack: Succeeded
NOTE: Running task 854 of 885 
NOTE: recipe cmake-3.26.0-r0: task do_patch: Started
NOTE: recipe cmake-3.26.0-r0: task do_patch: Succeeded
NOTE: Running task 855 of 885 
NOTE: Running task 856 of 885 
NOTE: Running task 857 of 885 
WARNING: cmake-native-3.25.2-r0 do_fetch: Checksum failure encountered with 
download of https://cmake.org/files/v3.25/cmake-3.25.2.tar.gz - will attempt 
other sources if available
NOTE: recipe cmake-3.26.0-r0: task do_deploy_source_date_epoch: Started
NOTE: recipe cmake-3.26.0-r0: task do_populate_lic: Started
NOTE: recipe cmake-3.26.0-r0: task do_generate_toolchain_file: Started
NOTE: recipe cmake-3.26.0-r0: task do_populate_lic: Failed
NOTE: recipe cmake-3.26.0-r0: task do_generate_toolchain_file: Succeeded
NOTE: recipe cmake-3.26.0-r0: task do_deploy_source_date_epoch: Succeeded
WARNING: cmake-native-3.25.2-r0 do_fetch: Checksum mismatch for local file 
Cleaning and trying again.
WARNING: cmake-native-3.25.2-r0 do_fetch: Renaming 
NOTE: recipe cmake-native-3.25.2-r0: task do_fetch: Failed
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 857 tasks of which 846 didn't need to be rerun 
and 2 failed.
NOTE: Writing buildhistory
NOTE: Writing buildhistory took: 1 seconds

Summary: 2 tasks failed:
Summary: There were 5 WARNING messages.
Summary: There were 4 ERROR messages, returning a non-zero exit code.
ERROR: cmake-3.26.0-r0 do_populate_lic: QA Issue: cmake: The LIC_FILES_CHKSUM 
does not match for file://Copyright.txt;md5=09069e0fffe4e5eaf6dde04c3b1932e5
cmake: The new md5 checksum is 9d3d12c5f3b4c1f83650adcc65b59c06
cmake: Here is the selected license text:
CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator
Copyright 2000-2023 Kitware, Inc. and Contributors
All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:

* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
  notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
   as part of the Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK).

 * US National Labs (Los Alamos, Livermore, Sandia) ASC Parallel
   Visualization Initiative.

 * National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (NAMIC) is funded by the
   National Institutes of Health through the NIH Roadmap for Medical Research,
   Grant U54 EB005149.

 * Kitware, Inc.
cmake: Check if the license information has changed in 
 to verify that the LICENSE value "BSD-3-Clause & BSD-1-Clause & MIT" remains 
valid [license-checksum]
ERROR: cmake-3.26.0-r0 do_populate_lic: Fatal QA errors were found, failing 
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: 
ERROR: Task 
 failed with exit code '1'
ERROR: cmake-native-3.25.2-r0 do_fetch: Checksum failure fetching 
ERROR: cmake-native-3.25.2-r0 do_fetch: Bitbake Fetcher Error: 
ChecksumError('Checksum mismatch!\nFile: 
 has sha256 checksum 
\'c026f22cb931dd532f648f087d587f07a1843c6e66a3dfca4fb0ea21944ed33c\' when 
\'4256613188857e95700621f7cdaaeb954f3546a9249e942bc2f9b3c26e381365\' was 
expected\nIf this change is expected (e.g. you have upgraded to a new version 
without updating the checksums) then you can use these lines within the 
recipe:\nSRC_URI[sha256sum] = 
you should retry the download and/or check with upstream to determine if the 
file has become corrupted or otherwise unexpectedly modified.', 
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: 
ERROR: Task 
 failed with exit code '1'

Attachment: 0001-cmake-upgrade-3.25.2-3.26.0.patch
Description: Binary data

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