From: Hitendra Prajapati <>

Upstream-Status: Backport from

Signed-off-by: Hitendra Prajapati <>
Signed-off-by: Steve Sakoman <>
 meta/recipes-devtools/go/          |   1 +
 .../go/go-1.14/CVE-2022-41715.patch           | 271 ++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 272 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 meta/recipes-devtools/go/go-1.14/CVE-2022-41715.patch

diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/go/ 
index cec37c1b09..b4a137b8c8 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-devtools/go/
+++ b/meta/recipes-devtools/go/
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ SRC_URI += "\
     file://CVE-2022-24921.patch \
     file://CVE-2022-28131.patch \
     file://CVE-2022-28327.patch \
+    file://CVE-2022-41715.patch \
 SRC_URI_append_libc-musl = " 
diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/go/go-1.14/CVE-2022-41715.patch 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fac0ebe94c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-devtools/go/go-1.14/CVE-2022-41715.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+From e9017c2416ad0ef642f5e0c2eab2dbf3cba4d997 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Russ Cox <>
+Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2022 11:18:51 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] [release-branch.go1.18] regexp: limit size of parsed regexps
+Set a 128 MB limit on the amount of space used by []syntax.Inst
+in the compiled form corresponding to a given regexp.
+Also set a 128 MB limit on the rune storage in the *syntax.Regexp
+tree itself.
+Thanks to Adam Korczynski (ADA Logics) and OSS-Fuzz for reporting this issue.
+Fixes CVE-2022-41715.
+Updates #55949.
+Fixes #55950.
+Change-Id: Ia656baed81564436368cf950e1c5409752f28e1b
+TryBot-Result: Security TryBots 
+Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
+Run-TryBot: Roland Shoemaker <>
+Reviewed-by: Julie Qiu <>
+Run-TryBot: Carlos Amedee <>
+Reviewed-by: Carlos Amedee <>
+Reviewed-by: Dmitri Shuralyov <>
+TryBot-Result: Gopher Robot <>
+Reviewed-by: Dmitri Shuralyov <>
+Upstream-Status: Backport 
+CVE: CVE-2022-41715
+Signed-off-by: Hitendra Prajapati <>
+ src/regexp/syntax/parse.go      | 145 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
+ src/regexp/syntax/parse_test.go |  13 +--
+ 2 files changed, 148 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/regexp/syntax/parse.go b/src/regexp/syntax/parse.go
+index 55bd20d..60491d5 100644
+--- a/src/regexp/syntax/parse.go
++++ b/src/regexp/syntax/parse.go
+@@ -90,15 +90,49 @@ const (
+ // until we've allocated at least maxHeight Regexp structures.
+ const maxHeight = 1000
++// maxSize is the maximum size of a compiled regexp in Insts.
++// It too is somewhat arbitrarily chosen, but the idea is to be large enough
++// to allow significant regexps while at the same time small enough that
++// the compiled form will not take up too much memory.
++// 128 MB is enough for a 3.3 million Inst structures, which roughly
++// corresponds to a 3.3 MB regexp.
++const (
++      maxSize  = 128 << 20 / instSize
++      instSize = 5 * 8 // byte, 2 uint32, slice is 5 64-bit words
++// maxRunes is the maximum number of runes allowed in a regexp tree
++// counting the runes in all the nodes.
++// Ignoring character classes p.numRunes is always less than the length of 
the regexp.
++// Character classes can make it much larger: each \pL adds 1292 runes.
++// 128 MB is enough for 32M runes, which is over 26k \pL instances.
++// Note that repetitions do not make copies of the rune slices,
++// so \pL{1000} is only one rune slice, not 1000.
++// We could keep a cache of character classes we've seen,
++// so that all the \pL we see use the same rune list,
++// but that doesn't remove the problem entirely:
++// consider something like [\pL01234][\pL01235][\pL01236]...[\pL^&*()].
++// And because the Rune slice is exposed directly in the Regexp,
++// there is not an opportunity to change the representation to allow
++// partial sharing between different character classes.
++// So the limit is the best we can do.
++const (
++      maxRunes = 128 << 20 / runeSize
++      runeSize = 4 // rune is int32
+ type parser struct {
+       flags       Flags     // parse mode flags
+       stack       []*Regexp // stack of parsed expressions
+       free        *Regexp
+       numCap      int // number of capturing groups seen
+       wholeRegexp string
+-      tmpClass    []rune          // temporary char class work space
+-      numRegexp   int             // number of regexps allocated
+-      height      map[*Regexp]int // regexp height for height limit check
++      tmpClass    []rune            // temporary char class work space
++      numRegexp   int               // number of regexps allocated
++      numRunes    int               // number of runes in char classes
++      repeats     int64             // product of all repetitions seen
++      height      map[*Regexp]int   // regexp height, for height limit check
++      size        map[*Regexp]int64 // regexp compiled size, for size limit 
+ }
+ func (p *parser) newRegexp(op Op) *Regexp {
+@@ -122,6 +156,104 @@ func (p *parser) reuse(re *Regexp) {
+ = re
+ }
++func (p *parser) checkLimits(re *Regexp) {
++      if p.numRunes > maxRunes {
++              panic(ErrInternalError)
++      }
++      p.checkSize(re)
++      p.checkHeight(re)
++func (p *parser) checkSize(re *Regexp) {
++      if p.size == nil {
++              // We haven't started tracking size yet.
++              // Do a relatively cheap check to see if we need to start.
++              // Maintain the product of all the repeats we've seen
++              // and don't track if the total number of regexp nodes
++              // we've seen times the repeat product is in budget.
++              if p.repeats == 0 {
++                      p.repeats = 1
++              }
++              if re.Op == OpRepeat {
++                      n := re.Max
++                      if n == -1 {
++                              n = re.Min
++                      }
++                      if n <= 0 {
++                              n = 1
++                      }
++                      if int64(n) > maxSize/p.repeats {
++                              p.repeats = maxSize
++                      } else {
++                              p.repeats *= int64(n)
++                      }
++              }
++              if int64(p.numRegexp) < maxSize/p.repeats {
++                      return
++              }
++              // We need to start tracking size.
++              // Make the map and belatedly populate it
++              // with info about everything we've constructed so far.
++              p.size = make(map[*Regexp]int64)
++              for _, re := range p.stack {
++                      p.checkSize(re)
++              }
++      }
++      if p.calcSize(re, true) > maxSize {
++              panic(ErrInternalError)
++      }
++func (p *parser) calcSize(re *Regexp, force bool) int64 {
++      if !force {
++              if size, ok := p.size[re]; ok {
++                      return size
++              }
++      }
++      var size int64
++      switch re.Op {
++      case OpLiteral:
++              size = int64(len(re.Rune))
++      case OpCapture, OpStar:
++              // star can be 1+ or 2+; assume 2 pessimistically
++              size = 2 + p.calcSize(re.Sub[0], false)
++      case OpPlus, OpQuest:
++              size = 1 + p.calcSize(re.Sub[0], false)
++      case OpConcat:
++              for _, sub := range re.Sub {
++                      size += p.calcSize(sub, false)
++              }
++      case OpAlternate:
++              for _, sub := range re.Sub {
++                      size += p.calcSize(sub, false)
++              }
++              if len(re.Sub) > 1 {
++                      size += int64(len(re.Sub)) - 1
++              }
++      case OpRepeat:
++              sub := p.calcSize(re.Sub[0], false)
++              if re.Max == -1 {
++                      if re.Min == 0 {
++                              size = 2 + sub // x*
++                      } else {
++                              size = 1 + int64(re.Min)*sub // xxx+
++                      }
++                      break
++              }
++              // x{2,5} = xx(x(x(x)?)?)?
++              size = int64(re.Max)*sub + int64(re.Max-re.Min)
++      }
++      if size < 1 {
++              size = 1
++      }
++      p.size[re] = size
++      return size
+ func (p *parser) checkHeight(re *Regexp) {
+       if p.numRegexp < maxHeight {
+               return
+@@ -158,6 +290,7 @@ func (p *parser) calcHeight(re *Regexp, force bool) int {
+ // push pushes the regexp re onto the parse stack and returns the regexp.
+ func (p *parser) push(re *Regexp) *Regexp {
++      p.numRunes += len(re.Rune)
+       if re.Op == OpCharClass && len(re.Rune) == 2 && re.Rune[0] == 
re.Rune[1] {
+               // Single rune.
+               if p.maybeConcat(re.Rune[0], p.flags&^FoldCase) {
+@@ -189,7 +322,7 @@ func (p *parser) push(re *Regexp) *Regexp {
+       }
+       p.stack = append(p.stack, re)
+-      p.checkHeight(re)
++      p.checkLimits(re)
+       return re
+ }
+@@ -305,7 +438,7 @@ func (p *parser) repeat(op Op, min, max int, before, 
after, lastRepeat string) (
+       re.Sub = re.Sub0[:1]
+       re.Sub[0] = sub
+       p.stack[n-1] = re
+-      p.checkHeight(re)
++      p.checkLimits(re)
+       if op == OpRepeat && (min >= 2 || max >= 2) && !repeatIsValid(re, 1000) 
+               return "", &Error{ErrInvalidRepeatSize, 
+@@ -509,6 +642,7 @@ func (p *parser) factor(sub []*Regexp) []*Regexp {
+                       for j := start; j < i; j++ {
+                               sub[j] = p.removeLeadingString(sub[j], len(str))
++                              p.checkLimits(sub[j])
+                       }
+                       suffix := p.collapse(sub[start:i], OpAlternate) // 
+@@ -566,6 +700,7 @@ func (p *parser) factor(sub []*Regexp) []*Regexp {
+                       for j := start; j < i; j++ {
+                               reuse := j != start // prefix came from 
+                               sub[j] = p.removeLeadingRegexp(sub[j], reuse)
++                              p.checkLimits(sub[j])
+                       }
+                       suffix := p.collapse(sub[start:i], OpAlternate) // 
+diff --git a/src/regexp/syntax/parse_test.go b/src/regexp/syntax/parse_test.go
+index 1ef6d8a..67e3c56 100644
+--- a/src/regexp/syntax/parse_test.go
++++ b/src/regexp/syntax/parse_test.go
+@@ -484,12 +484,15 @@ var invalidRegexps = []string{
+       `(?P<>a)`,
+       `[a-Z]`,
+       `(?i)[a-Z]`,
+-      `a{100000}`,
+-      `a{100000,}`,
+-      "((((((((((x{2}){2}){2}){2}){2}){2}){2}){2}){2}){2})",
+-      strings.Repeat("(", 1000) + strings.Repeat(")", 1000),
+-      strings.Repeat("(?:", 1000) + strings.Repeat(")*", 1000),
+       `\Q\E*`,
++      `a{100000}`,  // too much repetition
++      `a{100000,}`, // too much repetition
++      "((((((((((x{2}){2}){2}){2}){2}){2}){2}){2}){2}){2})",    // too much 
++      strings.Repeat("(", 1000) + strings.Repeat(")", 1000),    // too deep
++      strings.Repeat("(?:", 1000) + strings.Repeat(")*", 1000), // too deep
++      "(" + strings.Repeat("(xx?)", 1000) + "){1000}",          // too long
++      strings.Repeat("(xx?){1000}", 1000),                      // too long
++      strings.Repeat(`\pL`, 27000),                             // too many 
+ }
+ var onlyPerl = []string{

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