From: Wang Mingyu <>

- Added lexers:

  * Arturo (#2259)
  * GAP session (#2211)
  * Fift (#2249)
  * func (#2232)
  * Jsonnet (#2239)
  * Minecraft schema (#2276)
  * MIPS (#2228)
  * Phix (#2222)
  * Portugol (#2300)
  * TL-b (#2247)
  * World of Warcraft TOC format (#2244, #2245)
  * Wren (#2271)

- Updated lexers:

  * Abap: Update keywords (#2281)
  * Alloy: Update for Alloy 6 (#1963)
  * C family (C, C++ and many others):

    - Fix an issue where a chunk would be wrongly recognized as a function
      definition due to braces in comments (#2210)
    - Improve parantheses handling for function definitions (#2207, #2208)

  * C#: Fix number and operator recognition (#2256, #2257)
  * CSound: Updated builtins (#2268)
  * F#: Add ".fsx" file extension (#2282)
  * gas (GNU assembler): recognize braces as punctuation (#2230)
  * HTTP: Add 'CONNECT' keyword (#2242)
  * Inform 6: Fix lexing of properties and doubles (#2214)
  * INI: Allow comments that are not their own line (#2217, #2161)
  * Java properties: Fix issue with whitespace-delimited keys, support
    comments starting with '!' and escapes, no longer support undocumented
    ';' and '//' comments (#2241)
  * LilyPond: Improve heuristics, add "\maxima" duration (#2283)
  * LLVM: Add opaque pointer type (#2269)
  * Macaulay2: Update keywords (#2305)
  * Minecraft-related lexers (SNB and Minecraft function) moved to
    "pygments.lexers.minecraft" (#2276)
  * Nim: General improvements (#1970)
  * Nix: Fix single quotes inside indented strings (#2289)
  * Objective J: Fix catastrophic backtracking (#2225)
  * NASM: Add support for SSE/AVX/AVX-512 registers as well as 'rel'
    and 'abs' address operators (#2212)
  * Powershell:

    - Add "local:" keyword (#2254)
    - Allow continuations without markers (#2262, #2263)

  * Solidity: Add boolean operators (#2292)
  * Spice: Add "enum" keyword and fix a bug regarding binary,
    hexadecimal and octal number tokens (#2227)
  * YAML: Accept colons in key names (#2277)

- Fix 'make mapfiles' when Pygments is not installed in editable mode

- Support more filetypes and compression types in 'autopygmentize' (#2219)
- Merge consecutive tokens in Autohotkey, Clay (#2248)
- Add ".nasm" as a recognized file type for NASM (#2280)
- Add "*Spec.hs" as a recognized file type for "HSpec" (#2308)
- Add "*.pyi" (for typing stub files) as a recognized file type for
  Python (#2331)
- The HTML lexer no longer emits empty spans for whitespace (#2304)
- Fix "IRCFormatter" inserting linenumbers incorrectly (#2270)

Signed-off-by: Wang Mingyu <>
 .../{ =>}  | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
 rename meta/recipes-devtools/python/{ =>} (83%)

diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/python/ 
similarity index 83%
rename from meta/recipes-devtools/python/
rename to meta/recipes-devtools/python/
index 59706cc200..16769e9263 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-devtools/python/
+++ b/meta/recipes-devtools/python/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ LICENSE = "BSD-2-Clause"
 LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=36a13c90514e2899f1eba7f41c3ee592"
 inherit setuptools3
-SRC_URI[sha256sum] = 
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = 
 DEPENDS += "\
             ${PYTHON_PN} \

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